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 Alas, Babylon

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PostSubject: Alas, Babylon   Alas, Babylon I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2016 9:40 pm

Alas, Babylon 
Perspective on the News 
Wednesday, November 09, 2016 
Wendy Wippel 

Good morning, and welcome to a New World order.  Some commentators seem to see it as the onset of a 21st century Reign of terror. Huffington Post called it a “nightmare”.  Foxnews called it a “media primal scream that registered 11 on the Richter scale". Obama lackey, Van Jones called it a “white-lash” against a changing country. But nobody really saw it coming.

The next president of the United States is a rich, rude, pompous, inarticulate womanizer with no political background to bring to the job and a really bad comb-over. 

And I have to admit that though my primary vote was given to someone else, yesterday I did vote for him. I kind of had to hold my nose, but I did fill in the little Trump circle on my ballot.

(This is Mississippi. No fancy machines here.)

My preferred candidate won.

But I realize your results may differ. This election was brutally divisive. Even in my own Bible study small group –a group who has been together as a group for nearly ten years—individuals had different opinions.

Although that meant either voting Trump or not voting at all.

And unless you’ve been living on the moon you are aware of the general rancor that has permeated our Sweet Land of Liberty since the first primary.  One that became progressively irrational until we had people vandalizing election offices, stealing each other signs, and finally, electrifying signs to teach their differently-opinioned neighbors a lesson.

(It was a Trump sign.  I admit, I laughed real hard at that video when it went viral.) 
The Media, obviously, with their opinions and a microphone, stoked the flames, calling him a psychopath, painting him as a closet member of the KKK. Even, at one point reporters deciding, as a group, that Trump was dangerous (to their view of utopia, apparently) and agreeing to work to prevent his election.

That’s not how this works, is it?  Aren’t they just supposed to report what’s going on? 
And, of course, we had the usual list of A-list celebrities that vowed to leave the country if this day ever dawned.

Amy Schumer, for example.  She  recently told BBC Newsnight that anyone who doesn't like Hillary Clinton is uninformed, and that she would be moving to Spain if Hillary loses. “It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won. It's just too crazy,"
Jon Stewart’s moving to another planet. Why? "Because clearly this planet's gone bonkers."

Chelsea Handler? She’s going to Spain. She promises. "I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don't, I will leave the country."

Neve Campbell: Because Trump’s honesty "is terrifying," she told Huffington Post UK.

Lena Dunham is moving to Vancouver. "I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will."

Al Sharpton: "If Donald Trump is the nominee, I'm open to support anyone, while I'm also reserving my ticket out of here if he wins," he said at a press conference.

Actress Natasha Lyonne (Orange is the New Black): "[I'll move] to a mental hospital for a while because you're like 'why is this happening?'".

Amber Rose (a model): "I can't even think about it! I'm moving, I'm out! I can't. And I am taking my son with me!".

Samuel L. Jackson says he’ll move to south Africa.  He also offered the opinion that Trump was just  running for popularity.

Cher said she’s moving to Jupiter.

George Lopez told TMZ,  "that if Trump won, he won't have to worry about immigration, we'll all go back,".

Streisand vows to move to Canada, Raven-Symone does too. Who? Singers.

Miley Cyrus is just getting out of here. Who? Pop star. Where would she move? 


Ruth Bader Ginsburg going’s to New Zealand. (Maybe she can get a spot on their supreme court. And her on their supreme court for our supreme court would be a bonus.)

My response?  So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye . And don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

What kind of candidate Trump was, we all saw. And I have to admit, I spent a lot of time, courtesy of Trump, wincing during all those debates.  And my favorite candidate was and still is Carly Fiorina.

But what kind of president Trump will be is still to be seen.

The pundits are now calling this the great presidential upset in all history. One that was at root, a rejection of neoliberal autocracy and a desire for a return to our constitutional roots. A grassroots uprising that ultimately took the media, who did their best to whitewash Clinton’s history right into the white house, by complete surprise. A decisive condemnation of the current administration, in fact, with the Grand Old part retaining but the house and the senate. One liberal reporter actually cried as she reported election results.What I know for sure is that it is Yahweh who puts rulers in place and takes them out. Daniel said that.

And I know that the liberal media, AKA Babylon (their worldview completely upended) weeps this morning, and that has to be a cause on our end for jubilation.
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Alas, Babylon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alas, Babylon   Alas, Babylon I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2016 1:30 am

Very good. But here I thought you were gonna talk about the book "Alas, Babylon" by Pat Frank, a very good SHTF book written back in 1959. I have a dead tree paperback version and Kindle version. Y'all get a copy if ya don't already have one. It's pretty gritty. It's one of my personal favorites having read it at least a half dozen times. It never gets old.

Wikipedia wrote:
Alas, Babylon is a 1959 novel by American writer Pat Frank (the pen name of Harry Hart Frank) It was one of the first apocalyptic novels of the nuclear age and has remained more than half century after it was first published, consistently ranking in's Top 20 Science Fiction Short Stories list.

Alas, Babylon Alas-babylon-2

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