"In what has now become tradition, Oxfam International, a confederation of organizations dedicated to fighting poverty, issued a report on the current state of economic inequality. Last year’s report sent shockwaves through the world by announcing that just 85 people controlled the same amount of wealth as the bottom 3 billion people combined. That was even more dramatic than 2010 when it took 388 people to control that much wealth."
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/80-people-control-half-of-the-worlds-wealth-and-all-of-the-elected-officials.html#ixzz3PfZf2tm9
And Heeere they are:
Notice where they are and the business they're in. Just interesting.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience