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PostSubject: DIABOLICAL PLAN = DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!!   DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2015 10:14 am

America Has a Definitive Date With Depopulation
04 Mar, 2015 by Dave Hodges
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DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! CSS-Offical-New-Logo22-300x67
DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! Megacities-1
America has a date with depopulation.
Does America have a date with destiny? Is that date known? This article will examine the answers to these two questions.
The Internet is filled with revelations of how the global elite want to depopulate humanity by 90%.
DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! Depop-1-vaccines
DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! Depop-2
The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%.
On August 27, 2014, I exposed the megacities concept in revealing something called the America 2050 plan.
The enslavement of America has taken center stage and it is indeed called “America 2050“. The plan for America 2050 is to herd Americans into 11 megacities consisting of six million people each totaling 66 million people. Under this plan, there are no provisions for any other population developments. After reporting in the August 27, 2014 article, I thought the target date for the implementation of the megacities plan would be the year 2050 as indicated in the title of the organization which is behind the planning of this concept (the article can be read here).
DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! America-2050
316,000,000 million Americans will change to 66,000,000 megacity dwellers which equals
250,000,000 missing Americans!
It appears that the timetable for the implementation of the megacities concept and the 300 square foot stack and pack apartments is a lot closer that the year 2050.
DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! Stack-and-pack-apt
Our future homes under the megacity concept.

The CIA Front Group, Deagel, Brings Clarity to the Megacities Concept

Being a front group for the CIA, Deagel, is predicting that we are about a decade away from this hellish nightmare.
Just who is Deagel? The power and influence of the corporation that you never heard of, is staggering.  This is the modern day Zapata Oil, which was a CIA front corporation run by George H. W. Bush which in turn facilitated much of the Air America “drugs for guns” program in Latin America in the 1980’s.
My sources tell me that Deagel is the same exact kind of organization as Zapata Oil. Deagel ran guns through the late Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them to al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens’ death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in a later article. Deagel is not just a gun running/drug running/child sex trafficking organization, they are also intimately connected with the business as “Open source intelligence links”. This means that Deagel and their partner (affiliations listed below) serve as marketing companies for the CIA and sell intelligence information to the highest bidder. Stratfor and Deagel provide the CIA with a minimum of two degrees of separation from nefarious operations which could taint the U.S. government and in particular, the CIA. These activities will be the topic of a future article. The focus of the remainder of this article is the destruction and depopulation of the United States.
Deagel is a group that gets their hands dirty and they play both sides of the fence. Please note the publicly available list of Deagel partners, listed below. They do business with the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, but they are largely an American contractor with ties into the U.S. Navy, the NSA and the CIA, through Stratfor. If anyone wanted to make the case that I have, the “Bastard Banksters from Basel” control both sides of the coming WW III for fun and profit, the data trail of Deagel exemplifies this point. From the following information, we get a strong indication of how the U.S. is going to be depopulated. To further examine this possibility, take a look at a partial list of Deagel partners. The following list clearly shows that Deagel is “locked in” when it comes to the power centers on this planet.
A Partial List of Deagel Partners 
Quote :
National Security Agency –
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO – OTAN) –
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) –
Russian Defense Procurement Agency –
Stratfor –
The World Bank –
United Nations (UN) –
In the beginning of 2014, Deagel published a projected demographic shift of every nation on the planet. The projections are noteworthy. As one of the most prolific arms dealers and sellers of intelligence information on the planet, Deagel would be in a unique position from which to make projections with regard to coming world events as well as being able to anticipate dramatic shifts in global power. Not surprisingly, Deagel has made such a projection and the news is not good for the United States. Below is a list of projected changes for the United States during the time frame covering 2014-2025.
United States of America Projected Changes from 2014-2025
Quote :

Year:  2013

Population:  316 million
Gross Domestic Product: $17 trillion
GDP per capita: $52,838
Budget: $5.8 trillion
Military Budget: $726 billion
Quote :

Forecast 2025

Population: 69 million
Gross Domestic Product: $921 billion
GDP per capita: $13,328
Military Budget:  $8.0 billion
Please note how the changes in U.S. population covering an 11 year period mirror what I wrote in the America 2050 article. The projected and dramatic downward shift in America’s population are nearly identical when one compares the America 2050 documents and the Deagel projections.
There is another striking projection which should alarm every American. In 2013, the U.S. military budget was $726 billion dollars. However, the projected 2025 projected budget is only $8 billion dollars.  This clearly points to the fact that the CIA, through Deagel, is projecting that the United States is going to be militarily conquered within the next 10 years. The mere $8 billion dollar projected 2025 military budget speaks to a domestic martial law type of occupation force. With this kind of budget, the U.S. would not even be able to engage in regional conflicts.
The Deagel documents clearly speak to who the winners and losers of the coming global conflict will be.  In the Deagel document, Russia, China, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and India maintain their respective populations or increase their populations by the year. The United States and Britain undergo severe population reductions. 
Common sense dictates that in a global conflict, with its advanced weaponry, that the U.S. would be able to devastate the populations of the aforementioned countries. However, the Deagel projections do not indicate this. Therefore, the only thing that makes any sense would be that the U.S. will fall victim to being sold out by treasonous leadership, thus precipitating its demise. Does this statement bring anyone to mind?

The Method of America’s Demise

With everything I have uncovered over the past two years, I have concluded that America will be thrust into martial law prior to fighting in WW III. Martial law is usually preceded by a false flag. There is no shortage of false flag possibilities and choosing the manner, the time and the place is a fool’s errand. However, there are a definitive 17 elements of martial law that we can analyze in order to gauge the progress America is making with regard to to being under total martial law.  The 17 elements of martial law are:
Quote :
1-Mass roundup of political dissidents
2-Dusk to dawn curfews
3-Rationing of essential resources
4-The seizing of personal assets such as food and water
5-Control over all food and water
6-The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives
7-The confiscation of property, homes and businesses
8-Arrests without due process
9-Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches
10-Forced relocations
11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military
12-Outlawing of free speech
13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs
14-The total control or elimination of religion
15-Control of the media
16-Executions without due process of law
17-Total suspension of the Constitution
How many of these 17 elements are in place, or, are being put into place? I am in the midst of preparing a detailed and multi-part analysis of these 17 elements of martial law and their relative progress in America.

Dramatic Progress Toward Martial Law In the Past Five Days

I am also in the middle of dissecting and preparing an analysis of three Presidential actions which have take place in the past five  days. Collectively, these actions includes the following:
1. It strongly appears that the President is preparing to assume the power to unilaterally increase taxes based upon his own volition and completely bypass Congress in the process. Much of this information is hiding in plain sight. However, there is still some gaps to fill before I will publish the findings. Yet, the case for this allegation is strong.
2. The President has taken a dramatic step forward with regard to the elimination of free speech in American and assuming control of all new agencies through the Net Neutrality Act which was implemented last Friday.
3. President Obama has announced plans to nationalize law enforcement as did Hitler, Mao and Lenin.


The conclusion which can be drawn from this article, is an article unto itself. Suffice it to say, that American is being set up to be destroyed in WW III as a result with the coming war with the BRIC nations along with some very timely and treasonous help from the inside. Further, we have major think tank organizations as well as a prominent CIA front organization publishing data and projections which reinforces all the Agenda 21 claims that have been made for 20 years. Namely, the United States is going to experience a series of major depopulation events as the landscape of this country will change forever as we will be moved into the hellish Agenda 21 projected cities of the future. The data sets that I am presently working on strongly suggests that we are much closer to these realities than many of us would have anticipated. In an almost tongue-in-cheek, but somewhat serious comment, the Mayan Calendar may have been more accurate if it had abruptly ended in 2025 instead of 2012.

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PostSubject: WHO, WHO WILL HEAR THE WARNING OF THE WATCHMEN??   DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2015 11:31 am


DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! Logo-150x150

Genocide is Coming – Are You Listening?

March 4, 2015 by John Little - | 0 comments

Genocide has always been a part of human history. And, I spent some time on Sunday, walking through a genocidal moment in time that I normally try very hard not to think about. I was at Yad Vashem. It was The Holocaust. And, it was the most cold-blooded, efficient and industrialized mass-murder in the history of mankind.
It was also a snapshot of our future.
Netanyahu gave his warning, yesterday. I’ve been giving mine.
Are you listening?
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Genocide is Coming – Are You Listening?

It was one of our last few days in Israel, and I wanted to show my wife one of the things that drives me to do what I do – with the intensity with which I do it. So, on Sunday, I dragged us out to Yad Vashemand the nightmare that is The Holocaust.
As I said last week, Yad Vashem lies on the western slope of Mt. Herzl, overlooking the lush, green forests of the Jerusalem hills. It is an exquisitely beautiful setting for the greatest horror perpetrated by mankind.

This Is Hard For Even Me

It had been more than 25 years since I’d been to Yad Vashem, and I would have been happy to avoid going there for another few decades. To this day, I cannot watch movies about the Holocaust. Nor can I read books on the subject.
I discovered the horror of the Holocaust at a very young age, and I will never forget the book that I held and the shock that I felt – when I realized what Germany had done. I will never get over it, and I do not want to ever get over it.
Worse, was the discovery that my own country, the United States of America, played its own role in this insane murder of the Jews. IBM gave Germany the ability to identify the Jews and mark them for extermination. And, our government turned the Jews away, when they sought refuge at our shores. How despicable we are, for allowing this atrocity. And, when our bombers flew over Germany, not a single bomb was dropped on the railways bringing the hapless Jews to the camps.
Not. One. Bomb.
And, the Jews begged the Allies to bomb the railways and the camps – but they would not.
And, the Germans killed more than just the Jews. The physically and mentally disabled, the homosexuals, the Gypsies, the Polish Christians and Russian prisoners of war were all murdered in a massively efficient machine of death – a triumph of German engineering. When it was over, six million Jews, three million Polish Christians, and three million Russian Prisoners of War lay murdered at the hands of the German Nazis.

They Were Warned

As I walked through that museum and memorial to the fallen, I was struck by something else:
They were warned, but did not believe the warning.
And now, I find that we are in the same position. The warnings have gone out, and pretty much everyone has heard them. Yet, our brothers and sisters do not believe our warnings.
How do I know that they do not believe?
Because they do nothing

We Have Been Warned

The prophets have gone out, and the churches have been warned. The churches have cast the prophets out, and the destruction that we have been warning about… well …it’s coming – fast. The war against Christianity and Christians is gathering steam – as is the war against the Jews. But, God has prepared a place for the Jews to go – if they listen.
How about you?
Are you ready to listen?
Later this year, and into the next, a global debt default will begin and will sweep most of our financial system away. In fact, it might sweep all of it away. And eventually, most of us will even end up as victims of genocide.
Are you going to be ready for financial collapse?
Will you be ready if the US government chooses to go to war, because of this financial collapse?

Only 15%

Last month, Steve Quayle posted a link to this article:
It is an eye-opening piece that I want to go into – in more detail – sometime in the future. But, for now, I’ll just give you the conclusions:
Only 15% take action to survive
Only fifteen percent of any group of people take the immediate and necessary steps in an emergency – to survive that emergency.
The rest?
They just die.
And, as I look around at our society, I see people who have chosen to just die.
The dark irony, is that it might not take a lot of physical preparation – a little food, a little water and a lot of effort expended towards connecting with others. That may be all that you need.
(Although, more food and more water is always better.
And, please move, if you can)

The Example Of Israel

As I write this, I am sitting in the middle of a country that knows how to help each other. They don’t have much food or water, but they know how to work together as a community. This means that…
…Israel will survive what is coming.
Netanyahu’s speech before congress is an example of mental toughness and willingness to die fighting.
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Full Speech To Congress (March 3, 2015)
YouTube shortlink:

If you haven’t seen or listened to his speech, you should. It is pure Israel.
Is Israel going to lay down and die?
No. The motto of Israel is:
Our leadership has chosen to lay America down and bare her throat to the sword of Islam. Our leadership has sold our birthright to the bankers for a handful of baubles. Our pastors have given us lies, instead of the truth – and sent us to sleep with the sweet lullabies of endless prosperity.

The Truth Is Harsh

Unfortunately, the truth is not so sweet. In fact, it speaks of a future full of suffering, death and despair – for those who do not heed truth’s warning. The prophets warned Israel and Judah, but they didn’t listen. The Zionists warned the Jews of Europe, but they didn’t listen. Netanyahu has been warning America, but the Americans haven’t been listening.
The Bible and the Holy Spirit is warning the church…
…are you listening?
I truly hope that you’ll be ready for this
(That’s a link. There’s not much time left.)
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.Proverbs 22:3
If you find a flaw in my reasoning, have a question, or wish to add your own viewpoint, leave a comment on the website. Your input is truly welcome.
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PostSubject: More to consider ;; Obama-Netanyahu “Fallout” is Theater – Planned in 2009    DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2015 2:04 pm

PLEASE READ TO SEE THE PLANS BY Brookings Institute (Think Tank)

Obama-Netanyahu “Fallout” is Theater – Planned in 2009

Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer
March 4, 2015
In a 2009 US policy paper published by the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution, it was made clear that the US was determined to provoke Iran into a conflict and effect regime change at any cost – up to and including an outright military invasion and occupation of Iran with US troops.
However, before it came to that, the Brookings Institution’s policymakers explored other options including fomenting US-backed political unrest coupled with covert, violent force, the use of US State Department listed foreign terrorist organizations to carry out assassinations and attacks within Iran, and limited airstrikes carried out by either the US or Israel, or both.
In retropspect, 6 years on, all of these tricks have not only been attempted to one degree or another in Iran, but have been demonstrably employed in neighboring Syria to diminish its strength – which according to Brookings – is a necessary prerequisite before waging war on Iran.
And of particular interest – considering what appears to be a growing diplomatic row between the United States and Israel – is just how precisely the US planned to covertly back what would be made to appear as a “unilateral” Israeli first strike on Iran – an attack that appears to be in the process of being justified through a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign now unfolding.
From the Mouths of US Policymakers Themselves 
The Brookings Institution’s 2009 policy paper titled, “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran,” makes clear that negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program is merely theater, and that it will be used to give the world the impression that the United States explored all possible “peaceful” options before resorting to violent regime change.  The report states specifically that:
Quote :
…any military operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper international context— both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it. The best way to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support (however, grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a superb offer—one so good that only a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it down. Under those circumstances, the United States (or Israel) could portray its operations as taken in sorrow, not anger, and at least some in the international community would conclude that the Iranians “brought it on themselves” by refusing a very good deal.
Of course, Iran – as admitted to by Brookings themselves – is not governed by irrational leadership, and would not turn down a genuinely “superb offer.” The Brookings Institution admits openly that the US pursues a dual track foreign policy – one for public consumption (making “superb offers”) and another aimed at ensuring Iran looks as unreasonable as possible.
At one point in the policy paper, Brookings would state:
Quote :
The truth is that these all would be challenging cases to make. For that reason, it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be. Of course, it would be very difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it. (One method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly, or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.)
Here, Brookings policymakers openly conspire to undermine global peace by “goading” another nation into a war it neither wants nor will benefit from. Provoking a nation that poses no threat to the national security of the United States is a clear violation of international law – with the Brookings paper serving as a literal signed confession.
Yet despite this open admission, conspiring against world peace, what is of more interest is the United States’ plans to disavow any responsibility for an attack it would use its regional proxy, Israel, to carry out in its place. It states specifically under a chapter titled, “Allowing or Encouraging an Israeli Military Strike,” that:
Quote :
…the most salient advantage this option has over that of an American air campaign is the possibility that Israel alone would be blamed for the attack. If this proves true, then the United States might not have to deal with Iranian retaliation or the diplomatic backlash that would accompany an American military operation against Iran. It could allow Washington to have its cake (delay Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon) and eat it, too (avoid undermining many other U.S. regional diplomatic initiatives). 
To no one’s surprise the British Daily Mail now reports in an article titled, “President Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attacked Iranian nuclear facilities last year, claim sources,” that:
Quote :
President Obama is alleged to have stopped an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets, according to reports to emerge from the Middle East at the weekend
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The threat from the U.S. forced Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to abort a planned attack on Iraq, reported Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida.
Quote :
Netanyahu will be in Washington for an address to Congress on Tuesday aimed squarely at derailing Obama’s cherished bid for a diplomatic deal with Tehran. 
Here, the Daily Mail repeats a growing narrative that dovetails neatly into long-standing US foreign policy described by the Brookings Institution’s report in 2009 – down to the letter. In fact, the prospect of “shooting down” Israeli planes was discussed as one of many props used in this geopolitical theater.
The US, as prescribed by Brookings, is portrayed as desperately trying to hammer out an almost unreasonably accommodation with Iran, while “mad dog” Israel seeks to unilaterally attack Iran – thus giving the US the plausible deniability it openly claimed it would disingenuously attempt to create ahead of any Israeli attack on Iran. It should be noted that the summation of Israel’s military might is a result long, extensive, and continuous US military support meaning that Israeli military operation is even possible without it.
Also of interest is Israel’s habitual, belligerent, serial acts of inhumanity against both its own people and the Palestinians whose land Tel Aviv has seized and continues to occupy. The nature of these acts is not one of self-preservation, but of intentional provocation – creating predictable political divides across the West easily manipulated particularly at times like these where a “regrettable” attack made upon Iran, a nation the West has thus far failed to topple with terrorism, US-backed sedition, sanctions, and covert provocations, is now in the cards.
It is also clear that the 2009 “Which Path to Persia?” policy paper still represents a vivid window into a much deeper and well-entrenched doctrine still to this day being used to reorder the Middle East into alignment with Western special interests.  It is a signed confession of a now evident conspiracy against global peace and stability. It should be read, in full, before the United Nations Security Council  before those who wrote it and the corporate-financier interests who sponsored it are brought to international justice.
Anything less proves that the United States and its regional proxies, not Iran, are the rogue states, working against global peace and stability, with many standing examples already of their atrocities on display, and more – apparently – still to come.

This article was posted: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 5:55 am
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PostSubject: Re: DIABOLICAL PLAN = DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!!   DIABOLICAL PLAN  =  DEPOP U by Dave Hodges = an IMPORTANT READ!!! I_icon_minitime

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