Subject: Acceleration T.V. Episode #3 - Middle East Update Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:02 am
Acceleration T.V. Episode #3 - Middle East Update
Published on Apr 4, 2015
In this episode of Acceleration T.V. L.A. Marzulli reads and goes into detail about one of his most recent blog posts "WWIII It's happening"
L.A. Talk about the Sunni - Shi'a relationship, ISIS, the potential for an EMP attack on the United States, specifically Oklahoma City, which would wipe out power from the West Coast to the East coast and up into Canada. He briefly covers what you can do to protect yourself from such catastrophes.
L.A. Also goes over what we are not being told about the "War on Terror" The production of opium at an all time high, the increasing instability, the untold death toll and more.
Here are some links to resources use/mentionedd in this video:
LA's Wordpress Blog
The Blog Post: WWIII, It's Happening
Politics Prophecy & the Supernatural
Sunni vs Shi'a
A Map of Sunni and Shi'a Population in the Middle East
Obama saying he'll bring the troops home (laugh-track not included)
ISIS Attacks on Christians
Christian Exodus from the Middle East
Death to America Chant
Death to America Chant