Just over a hill from me, could be some that participated in drill above post.?
CALAVARES COUNTY CALIFORNIA: Helicopter was at the airfieldaid that a military Chinook and 25 Tuolumne County sheriffs were getting on board.
Steve,I Live In Calaveras County In Northern CA. -We Have Seen Training
Exercises Between Military And Local Law Enforcement Increasing This Last
Week. Then, My Roommate, Who Flies Out Of Columbia Airport in neighboring
Tuolumne County every morning to go to work, comes home yesterday and says
" hey you want to hear something interesting?" he said that a military
Chinook helicopter was at the airfield and 25 Tuolumne County sheriffs were
getting on board. he asked the airport maintenance guy what was going on
and he said that all he was told Was that it was a major training exercise.
also, in nearby Angels Camp on Monday,
roadblocks were set up on highway 49and CHP as well as local sheriffs were checking every car And everyidentification. everything points to what you, Dave Hodges and others are
saying about the Jade helm exercise to be true. now is the time to get
right with God, whatever is happening is about to go down in a very big way
and only the precious blood of Jesus can save us. thank you for all you do
in keeping the truth and Gods love out there. -NOTE THE MILITARY TRAINING THAT THE SHERIFFS DEPUTIES! THEN