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 Trunews w/Guests John McAfee and Guy Taylor

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Trunews w/Guests John McAfee and Guy Taylor Empty
PostSubject: Trunews w/Guests John McAfee and Guy Taylor   Trunews w/Guests John McAfee and Guy Taylor I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 12, 2013 9:54 pm

Today’s Guests : John McAfee and Guy Taylor

Topic : Computer software pioneer, John McAfee, joins Rick to discuss the gaping security holes in the Obamacare website, NSA Spying, and the role cyber-warfare will play in the next world war. 

In the second half of the program, Washington Times reporter, Guy Taylor, discusses a story he covered last month in which armed federal agents raided the house of investigative journalist, Audrey Hudson, and seized sensitive documents about government corruption that were completely unrelated to the search warrant used for entrance.
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Trunews w/Guests John McAfee and Guy Taylor
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