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 Rick Wiles and John T. Wayne (John Waynes son)

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Rick Wiles and John T. Wayne (John Waynes son) Empty
PostSubject: Rick Wiles and John T. Wayne (John Waynes son)   Rick Wiles and John T. Wayne (John Waynes son) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 24, 2014 12:12 pm

Thursday, July 24, 2014

TruNews: ‘Everyone Is Getting Into Place For WW3′ – Rick Wiles
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By Susan Duclos

Rick Wiles and John T. Wayne (John Waynes son) The_road_to_world_war_3

 TruNews' Rick Wiles has been watching what he calls the "choreographed propaganda campaign," against Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin, deliberately attempting to demonize Russia and Putin, watching it come from all sides as "everybody is getting into place for World War III."

 Wiles explains this at the beginning of the show as well as the shocking news that yet another Malaysia Flight was rerouted to fly over another war zone last Sunday, specifically Syria.

 After his must-listen to commentary, Rick is joined by John T. Wayne, grandson of "the Duke" John Wayne, who says "America cannot be free without God." Additionally, Tennessee Pastor Dale Walker tells Rick why he walked out of his former denomination with the whole church following along.

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