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 ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~

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PostSubject: ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 10:42 am

... --- ... .-. ..- -. (sos run)!
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  1. The "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States (Part One)

  2. Behind the Scenes with Celeste: Rumblings-Signs in the Heavens-Killer Electrons-AssyriansPole Shift (aka Crustal Displacement) and the Maps that shouldn’t exist



  7. House Democrats Mull Second Impeachment

Last edited by spring2 on Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:06 pm; edited 6 times in total
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... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ Empty
PostSubject: The "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States (Part One) ~ by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, December 24   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 10:44 am


The "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States (Part One)

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 - 11:35.

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Most people are familiar with the notion of a Red Dawn invasion. Before a Red Dawn invasion will occur, there must first be a Blue Dawn invasion. The Blue Dawn invasion will consist of Democratically controlled states that will provoke a civil war under the guise of enforcing the UN Small Arms Treaty. The enforcement of the UN Small Arms Treaty will necessarily consist of groups like the UN Peacekeepers and private state militias like the California State Military Reserve (CSMR) which only answers to Governor Newsome and has previously been identified of being in Ukraine as they try and foster a regime change along with Hunter Biden for the express purpose of concealing of top American politicians and family members, most of them from the Democratic Party. To avoid prosecution, these Democrats (ie Bolsheviks) need a civil war and a regime change and they are going to hang their hat on UN support. 
This is a two part series. In Part One, the organization structure and the facade of a legal structure will be exposed. Much of it is simply Democratic Party rhetoric. In Part Two, the operationalized plans will be revealed. This is a real threat and I hope you have your preps in order. 

The Coup Has Started 

There are people who are reporting that a military coup is in the works. I wrote about how America is going through a three stage transitional period which will result in the total loss of national sovereignty and individual civil liberties. 
The United States is a signatory to the UN small arms gun confiscation treaty. Former President Obama preiouvsly stated that he will pursue the same action in controlling guns as have Australia and Great Britain. This means gun confiscation and now, Obama and his Deep State colleagues have at least two Governors who plan to lead a military insurrection against the Constitution of the United States (ie California Governor Newsome and Virginia Governor Northam. Other "Blue States" are lining up to follow suit, but I have been asked, temporarily, to not mention these states because cases are being made against the Governors of these states.  Because Obama and Kerry signed the US onto the UN Small Arms Treaty, the UN believes that they have the unilateral right to seize all guns in America. Not for a second do I believe that the Democratic governors of this country can seize all the guns. However, they can set off a chain of events in which will culminate in civil war and the UN and its Peacekeepers will be deeply involved. 
In the meantime, just who will confiscate our guns? It will be the local law enforcement of this country that has first been federalized under Program 1033 and now internationalized under the control of the United Nations as this will be part of the enfiorcement strategy.
The UN global police was announced by former Attorney General Lynch in a statement made at the UN on September 28, 2015. New York mayor, DeBlasio said that such an organization is needed because of the threat of terrorists and extremists. Extremists is an euphemism that represents a person who does not agree with the destruction of the United States Constitution. This is a long-standing plan and America is lucky to have Donald Trump standing in the way, at least for the time being. 

According to the UN’s own disarmament website, a “regional instrument that aims to curtail small arms ownership and illicit trafficking in Southern Africa along with the destruction of surplus state weapons. It is a far-reaching instrument, which goes beyond that of a politically binding declaration, providing the region with a legal basis upon which to deal with both the legal and the illicit trade in firearms.” The UN is calling for the use of foreign troops to seize guns in member countries. 

If I am not being clear, please allow me a second lap around this topic. Governors' Newsome and Northam are going to invoke The United States membership in the UN Small Arms Treaty as a first step to seize the guns of the citizens of their respective states, and please remember, in the near future, the readers will learn there are more Blue states planning to do exactly the same the same thing. As we know, Mike Adams exposed Northam's intent to use roadblocks and UN troops to seize guns because Northam cannot trust his own National Guard to follow his orders in this regard. However, Newsome will not have the same problem as he has the rogue and unconstitutional California State Military Reserve to enforce his gun confiscation. Someone might say, wait a minute Dave, doesn't that Calfironia group may have a lot of veterans? The answer is yes they do, however, the ranks of this rogue force are secretly growning because of the CALEXIT factor. As Paul Preston and myself have been exposing for years, the CHICOMS are involved in CALEXIT. And with the CHICOMS controlling Long Beach Port for over two decades, there will be no shortage of CHICOM troops in this private army controlled by Governor Newsome. For a more detailed description of the CSMR, please see yesterday's article on how the CSMR is being used to attempt a coup in Ukraine. Cartel members will also swell the ranks of the CSMR. A detailed analysis will be offered in Part Two. 
The Kigali Principles have already been established as a precedent by the Cook County Commissioners in Illinois as they participated in a Beta test of UN authority to act under the conditions set forth in an agreement. On December 14, 2017, The Chicago Tribune reported the following:

Quote :
President Donald Trump’s implicit threat to put the National Guard on the streets of Chicago to tackle the city’s violence problem attracted widespread ridicule lastyear. But if the soldiers were instead wearing the sky blue helmets of United Nations peacekeepers there might not be such a problem, according to Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin, who flew to New York on Thursday to discuss what he described as a “quiet genocide” in Chicago’s black community with the U.N.’s assistant secretary-general for peacebuilding support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco. “The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told Inc. before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed. We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.” Asked how that might differ from sending in the National Guard, Boykin said, “The difference is, I’m not so sure that the National Guard is so used to peacekeeping and a peacekeeping role: The U.N. is trained in this.”

Newswire quoted The Common Sense Show reaction to this development:
Newsire quoted The Common Sense Show when they quoted myself on this matter as they stateed  Hodges wrote about this, in fact, saying: 

Quote :
For years, The Common Sense Show has been diligent in exposing the existence of UN troops on US soil who are simply waiting for a pretext to emerge and enforce martial law as the opening salvo for the takeover of America… The Common Sense Show has learned from a previously utilized and high ranking and well–placed source, that occupation troops of the United Nations, stationed in Chicago plan to use the extreme tenets for the NDAA to indefinitely detain, without due process that they arbitrarily deem to be a potential problem. The list of detainees WILL NOT be confined to armed gangsters who are creating mayhem and murder in Chicago. The list of permanent detainees may include members of the Deep State opposition.

O December 19, 2017, Newswire properly gave credit to myself and Steve Quayle for noting the presence of UN troops on US soil just waiting for the right moment to act.

Quote :
For the record, independent media journalists Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle have been warning about UN troops being unleashed on U.S. soil for many years. And for doing so, they have been derided as conspiracy theorists and lunatics.... Yet here we have an open admission by a Chicago Democrat that this is precisely the plan. It’s no longer just a theory. It’s an admission of the plan.

That was then, and this is now. The Cook County Commissioners are renewing their cries for help against increased gang-related violence. It is just a matter of time until renewed cries for UN troops reappear.
It should be noted that Steve Quayle and myself, and Steve for a lot longer than myself, have taken tremendous criticism for our unwavering position that there were UN troops on US soil just waiting for the right opportunity to act. Well, they now have the right situation. Remember, CALEXIT in its final phase was to revert to being a protectorate of the United Nations.


Part One has identified the UN-related pseudo legal structure that is in the process of being employed by treasonous Democratic Governors of their respective states. The list, as I indicated is going to grow. You will see Chinese troops wearing blue helmets working as enforcement agents for the UN Small Arms Treaty under the (legal) authority of the Kigali Principles. Please note, I have repeatedly warned America about the Kigali Principles and now that day has arrived when we are on the verge of having treasonous governors invoke this international (assumed) authority. 
In Part Two, I will be offering up detailed operationalized plans to carry out the enforcement of the UN Small Arms Treaty under the authority of the Kigali Principles.

Last edited by spring2 on Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Celeste: Rumblings-Signs in the Heavens-Killer Electrons-AssyriansPole Shift (aka Crustal Displacement) and the Maps that shouldn’t exist   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 11:02 am


Behind the Scenes with Celeste: Rumblings-Signs in the Heavens-Killer Electrons-AssyriansPole Shift (aka Crustal Displacement) and the Maps that shouldn’t exist

by Celeste Solum December 24, 2019



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What is on my radar?


  • Rumblings in the Heavens and on earth
  • Signs in the heavens declare cosmic catastrophe coming
  • Killer Electrons
  • Assyrians

Thank you to my patrons who make my writings possible.  You are each precious soul to my heart. 

The best way to support my work is through Patreon or PayPal

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Soon on Amazon and on my site (after today)! 

(It is uploaded it will be available when it finished their protocol)



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Sunspots are beginning to emerge.  This translates that Cycle 25 will begin within a year. 

This lull period is your opportunity to get your cosmic threat plan together for dealing with the potentially cataclysmic outbursts that the sun will throw our way.
Your Space Weather for today is:  Quiet with Anticipation.  Hurry up and wait for the next coronal hole sending wind and plasma particles our way.  Space Weather Dashboard
No sunspot flares yet, but it is now only a matter of time.  Such as this magnetic monster interface with the heavens:

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Nightside barrier gently brakes ‘bursty’ plasma bubbles
Physicists extend Rice Convection Model with details of magnetospheric buoyancy waves
The solar wind that pummels the Earth’s dayside magnetosphere causes turbulence, like air over a wing. Physicists at Rice University have developed new methods to characterize how that influences space weather on the nightside.  Read more

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Solar Effects on the Atmospheric Electric Field During 2010–2015 at Low Latitudes
Solar phenomena such as flares and solar energetic particles events are potential candidates to affect the global atmospheric electric circuit. One can study these effects using measurements of the atmospheric electric field in fair weather regions. The results show no deviation of the atmospheric electric field after solar flares, and an increase of about 10 V/m after solar proton events. The last result suggests possible ionization effects above thunderstorm in disturbed weather regions, which alters the global atmospheric electric circuit.
  Read the full text

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Watching the stars to watch as the universal electric sheet disrupts their magnetism ripples from the distant galaxies, solar system planets, earth and yes, our sun.  It is not good news my friends

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The Next End of the World: Video Link

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Cosmic Ray Updates: Link

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Killer Electron Genesis

On one side of the Earth, the Van Allen Probe identified characteristic signs of interaction between ultralow frequency waves and energetic electrons. On the opposite side, at the same point in time, the Arase satellite identified high-energy electron signatures, but no ultralow frequency waves.   The measurements indicate that the interaction region between electrons and waves is limited, but that the killer electrons then continue to travel on an eastward path around the Earth's magnetosphere.  Read more

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US Large Hail Trending East: Read peer paper

Solutions for the Cosmic Radiation that will increasingly destroy your health

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 Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions, God's Marvelous Protective Provisions for the Nuclear and Cosmic Superstorm CRISIS


 DOJ Starts ‘Operation Relentless Pursuit’ in Seven Cities 
Virginia forms active militia to protect sheriffs, citizens from unconstitutional laws
What is coming up this week in the Homeland Security Newswire:
HSNW will not publish Wednesday, 25 December.
On Thursday, 26 December, HSNW will list and discuss the major security trends and developments in 2019.
On Friday, 27 December, we will publish our predictions regarding the major security trends and developments in 2020. 


David Hasemyer writes that it has exposed the military's vulnerability to extreme weather, shining a light on its failure to prepare adequately and on the consequences this lack of preparation could have for U.S. national security.  Read more


But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.  The eye is the lamp of the body. If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.  Matthew 6:20-22

This does not mean that we do not prepare but rather seek first the kingdom of God and then our vision for preparation will be clear.

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David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 does an intriguing piece on coins

Coinage, Coin Weight, Food, and Grand Solar Minimums:  Video Link
The Milky Way  
Childhood ear infections, digestive diseases, learning disorders, and food allergies are just a few of the serious health concerns commonly associated with conventionally produced cow milk products.  And, many natural health experts tend to agree,  the modern process of high-heat pasteurization and homogenization is largely to blame for these chronic health issues.  Read more


A massive 2,034-foot asteroid will zoom past Earth just after Christmas

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NASA's Treasure Map for Water Ice on Mars

NASA has big plans for returning astronauts to the Moon in 2024, a stepping stone on the path to sending humans to Mars. But where should the first people on the Red Planet land? Read more

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NGC 3175 is located around 50 million light-years away in the constellation of Antlia ( Air Pump). The galaxy can be seen slicing across the frame in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, with its mix of bright patches of glowing gas, dark lanes of dust, bright core, and whirling, pinwheeling arms coming together to paint a beautiful celestial scene.  Read more


ALERT:  Cascadia, Central America, and the Kamchatka Peninsula all have been having earthquake swarms indicative of a major earthquake. 

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Scientists find iron 'snow' in Earth's core
The Earth's inner core is hot, under immense pressure, and 'snow'-capped, according to new research that could help scientists better understand forces that affect the entire planet. The snow is made of tiny particles of iron that fall from the molten outer core and pile on top of the inner core.  Read more

Magnetic Field since Life Began:  Greenland rocks suggest Earth’s magnetic field is older than we thought

The analysis finds that the planet’s protective shield was in place by at least 3.7 billion years ago, as early life arose.

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Earth’s magnetic field, shown here as white lines, helps the planet hold on to its atmosphere. Credit: SPL

Magnetic minerals in ancient Greenlandic rocks suggest that Earth’s magnetic field arose at least 3.7 billion years ago. The finding pushes back the time of the magnetic field’s birth to about 200 million years earlier than the commonly accepted estimate — around the time life first appeared on Earth.
Scientists think that having a magnetic field makes Earth more hospitable to life. The field, which is generated by liquid iron sloshing about in the planet’s core, shields Earth from energetic particles flowing from the Sun. It helps the planet hold on to its atmosphere and maintain liquid water on its surface.  Read more

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New electromagnetism models and experiments are momentous both for fundamental science and for diverse applications. It makes a hitherto unexplored connection between electromagnetism, material science, and condensed matter physics—one that could lead to further theoretical and experimental discoveries in all related fields, including chemistry and biology.  Read more

Amazon Echo speaker goes 'rogue,' tells scared mom to 'stab yourself.'


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Pole Shift (aka Crustal Displacement) and the Maps that shouldn’t exist

Ancient maps like the one by Piri Reis (above) have been validated by scholars who remain baffled and cannot explain their precision and level of detail.
Some of them were created as if the cartographer was able to see the land from the air before drawing the charts, yet many of these maps are thousands of years old, their mere existence adding credence to the theories of Hapgood and Thomas about “Crustal Slip.”  Read more
Cuneiform in America 4000 years ago:  Native Assyrians?

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Many Assyrians believe there's a historical connection between themselves and Native Americans. They see many similarities  -- tremendous bravery, a sense of homeland protection, eagle symbols, nature-inspired themes and designs, group dances, and music. 
Others think the idea is crazy. Assyrians and Native Americans are two different peoples from two different continents.
But how do we explain Chief Joseph's cuneiform tablet?
Chief Joseph, a revered Nez Perce leader, was a man of great honor. When he was captured by the American Army in 1877, he had an actual Assyrian cuneiform tablet in his medicine bag.  What Chief Joseph said about the tablet can only be considered the truth:
... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ Chief_joseph_cueniform_tablet"The chief said that the tablet had been passed down in his family for many generations and that they had inherited it from their white ancestors," said Mary Gindling of History Mysteries.  "Chief Joseph said that white men had come among his ancestors long ago, and had taught his people many things. His story echoes those told by Native Americans in both North and South America about white culture bringers. But in this case, Joseph had a souvenir to demonstrate the truth of his story."
The ancient tablet is made of baked clay and is one square inch in size. The cuneiform writing translates into a receipt for a lamb and dates it to about 2042 B.C.

The tablet was presumed to have been made in southern Iraq.
The mystery of Chief Joseph's tablet also has supporting evidence. In 1963, a cuneiform tablet was found in Georgia by Mrs. Joe Hearn as she dug in her garden. It was written in the Sumerian language by a scribe named Enlila and dates to about 2040 B.C.  The Hearn tablet records the sale of sheep and goats, which were transported to America for sacrifice to the Gods.  [url= News Archives/February 2010/A Common History of Assyrians.htm]Read more[/url]

The Chief Joseph Tablet

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In 1877 the respected leader of the Nez Perce tribe surrendered to the U. S. Government. At his surrender, Chief Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain (known by his Christian name Joseph), presented General Nelson Appleton Miles with a pendant, a 1-inch square clay tablet with writings unrecognizable to General Miles. The writing, which was translated by Dr. Robert D. Biggs, Assyyriology Professor at the University of Chicago, turned out to be a sales receipt dating back to 2042 B.C. in Assyria. It read:
“Nalu received one lamb from Abbashaga on the 11th day of the month of the festival of An, in the year Enmahgalanna was installed as a high priestess of Nanna.”
Chief Joseph said the tablet had been passed down in his family for many generations. How would his family come into possession of a nearly 4,000-year-old tablet? According to the Chief, they inherited it from their white ancestors.  Read more

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Ancient 300,000-year-old nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time
An Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that, given their level of technology, are completely at odds with their determined age based on physical, chemical, and geological evidence. Ooparts often are frustrating to conventional scientists and a delight to adventurous investigators and individuals interested in alternative scientific theories.
In 1991, the appearance of extremely tiny, coil-shaped artifacts found near the banks of Russia’s Kozhim, Narada, and Balbanyu rivers brought about a debate that has continued to this day. These mysterious and minuscule structures suggest that there may have been a culture capable of developing nanotechnology 300,000 years ago. Read more

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Archaeology dig in Spain yields prehistoric ‘crystal weapons’ from the Megalithic Site.

When you see a beautiful crystal, how do you feel? Perhaps the perfection of the diamond, or the vivid colors of the different gems are your thing? The fact is that people have been fascinated by crystals ever since they had first discovered them.
The gems ‘ names come from ancient cultures that were obsessed with them pretty much, adding them to their jewelry, kitchenware, and weapons.
Do you know that even the Bible describes the new Jerusalem after the apocalypse built all in gems and crystals?
An archeological excavation in Spain reveals that even in the 3rd millennium BC, crystals were an object of fascination and ritual.  Read more


There are two predominant models in play in America, one is the Chinese model and the other the Assyrian model.  The Assyrians were a barbaric and vicious people.  When they conquered, they would mix up peoples and forbid history, cultures, languages, all normalcy of the captives.  They would target the vulnerable first and then spread as metastatic cancer throughout the land.  It is troubling that America has Assyrian roots for the territorial spirits of these people are being animated and inhabiting certain populations such as politicians.  The bad news is that it will get significantly worse before Jesus returns, and it gets better.

Who Are the Assyrians?

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Dated from the beginning of the seventh century B.C., it shows Assyrian slingers in action at a siege of the Israelite city of Lachish in 710 B.C.
(Image: :copyright: British Museum)

The Assyrians are a people who have lived in the Middle East since ancient times and today can be found all over the world. 
In ancient times their civilization was centered at the city of Assur (also called Ashur), the ruins of which are located in what is now northern Iraq. The city had a god that was also called Assur or Ashur. The territory that the Assyrians controlled could be vast, stretching at times from southern Iraq to the Mediterranean Coast. 

The city of Assur first gained its independence about 4,000 years ago. Before independence, the city was controlled by a people known as the Sumerians and only gained its independence after the Sumerian civilization declined. Read more


Why Some People Think Ancient Sumerians Were Visited By Aliens

The Anunnaki were ancient Sumerian gods, descended from the supreme deity An. But, some historians claim the Sumerians may have believed them to be extraterrestrial.

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Public Domain A carving depicting ancient Anunnaki mystics.

Before the great pantheon of ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian gods, there were the ancient Sumerian gods of Mesopotamia. These people lived in the Middle East in present-day Iraq and Iran. The Anunnaki served as the chief gods of these ancient Sumerians.

The Anunnaki came from An, the chief god of gods who ruled over all gods in ancient Sumeria. They were sky gods who came from the heavens, and Babylonian creation myths say that there were 300 Anunnaki assigned to guard heaven and another 300 to guard the underworld. The Anunnaki make an appearance in the Epic of Gilgamesh as the hero is so fantastic and worthy that he judges the great gods.  Read more


Who Are the Nephilim?
The mysterious beings of Genesis 6
 The Nephilim, the product of the sons of god mingling with the daughters of Adam, the great Biblical giants, “the fallen ones,” the Rephaim, “the dead ones”—these descriptions are all applied to one group of characters found within the Hebrew Bible. Who are the Nephilim? From where do the “heroes of old, the men of renown” come?
Genesis 6:1–4 tells the readers that the Nephilim, which means “fallen ones” when translated into English, was the product of copulation between the divine beings (lit. sons of god) and human women (lit. daughters of Adam). The Nephilim are known as great warriors and Biblical giants (see Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33). Read more

A Rival to Solomon’s Temple
The Place of Worship at Tel Moẓa Explained
In 2012, archaeologists made a stunning discovery: a temple within sight of Jerusalem in the period following the reign of King Solomon. Established around 900 B.C.E., and functional until the early sixth century B.C.E., this Judahite temple at Tel Moẓa defies everything we would have expected.

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THE NEWLY BUILT HIGHWAY 1 runs through the archaeological site at Tel Moẓa. It was during the surveys preceding the planned road construction that an Iron Age II temple was discovered at the site in 2012.
Credit: Courtesy of the Tel Moẓa Expedition Project

The Bible credits kings Hezekiah and Josiah (late eighth and late seventh century B.C.E., respectively) with authoritatively consolidating Jahve’s worship to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, eliminating all other cultic activities in the territory under their control (2 Kings 18, 23; 2 Chronicles 29–31, 34–35). So what could a rival temple be doing less than 4 miles northwest of Jerusalem during the Iron Age II—the time of Solomon’s Temple—when the Bible says the only temple in Judah was in Jerusalem?


2019 was nuts for neuroscience.
A showdown pitting man against technological beast is underway:

  • Mano battle of where consciousness arises in the brain,
  • Wildly creative theories of why our brains are so powerful,
  • First complete brain wiring diagram of any species.
  • Birth of “hybrid” brain atlases that seek to interrogate brain function from multiple levels—genetic, molecular, and wiring, synthesizing individual maps into multiple comprehensive layers.

Brain organoids also had a wild year. These lab-grown nuggets of brain tissue, not much larger than a lentil, sparked with activity similar to preterm babies, made isolated muscles twitch, and can now be cloned into armies of near-identical “siblings” for experimentation—prompting a new round of debate on whether they’ll ever gain consciousness.

  • A boom in neurotech decoding the brain:
  • Engineering robotic limbs that can truly feel. 
  • Light-based nervous systems that give robots multitudes of sensations.  Wild West of brain-computer interfaces restoring broken brain circuits
  • Scientists Reboot the Brain, Blurring Life and Death
  • An ‘Internet of Brains’ Lays the Foundation for a Possible Human ‘Hive Mind’
  • Brain-Reading Tech Takes a Leap Forward by Deciphering Speech and Video
  • A Boom in Creative Alzheimer’s Treatments

The next two articles reveal the UN depopulation engineering is active and proceeding forward:
A new study shows an animal’s lifespan is written in the DNA. For humans, it’s 38 years (from the UN)

Extrapolating from genetic studies of species with known lifespans, we found that the extinct woolly mammoth probably lived around 60 years, and bowhead whales can expect to enjoy more than two and a half centuries of life.
Our research, published today in Scientific Reports, looked at how DNA changes as an animal ages – and found that it varies from species to species and is related to how long the animal is likely to live.  Read more
Fat people (obese-are responsible for Greenhouse Gas, so they must be expunged from life. 
Obesity Accounts for Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Equivalent to Total Output of Canada, Study Finds
Calculations suggest that compared with a normal-weight individual, a person with obesity is “responsible” for an extra 81 kg/year of CO2eq from higher metabolism, an extra 593 kg/y of CO2eq from greater food and drink consumption and an extra 476 kg/y of CO2eq for car and air transportation (41% of total). The total equates to about 20% more than the total emissions attributed to a lean person.  Read More


In the days to come as the sun awakens from her slumber and the celestial bodies take to the stage for End Times drama, we may want to remember the following:
Psalm 136:
7 To him, that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever:
8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:
9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth forever.
The endowment of this great brilliance are assigned relationship with life upon earth and are divided into night and day.  Most of the verbs in this Psalm are in the present tense, meaning that God is daily (consistently) renewing and managing their existence and influences.
The great luminaries refer to the sun and the moon.  They are crucial to the survival and sustenance of man and the entire world.  The Psalmist describes the luminaries in their original magnitude, when both the sun and moon were great lights of equal size (see Genesis 1:16)  The original larger size of the moon as meant as a kindness to the world, for the extra reflected light would have dispelled the gloom and danger of night.  Even in this original state, when the moon was so large, it was positioned in the sky so that its light would not strike the earth with the same intensity as the sunlight.  The sun is referred to in scripture as one single sun (in the perspective of us earthlings) while the moon and stars are referred to as manifold, in the plural.  
God Bless you from the trenches.  Be safe, everyone.

Last edited by spring2 on Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: INVISIBLE INK TATTOOS COULD BE USED BY THE ELITES TO IDENTIFY UNVACCINATED KIDS:The invisible 'tattoo' accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting cry   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 11:14 am


INVISIBLE INK TATTOOS COULD BE USED BY THE ELITES TO IDENTIFY UNVACCINATED KIDS:The invisible 'tattoo' accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared li 
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PostSubject: 2014 FLASHBACK: THE IMPORTANCE OF UKRAINE FROM AN INTELLIGENCE CONTACT   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 11:22 am



 Douglas J. Hagmann

December 23, 2019

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The ongoing coup against President Donald Trump has pivoted from Russia to Ukraine, as information about events taking place inside and surrounding Ukraine, former Vice-President Joseph Biden, Hunter Biden, and pay-to-play operations are gradually being made known to the American public. This “open secret,” however, has an even darker history that’s related to the “Arab Spring,” the attacks in Benghazi, and the “President Hillary Clinton War Plan” that was interrupted with the election of President Trump. 
I first published this report on July 24, 2014 – five-and-a-half years ago – based, in part, on information I received from a source with contacts inside the intelligence community. The “blowback” I received for publishing this article was more intense than I expected. In consideration of the headlines today, and the limited understanding by most people in the West about Ukraine, the larger plan for global conflict, and the relevance of Ukraine today, I decided to revisit and update my report. The following is the report published on July 24, 2014, with a few important updates. It proves that the information provided by my source with IC contacts was dead-on accurate. Additionally, I believe that it proves that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would have led the US – and the world – into their desired outcome of global conflict.   
Readers who followed my many reports exposing the truth about the September 11, 2012 attack of the CIA compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans have witnessed the painfully slow process of that truth gradually evolving into the mainstream, validating my information and source. I noted then and note now that we have witnessed the painfully slow process of various truths that gradually evolved into the mainstream, validating my information and source.
From beginning to end, the West, and particularly Americans, were lied to about nearly every aspect of the United States involvement, specifically under Barack Hussein Obama and the Hillary Clinton Department of State, in Libya, Syria and the entirety of the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East. These lies were deliberately advanced by a captured corporate media adherent to the same ideological bias as the Renegade-in-Chief – Barack Hussein Obama – and his staff of co-conspirators, combined with colluding pseudo-Conservative Republicans in Congress and their sycophants in the media to keep the truth from the American public.
The plain and simple truth that few are willing to address publicly is that we were being led into World War III by globalists who are busily setting fires to the geopolitical dry tinder spread across the Middle East, North Africa and now Ukraine to create a global conflagration. World War III needs to happen at any cost, and the environment is such that the slightest misstep, mistake or event by design could ignite a global conflict that will change the world forever. It’s just that simple.
Myopia of World Affairs
Those who dutifully watch the network news channels, listen to political talk radio or read the analysis of political and news pundits in print will fall perilously short of understanding the bigger picture of world events. We are watching a target-rich environment of increasingly dire headlines, each seemingly fundamentally different and unrelated. A more extensive investigation into each event, however, suggests otherwise. World events, despite their geographical distance and categorical differences, do not happen in a vacuum. The world superpowers are actively engaged in asymmetrical warfare by proxy. War by proxy, however, could change in an instant. We’re already seeing countries choosing sides in the coming global conflict.
It is admittedly difficult to understand how an invasion of illegal aliens is related to events taking place in North and West Africa and Ukraine, for example. Nonetheless, it is symptomatic of our myopic affliction that is exacerbated by the constant barrage of lies coming from our leaders and parroted by analysts, intellectuals, pundits and “experts” who ultimately work for the globalists. Others, perhaps, merely cannot see beyond the fictitious political paradigm or choose not to stray beyond their comfort zone of normalcy. Regardless of the affliction or reason, it’s time that we all address what is taking place as adults, as things are about to become deadly serious for each of us.
U.S., Russia, Syria, and Ukraine
... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ Screen-Shot-2019-12-24-at-5.50.52-AMVeiled by the dust cloud of the Arab Spring that has been shown to be planned, orchestrated and carried out in large part by Western intelligence interests spearheaded by a rogue criminal cabal of globalists led by the Renegade-in-Chief and his co-conspirators, the world watched as Hillary Rodham Clinton could not contain her glee that Libyan leader Gadaffi has been toppled and murdered.
That set in motion the creation of the largest international arms running operation in the Middle East in violation of U.S. and international law. Working in tandem with the British, French, Qataris and other countries advancing a Saudi agenda, hundreds of tons of arms shipments were being ferried from Libya to strategic staging areas near the Syrian border, including sites in Turkey.
The target was then and now (by the globalists) continues to be Syria. Warnings from Russia failed to slow or stop this agenda of taking out Assad and infusing Syria into the growing transnational Islamic Caliphate. Turkey, a vital member of NATO seemed to be caught “between Iraq and a hard place,” as the Saudi-backed West plans for reshaping the Middle East used that nation as a staging area to arm the otherwise impotent anti-Assad rebels with better equipment and manpower.
Perhaps that was the reason for the meeting between U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and the Turkish representative at the villa in Benghazi. Perhaps it was to convey the message that Putin would no longer tolerate the deliberate destabilization inside Syria, which holds both economic and militarily strategic advantages for Russia. Yet, the process of Western-backed destabilization continues, although not in the manner that was initially intended.
As I previously noted based on information from my intelligence source, the rebels were to be eventually aided by NATO under a convoluted pretext of protecting the refugees and victims of this “spontaneous” civil war in Syria. Attempts to overtly intervene in Syria by Saudi-backed Western interests were attempted at least four separate times, yet each time the plans were thwarted and exposed. Alternate plans had to be implemented.
Today (in 2014), we see U.S. equipped and Western-backed ISIS, the most insanely ruthless Islamic war machine opening a new front against Syria. This was not by accident but by design, as the U.S. military virtually handed over the keys to the arms depots and vehicles left in Iraq. In addition to the retaking of Iraq city by city, Syria is next on their march in the larger scheme to build a Caliphate across the region. All of this is taking place with the imprimatur of Barack Hussein Obama, who by all appearances, seems to be a foreign asset of the Saudi royals. (2019 Note: This policy would have been further advanced by a Hillary Clinton Presidency, but was stopped by President Trump). Perhaps now those who had the audacity to vilify patriotic Americans who dared question his undocumented origins, bona fides and ultimately, his allegiance should consider the last six years.
With the Middle East in flames (in 2014) and as we stand at the precipice of global conflict, it is beyond the time that we should know to whom the Renegade-in-Chief answers, for it is certainly not the American people. Nor is it the Syrian people, where the Western-backed support of the rebels has caused over a quarter of a million deaths millions of refugees.
Against that backdrop, is it not clear that we are fully engaged in an all-out proxy war against Russia, from Syria and now to Ukraine? For it is a similar template used in Syria that we see in Ukraine.
As we are being fed a steady diet of misinformation about Ukraine and Russia, specifically about [the 2014] downing of two Ukrainian fighter jets, perhaps now would be a good time to ask a simple, but critically important question:
Is it possible, since Russia has one of the most extensive satellite and radar systems covering every inch of Ukraine and surrounding areas, that the fighter jets might very well be NATO assets, piloted by NATO pilots, and taking off from NATO airfields, maybe from places like Azerbaijan? How might such a revelation change the perception of world events, should it become known that NATO and other Western interests area behind the recent escalation?
Do not make the mistake of considering Libya, Syria and Ukraine as different crime scenes with different motives and suspects. At most, they can be considered as primary and secondary crime scenes, but the motives and bloody fingerprints of the usual globalist suspects are common to them all.
Like misanthropic serial killers, they will not stop until they’ve accomplished their objectives of the wholesale slaughter of a misled and myopic and population.
As stated by my intelligence source, this entire situation contains all of the elements that could result in things getting out of control very, very quickly. It’s time to lose the blinders, stop accepting the official narratives and abbreviated sound bites, and understand that our very existence is at stake.
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PostSubject: EPSTEIN NETWORK STILL UP & OPERATIONAL, RECRUITING YOUNG GIRLS   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 11:37 am


cee more @ link above


December 24, 2019

from InfoWars:
... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ 122319aviloopShock video shows young ‘stewardesses’ advertising to elite clients
In an in-depth, extremely important interview, Alex Jones and a guest investigator break down undeniable evidence that individuals directly linked to the late Jeffrey Epstein – ones associated with him for many, many years – are linked to businesses promoted by – and offering contact with – young, solicitous models dressed in stewardess and pilot costumes.
This information has been hiding in plain view this entire time, but the mainstream media has largely been hesitant to cover the story and its salaciousness, choosing instead to focus simply on Epstein who’s conveniently dead.

Case in point, one of Epstein’s former associates owns and runs an aviation marketing company called Aviloop which was promoted by young “deal attendants” – wearing costumes instead of uniforms – explaining the services offered to elite clients of executive jet travel.
“We offer deals on flight lessons, pilot accessories, fuel, FBO [fixed-based operator] services, charter flights and even small aircraft,” says one young model in an solicitous ad uploaded to YouTube on Aug. 5, 2011. “Our deals are usually 50 to 90% off, that means whether you want to learn to fly, charter an airplane or see more girls like me, Aviloop can help.”

Here’s one of Aviloop’s “Deal Attendants” in a 2011 ad posted to YouTube.

Aviloop was operated from addresses linked to an East 66th Street Manhattan condominium building once majority-owned by Epstein’s brother Mark, according to the investigator, a finding of which was also reported by The Guardian.
Additionally, Aviloop apparently has a sister company called Aviatri, which is branded as a “complete ecosystem for aspiring and licensed female pilots,” with a young-looking girl in pilot’s attire featured on the company’s splash page.
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Interestingly, the investigator said that after he contacted Mark for comment, and later Aviatri directly, the company pulled down the majority of its web site, including links about how to get involved.
Sure enough, a web archive version of the site from July 9 reveal how the site appeared before his inquiry:
“Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of Andrew’s who was jailed in 2008 for soliciting prostitution from a minor, was accused in 2011 court documents of using the [East 66th Street Manhattan] building to house young women,” The Guardian reported. “Several rented condominiums in the building have been lived in by Epstein associates, according to public records.”
The Guardian also reported that Mark denied having knowledge of the business.

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Here’s another one of Aviloop’s “Deal Attendants.”
The story reveals that the ‘young women in aviation’ shtick once used by Epstein is alive and well in a business ran by his former associate.
Other media outlets we’ve contacted about the story said they were aware of it, but they avoided reporting on the story under the belief that ‘the information was already known, so why report on it?’
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PostSubject: SOCIALIST IS MISSPELLING FOR COMMUNIST   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:28 pm

Communist Control Act of 1954 

U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 637, Chp. 886, p. 775-780 AN ACT To outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Communist Control Act of 1954''.
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PostSubject: Re: ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:28 pm

Communist Control Act of 1954 

U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 637, Chp. 886, p. 775-780 AN ACT To outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Communist Control Act of 1954''.
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PostSubject: Re: ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:29 pm

Communist Control Act of 1954 

U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 637, Chp. 886, p. 775-780 AN ACT To outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the ''Communist Control Act of 1954''.
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PostSubject: Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United State   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:31 pm

Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. 

That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." 

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. 

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. 
Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. 
Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.

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Last edited by spring2 on Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:33 pm

Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. 

That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." 

This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. 

All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. 
Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. 
Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.

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PostSubject: House Democrats Mull Second Impeachment   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:36 pm


House Democrats Mull Second Impeachment

December 24, 2019

from ZeroHedge:
... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ Trump%20wtf
House Democrats may conduct a second impeachment of President Trump, according to lawyers for the Judiciary Committee.
In a Monday court filing reported by Politico, House Counsel Douglas Letter argued that they still need testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn, which may uncover new, impeachable evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct the Russiagate investigation (of a crime he didn’t commit).
[url= wtf.jpg?itok=xTqZJq-v][/url]

“If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” reads Letter’s filing.

Quote :
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Kyle Cheney


 · Dec 23, 2019

Replying to @kyledcheney @joshgerstein
[ltr]JUST IN: Judiciary Committee argues that McGahn testimony is still urgent because it could factor into recommending "additional articles of impeachment."[/ltr]

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Quote :
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Kyle Cheney


[ltr]Underscoring this point, House lawyers say if McGahn's testimony yields more evidence of obstruction it could lead to "new articles of impeachment."[/ltr]

... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ EMfdIDSWkAAvYbI?format=jpg&name=small

10:25 AM - Dec 23, 2019
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The Democrats also argue that “McGahn’s testimony is critical both to a Senate trial and to the Committee’s ongoing impeachment investigations to determine whether additional Presidential misconduct warrants further action by the Committee,” adding that McGahn’s testimony may also be relevant to future legislation which may stem from the details of Trump’s conduct.
And while DOJ lawyers acknowledged in a Monday brief that the legal fight over McGahn isn’t moot, the fact that the House Judiciary Committee moved forward with impeachment on a completely different matter removes the urgency to resolve their case.
“The reasons for refraining are even more compelling now that what the Committee asserted — whether rightly or wrongly — as the primary justification for its decision to sue no longer exists,” wrote lawyers for the DOJ. The agency also argues that the Mueller impeachment investigation is over, when House lawyers and lawmakers have described it as ongoing and active, according to the report.
McGahn’s participation in House impeachment proceedings was blocked by the White House, which claimed “absolute immunity” for advisers.
President Trump chimed in over Twitter following the Monday court filing, quoting “Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade, who said “now all of a sudden they are saying maybe we’ll go back and visit the Mueller probe, which is absolutely unbelievable, and shows they don’t care about the American public’s tone deafness…”

Quote :
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Donald J. Trump


 · 7h

[ltr]“The Dems are complicating matters again. Keeping Mueller out of it was the focus. Keeping it crisp & simple was the key, and now all of a sudden they are saying maybe we’ll go back and visit the Mueller probe, which is absolutely unbelievable, and shows they don’t care about....[/ltr]

Quote :
... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ KUuht00m_normal

Donald J. Trump


[ltr]....the American public’s tone deafness - & it should be intolerable, because the American people have had it with this.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats have gone CRAZY. They want to make it as hard as possible for me to properly run our Country![/ltr]

5:15 AM - Dec 24, 2019
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DOJ attorneys argued that the upcoming Senate trial is yet another reason for the judicial branch to refrain from the case.
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PostSubject: the democratic party that allowed the creation of The Federal Reserve. If they never did that, we wouldn’t have trillions of dollars in debt. The great recession would of never happened (The Fed cause   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:40 pm

It’s a little known fact that it was the democratic party that allowed the creation of The Federal Reserve. If they never did that, we wouldn’t have trillions of dollars in debt. The great recession would of never happened (The Fed caused that) and there wouldn’t of been two world wars.

December 24, 2019 by IWB

Facebook[size=6]0[url= a little known fact that it was the democratic party that allowed the creation of The Federal Reserve. If they never did that, we wouldn%E2%80%99t have trillions of dollars in debt. The great recession would of never happened (The Fed caused that) and there wouldn%E2%80%99t of been two world wars. -]Twitter[/url][email=?to=&subject=It%E2%80%99s%20a%20little%20known%20fact%20that%20it%20was%20the%20democratic%20party%20that%20allowed%20the%20creation%20of%20The%20Federal%20Reserve.%20If%20they%20never%20did%20that,%20we%20wouldn%E2%80%99t%20have%20trillions%20of%20dollars%20in%20debt.%20The%20great%20recession%20would%20of%20never%20happened%20(The%20Fed%20caused%20that)%20and%20there%20wouldn%E2%80%99t%20of%20been%20two%20world%20wars.&body=by%20bbennett36%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AI%20know%20most%20people%20don%27t%20know%20the%20truth%20about%20The%20Federal%20Reserve.%20The%20truth%20is%20-%20]Email[/email]RSS feed - Syndicate IWBSubscribe To Our Newsletter
by bbennett36
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I know most people don’t know the truth about The Federal Reserve. The truth is the people that the dems allowed to create the Federal Reserve were the same bankers that controlled the money in Europe. They sold America to them on a silver platter. That single event led to all of the economic problems that we have to this day.

It’s a known fact that the Fed purposely created the great depression and they’ve admitted to it. Those same bankers are also responsible for both world wars. They start wars like that to create massive amounts of debt that we will never be able to pay off.

It’s also a little known fact that our economy ALWAYS had tariffs and trade deals like Trump has been pushing prior to the Federal Reserve. All of the anti-Trumpers think this is something new when in reality, it’s in our DNA.
The democrats always have been and always will be the anti-American party. When you go way back, they were the free masons that had connections to the ruling party in Europe that we were trying to escape from. The whig party was founded by by the merging of the Anti-Masonic party and National Republican Party.[/size]
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PostSubject: FED RESERVE SHAM ~ Excessive Money-Pump Is “Reinforcing The Inevitable Unraveling Of Imbalances”   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 2:44 pm

The Fed’s Excessive Money-Pump Is “Reinforcing The Inevitable Unraveling Of Imbalances”

December 24, 2019 by IWB


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The highly probable and downright inevitable unwind of today’s trifecta of financial asset bubbles: stocks, corporate credit, and Treasury bonds may soon morph into brutal bear market. The end game is unstoppable in our view and approaching fast. The Fed is between a rock and a hard place. It has been printing money like it’s the depth of the Global Financial Crisis while stocks and corporate credit are flying high reflecting a dangerous combination. The panic stimulus at this point in the business cycle is completely understandable, but it is only hastening the unwind of the imbalances the central bank has created and been impossibly trying to maintain. The idea that money printing is an insurance policy that does not come with a cost is simply wrong.

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Repo Crisis
The Fed is in fight-or-flight mode because there are very real credit bottlenecks in the plumbing of the banking system that have created a US Treasury funding emergency. The central bank has been forced to add $364 billion of Treasury securities to its balance sheet over last four months and has committed to another $471 billion though mid-January. The money printing was necessary to fight a repo market funding shortage that warns of a systemic financial crisis in the making. Usually when the repo alarm bell flashes, it’s too late. Because of the Fed’s swift action, mayhem was averted but likely only in the very short-term. Major imbalances remain. One huge problem is that investors at large do not even know what a repo crisis means, so they have been interpreting the cash injections as a reason to go all in on risky assets. The bullish investor sentiment and positioning among investors last week reached the highest levels we have ever seen. Such ebullience in the past has been associated with major stock market tops. Today, we have structural imbalances and catalysts to make that a highly likely scenario, potentially even as we head into year end.
The Fed miscalculated the level of reserves it should have kept in the system so that banks can smoothly supply credit to the securities and FX markets and fulfill their regulatory capital requirements at the same time. So, it was a complete surprise on September 17, when US Treasury repo funding market froze up and the overnight rate jumped as high as 10% that day. Since then, the Fed has been trying to prevent a disorderly deleveraging of the entire financial system. Short-term interbank lending is the core of the entire financial system. When repo rates spike, it means there is not even enough cash in the system for banks to support the Treasury market, let alone the rest of the securities and FX markets to allow their normal functioning. For instance, when the repo rate jumped in September 2008, it froze the global financial system and bankrupted Lehman Brothers, so it’s a big problem.
The repo rate is also the short-term financing cost for financial institutions such as hedge funds to buy Treasury securities on margin including buying long duration Treasuries to speculate on a declining interest rates and/or deflation. It is one side of the popular risk parity trade among large hedge funds and institutional investors. In 2019, investors crowded into long duration Treasuries as the yield curve inverted in anticipation of a recession. The 10-year yield had its biggest year-over-year decline ever.  After such a move, this trade simply became too crowded. In our view, it has already played out. Today, we believe there is a strong case for rising global yields on the long end of the curve as we explain below.
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One thing the average investor is likely not paying attention to is the selloff on the long end of the Treasury curve which indicates that the repo funding problem may not been contained yet. Rising long-dated yields preceded the September shock and have only continued during the emergency Fed injections. Large hedge funds and institutions have crowded into leveraged long bond positions which rely on repo funding. If credit tightness continues these positions could be forced unwind creating more market instability necessitating the official beginning of the QE4. It’s key to note that it’s not just US Treasuries but the entire global sovereign long end that has been selling off.
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Running Hot
The Fed’s monetary policy is running hot and long-term interest rates aren’t aligned accordingly. John Taylor, a Stanford University economist once considered to lead the Federal Reserve, developed a formula to calculate where the Fed funds rate should hypothetically be according to inflation rates, strength of the labor market, and potential output of the economy. Using that as our baseline for interest rates, the Fed isn’t just running an aggressive inflationary policy on the short end of the curve, long-term rates are also notably out of balance. For instance, the 10-yr yield vs. the Baseline Taylor Rule rate is now at its most extreme in 44 years. Inflation became a problem during all times this spread went negative. What makes this issue even more unique is the fact that on top of running an extreme loose rate policy, the Fed is printing money in a massive way. It’s hard to say monetary policy won’t come at a major cost this time.
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This is not only a domestic phenomenon. We see this issue worldwide. Germany’s case, for instance, is twice as extreme. According to the Taylor rule formula, short term interest rate should be close to 8%. In contrast, ECB rates are close to -0.5% while bunds’ 10-year yields are at -0.22%. The spread of between German long-term rates and its baseline Taylor rule rate is now at its highest level in history.
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Below are similar disparities across the globe to consider. Most of them are in Europe, but almost the entire world should start seeing more pressure on long-term interest rates to rise while global central banks continue to run aggressive monetary policies to foster a global economic expansion now nearing exhaustion while funding record indebted governments.

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The Labor Market and Consumer Confidence – Falling into Place
Stocks are on pace for their best performance in 22 years all the while many key fundamentals such as corporate earnings and industrial production have been deteriorating all year. Continued gains for the broad stock market in 2020 are highly improbable in our view as even more of the key fundamentals in the jobs and consumer market are only just starting to roll over from exuberant extremes.
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Among the many imbalances and catalysts we cited in last month’s recent research letter, the over-extended labor market is showing significant signs of cooling. The lagging and contrarian unemployment rate from the Bureau of Labor Statistics remains near cycle lows, just like it always does at the peak of a business cycle, right before a market downturn and recession. Meanwhile, three leading employment indicators are showing signs of significant cracks:
(1) Declining BLS Job Openings;
(2) Spiking DOL Initial Jobless Claims; and
(3) A recent plunge in the ADP Employment Report
The ADP report calls into question the more optimistic BLS job numbers with the largest negative divergence since 2010. The year-over-year change for ADP payrolls is decelerating in a pattern last seen directly ahead of the Global Financial Crisis. What’s crucial is that the 3-month rolling average of ADP payrolls leads the rate of change in unemployment rate by 3 months with a correlation of almost 0.9!
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We have likely reached peak consumer complacency, another key piece of the macro puzzle. After retesting tech bubble levels, the Bloomberg Personal Finance Survey index is now falling and significantly diverging from the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence. With the jobs market topping out, we believe consumer confidence will be the next shoe to drop.
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Cost of Capital Poised to Rise
The bull case for stocks rests on one major liquidity force, the cost of capital. That’s driven by the availability of credit and the strength of company fundamentals. When looking at equities broadly, aggregate earnings per share for Russell 3000 index just started to fall on a year over year basis. Furthermore, corporate balance sheets never looked so weak. Leverage ratios are at record highs, and in contrast, companies with a junk credit status are now borrowing money at their lowest levels since the peak of the housing bubble. For instance, the Bloomberg Barclay High Yield (Ex-Energy) Index today is at its lowest premium to 10-year Treasuries since June of 2007.
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When default risk returns and interest rates spike higher, many of these low-credit-quality businesses will not survive. Since WeWork had to scrap its plans to go public and other recent new issues broke below their IPO price, investors have been turning their focus away from top-line growth towards companies that have underlying free cash flow profitability, or at least a clear path to get there soon. We believe this shift in mindset is already forcing companies to either raise prices of goods and services or cut costs to improve margins, and we expect this trend to continue. These changes should have a significant impact on consumer prices, labor markets, and the business cycle.
In this backdrop, we question if the demand for low-rated bonds will remain strong relative to higher quality assets. Junk bonds only yield 180 basis points higher than median CPI! It’s the lowest level in the history of the data.
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To add to the bearish thesis, the 3-month implied volatility for put options on JNK, a high yield corporate bond ETF, is now at its lowest level ever. Prior cyclical lows in volatility preceded significant selloffs in this ETF as well as overall stocks. We view this as an opportunistic entry point to short junk bonds ahead of a business cycle downturn that is fast approaching.
Precious Metals
Precious metals are poised to benefit from what we consider to be the best macro set up we’ve seen in our careers. The stars are all aligning. We believe strongly that this time monetary policy will come at a cost. Look in the chart below at how the new wave of global money printing just initiated by the Fed in response to the Treasury market funding crisis is highly likely to pull depressed gold prices up with it.
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The imbalance between historically depressed commodity prices relative to record overvalued US stocks remains at the core of our macro views. On the long side, we believe strongly commodities offer tremendous upside potential on many fronts. Precious metals remain our favorite. We view gold the ultimate haven asset to likely outperform in an environment of either a downturn in the business cycle, rising global currency wars, implosion of fiat currencies backed by record indebted government, or even a full-blown inflationary set up. These scenarios are all possible. Our base case is that governments and central banks will keep their pedals to the metal to attempt to fend off credit implosion or to mop up after one has already occurred until inflation becomes a persistent problem.
The gold and silver mining industry is precisely where we see one of the greatest ways to express this investment thesis. These stocks have been in a severe bear market from 2011 to 2015 and have been formed a strong base over the last four years. They are offer and incredibly attractive deep-value opportunity and appear to be just starting to break out this year. We have done a deep dive in this sector and met with over 40 different management teams this year. Combining that work with our proprietary equity models, we are finding some of the greatest free-cash-flow growth and value opportunities in the market today unrivaled by any other industry. We have also found undervalued high-quality exploration assets that will make excellent buyout candidates.
We recently point out this 12-year breakout in mining stocks relative to gold now looks as solid as a rock. In our view, this is just the beginning of a major bull market for this entire industry. We encourage investors to consider our new Crescat Precious Metals SMA strategy which is performing extremely well this year.
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Zero Discounting for Inflation Risk Today
With historic Federal debt relative to GDP and large deficits into the future as far as the eye can see, if the global financial markets cannot absorb the increase in Treasury debt, the Fed will be forced to monetize it even more. The problem is that the Fed’s panic money printing at this point in the economic cycle may hasten the unwinding of the imbalances it is so desperate to maintain because it has perversely fed the last-gasp melt up of speculation in already record over-valued and extended equity and corporate credit markets. It is reminiscent of when the Fed injected emergency cash into the repo market at the peak of the tech bubble at the end of 1999 to fend off a potential Y2K computer glitch that led to that market and business cycle top.
After 40 years of declining inflation expectations in the US, there is a major disconnect today between portfolio positioning, valuation, and economic reality. Too much of the investment world is long the “risk parity” trade to one degree or another, long stocks paired with leveraged long bonds, a strategy that has back-tested great over the last 40 years, but one that would be a disaster in a secular rising inflation environment.

With historic Federal debt relative to GDP and large deficits into the future as far as the eye can see, rising long-term inflation, and the hidden tax thereon, is the default, bi-partisan plan for the US government’s future funding regardless of who is in the White House and Congress after the 2020 elections. The market could start discounting this sooner rather than later.
The Fed’s excessive money printing may only reinforce the unraveling of financial asset imbalances today as it leads to rising inflation expectations and thereby a sell-off in today’s highly over-valued long duration assets including Treasury bonds and US equities, particularly insanely overvalued growth stocks. We believe we are in the vicinity of a major US stock market and business cycle peak.

Crescat’s Positioning
Our goal at Crescat is to capitalize on an unbelievably strong setup for a US stock market and global economic cycle downturn that should begin to unfold soon. We are tactically positioned more than ever for that today across all four of Crescat’s client portfolio strategies. The performance of our two hedge funds, where we have short as well as long positions, illustrates how well we can deliver when the bigger economic downturn gets going. In the chart below, we show how our hedge funds performed in all global stock market down months over the last two years. In these months, Crescat delivered strong absolute, non-correlated performance each time the global stock market sputtered. With stocks still at all-time highs, we are confident this chart is just a glimpse of what our funds will be able to deliver when the economic cycle truly turns down.
Over this time, we have only increased our conviction and positioning around our view that global financial assets are historically leveraged and overvalued and ripe for a downturn based on our macro timing models. Outside of the US, we continue to believe that the global economic cycle is already being led down by the unwinding of a credit bubble in China which is at the forefront of the world’s debt imbalances. We remain short both the yuan and Hong Kong dollar through put options in our global macro fund.
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November Performance
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Sincerely, Kevin C. Smith, CFA
Chief Investment Officer
Tavi Costa, Portfolio Manager
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PostSubject: House Democrats Mull Second Impeachment   ... --- ... .-. ..- -. 'SPRING'S ~ DEC-24 ~ "Blue Dawn" Invasion of the United States ~ #6 ?? Second Impeachment??? ~ I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2019 5:02 pm


House Democrats Mull Second Impeachment

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[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Tue, 12/24/2019 - 09:50

House Democrats may conduct a second impeachment of President Trump, according to lawyers for the Judiciary Committee.
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In a Monday court filing reported by Politico, House Counsel Douglas Letter argued that they still need testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn, which may uncover new, impeachable evidence that Trump attempted to obstruct the Russiagate investigation (of a crime he didn't commit).
"If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment," reads Letter's filing.

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Kyle Cheney


 · Dec 23, 2019

Replying to @kyledcheney @joshgerstein
[ltr]JUST IN: Judiciary Committee argues that McGahn testimony is still urgent because it could factor into recommending "additional articles of impeachment."[/ltr]

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Kyle Cheney


[ltr]Underscoring this point, House lawyers say if McGahn's testimony yields more evidence of obstruction it could lead to "new articles of impeachment."[/ltr]

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10:25 AM - Dec 23, 2019
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The Democrats also argue that "McGahn’s testimony is critical both to a Senate trial and to the Committee’s ongoing impeachment investigations to determine whether additional Presidential misconduct warrants further action by the Committee," adding that McGahn's testimony may also be relevant to future legislation which may stem from the details of Trump's conduct.
And while DOJ lawyers acknowledged in a Monday brief that the legal fight over McGahn isn't moot, the fact that the House Judiciary Committee moved forward with impeachment on a completely different matter removes the urgency to resolve their case. 
"The reasons for refraining are even more compelling now that what the Committee asserted — whether rightly or wrongly — as the primary justification for its decision to sue no longer exists," wrote lawyers for the DOJ. The agency also argues that the Mueller impeachment investigation is over, when House lawyers and lawmakers have described it as ongoing and active, according to the report.
McGahn's participation in House impeachment proceedings was blocked by the White House, which claimed "absolute immunity" for advisers.
President Trump chimed in over Twitter following the Monday court filing, quoting "Fox and Friends" host Brian Kilmeade, who said "now all of a sudden they are saying maybe we’ll go back and visit the Mueller probe, which is absolutely unbelievable, and shows they don’t care about the American public's tone deafness..."

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Donald J. Trump


 · 9h

[ltr]“The Dems are complicating matters again. Keeping Mueller out of it was the focus. Keeping it crisp & simple was the key, and now all of a sudden they are saying maybe we’ll go back and visit the Mueller probe, which is absolutely unbelievable, and shows they don’t care about....[/ltr]

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Donald J. Trump


[ltr]....the American public’s tone deafness - & it should be intolerable, because the American people have had it with this.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends The Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats have gone CRAZY. They want to make it as hard as possible for me to properly run our Country![/ltr]

5:15 AM - Dec 24, 2019
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DOJ attorneys argued that the upcoming Senate trial is yet another reason for the judicial branch to refrain from the case.
"This Court should decline the Committee’s request that it enter the fray and instead should dismiss this fraught suit between the political branches for lack of jurisdiction," they added.[/size]

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