For those of you who visit my blog ( I know there are a few, and thank you for taking time on my site
) I've just updated it to make it a little easier to read and navigate.
At the moment the blog is primarily a news site that focuses on media outside of the conformist, crackpot public and main stream media "programmes".
Very soon I'm going to start writing my own stories on subjects I find interesting and useful.
If you haven't visited my site yet, please come by and check it out and if you like what you read/see then bookmark it
Curiosity is the inheritance of mankind. Frequently we want to know something only because it needs to be kept secret.
Just as luck appears in three so does misfortune. Because you don't want to see it, you don't see it coming. Even if you notice it you don't say anything, and if you're told you don't listen. Then boom, the end comes. In our world, if you miss the first sign you're dead let alone all three signs
My blog: