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 Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization”

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Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization” Empty
PostSubject: Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization”   Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization” I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 18, 2014 7:43 am

Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In
D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization”

Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization” TheFamily

On June 5, Pope Francis met in private with Doug Coe, one of the most influential evangelicals in the US and head of “The Family,” one of the most secretive, and most powerful, religious organizations in the world. As first described in Thomas Horn’s best-selling book ‘Apollyon Rising’ and later in his expanded “Zenith 2016,” the Family’s connections reach to the highest levels of the U.S. government and include ties to the CIA and numerous current and past dictators around the world. As Jeffrey Sharlet for Harper's magazine said: “Their goal is an ‘invisible’ world organization led by [a] ‘Christ’ – that's what they aspire to. They are very explicit about this if you look in their documents, and I spent a lot of time researching in their archives. Their goal is a worldwide invisible organization.” The Family has connections with businessmen in the oil and aerospace industries, the CIA, Pentagon and Department of Defense, and under Dirk Kempthorne’s supervision, is “something akin to a secret society residing within the Interior Department colluding to [cover] for one another’s misdeeds,” Rep. Nick J. Rahall II, chairman of the House Natural Resources stated. The meeting with Pope Francis was partially funded by the Vatican Foundation and participants were selected by...
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Petrus Romanus Meets With Heads Of ‘The Family’ In D.C. To Organize ‘Secret Invisible World Organization”
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