Maybe I should just put up a smilie face and go on my way, rather than attempt to qualify the Ineffable.
We've learned so much, haven't we. God has invited us to know His Will and to speak His Word, and to see uncloaked the wiles of the enemy, the wages of sin, the reason for His Righteous Anger and the Justified Fierceness of His Wrath without becoming downtrodden or hard hearted ourselves. Not just for our own sake, but for the sake of the whole world.
Every day we are to endure, endure, endure the ugly, the unrighteous, the illegitimate, blasphemous and profane. Endure as satan prowls about the Kingdom Gates, tempting us to step out of our Sanctuary into fear and doubt.
Yes, we know so much. The whole armor, the Blessed Promises, the reality of Life Eternal, and the conflict between the Unseen God and His Kingdom and the all too real appearing world that we must each resolve through faith.
And we think we know Love.
"For God so Loved the world..."
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
"We love him, because he first loved us."
Of all the things we seek; knowledge, wisdom, understanding, righteousness, peace,
comfort, protection, provision, healing, strength, there is One Gift that can be found by all, experienced and felt by all, surpasses all, and just must be the very foundation of All that Is or ever will be.
Words fail at describing it. But nothing can be fully understood, believed or performed without our truly knowing God's breathtaking, overwhelming, Unconditional Love for each one of us. He wants us to live in the constant Awareness of His so Great Love for us. And only then can we live and love from wholeness, Holiness, as Jesus lived, taught and Lives and teaches.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience