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 Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)

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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Empty
PostSubject: Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)   Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 10:16 am


Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)

Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) CydoniaFaced

The landing site of the Mars curiosity rover robot, the Gale Crater, is believed to have once been a lake, NASA announced, presenting evidence that also suggests the lake existed for millions of years – potentially long enough to sustain life. NASA’s Curiosity rover has been investigating the lowest sedimentary layers at Mount Sharp, a section of rock 500 feet (150 meters) high. Rivers carried sand and silt to the lake, scientists believe, depositing the sediments at the mouth of the river to form deltas similar to those found at river mouths on Earth. The latest observations suggest the mount was built by sediment deposited in a large lake bed of over tens of millions of years. Since Curiosity’s landing in Gale Crater in 2012, the rover has made its way to the base of Mount Sharp, a 5-mile (8 kilometer) journey that has revealed clues about the transition on the crater floor. "We found sedimentary rocks suggestive of small, ancient deltas stacked on top of one another," said Curiosity science team member Sanjeev Gupta of Imperial College in London. "Curiosity crossed a boundary from an environment dominated by rivers to an environment dominated by lakes."
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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Empty
PostSubject: What The Late Dr. Van Flandern Told Tom Horn About The Mars Cydonia Region   Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 10:17 am

Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Cydonia

What The Late Dr. Van Flandern Told Tom Horn About The Mars Cydonia Region

Still others think discovery of artificiality has already been made on at least one other planet and massively covered up by a league of nations, being held back until a specific time of “Official Disclosure.” This find was made right where Mission to Mars director Brian De Palma suggested it would be—Cydonia. Before he died of cancer in 2009, Tom Horn was privileged to interview Dr. Tom Van Flandern, who held a PhD in astronomy, specializing in celestial mechanics (the theory of orbits), from Yale University. He had spent twenty-one years (1963–1983) at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, where he became the chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of the Nautical Almanac Office. For the last decade of his life, Professor Flandern was a research associate at the University of Maryland Physics Department in College Park, MD, and a consultant to the Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, MD, working on improving the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The American Spectator, Salon magazine, and others often quoted him regarding his challenges to Einstein’s theory of relativity, but it was his outspoken belief that artificial structures dotted the Martian landscape and were being obfuscated by NASA and other national powers that caught our attention. In the 2007 interview...
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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Empty
PostSubject: Mars Rover Finds Strong Evidence Mars Was Once Ripe For Life   Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 10:19 am

Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) MarsRover

Mars Rover Finds Strong Evidence Mars Was Once Ripe For Life

Moreover, the team concluded, numerous deltalike and lakelike formations detected by orbiting satellites are almost certainly the dried remains of substantial ancient lakes and deltas. None of this proves that life existed on the planet, but the case for an early Mars that was ripe and ready for life has grown stronger. “As a science team, Mars is looking very attractive to us as a habitable planet,” Dr. Grotzinger said in an interview. “Not just sections of Gale Crater and not just a handful of locations, but at different times around the globe.” And John M. Grunsfeld, a former astronaut who is NASA’s associate administrator for science, said that after almost 28 months on Mars, Curiosity has given scientists insight into how and where to look for clues of ancient life. “We don’t know if life ever started on Mars, but if it did, we now have a better chance of discovering it” on future missions, he said. Another missing piece of the story has been the inability to detect organic compounds — the carbon-based building...
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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)   Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 4:53 pm

War in the Heavens!
Nuked Civilization on Mars, why else send rovers to two locations with radioactivity only from Nukes?

No doubt in my mind!

And will not come to the masses attention before things go SOUTH!
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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)   Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?) I_icon_minitime

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Discovery Suggests David Flynn Was Right! Ancient Mars Had Massive Lake, Was Potentially Life Sustaining "Wet Planet" (Before A Cosmic War In Bible?)
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