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![Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message In The Cave Of Elijah The Prophet Empty]( | Subject: Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message In The Cave Of Elijah The Prophet Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:01 am | |
| Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message In The Cave Of Elijah The Prophet—What He Saw Has Devout Jews Worldwide Calling For Repentance And Prayer To Change “The Decree Of Heaven” And To Avert The Apocalyptic Vision On the morning of Tuesday, June 9, Israeli mystic Rabbi Amram Vaknin, led a prayer service at the Cave of Elijah the Prophet in Haifa, Israel, along with approximately 30 Jewish men and 30 Jewish women, to pray for the welfare of the Jewish people. Gil Nachman, an aide to the Rabbi and an eyewitness, told Breaking Israel News that at approximately 11:30 AM, Rabbi Amram Vaknin suddenly fell to the ground, into the mud and water on the floor of the cave. In this world, Rabbi Vaknin was lying on the floor, but what happened in that cave, according to Nachman, “was above this world. The rabbi received a message for … |
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![Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message In The Cave Of Elijah The Prophet Empty]( | Subject: In this world, Rabbi Vaknin was lying on the floor, but what happened in that cave, according to Nachman, “was above this world. Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:50 am | |
| Commentary & AnalysisbyL. A. Marzulli In this world, Rabbi Vaknin was lying on the floor, but what happened in that cave, according to Nachman, “was above this world. The rabbi received a message for the Jewish people from Eliyahu haNavi (Elijah the Prophet) that there is a decree from Heaven that war will be starting in the south of Israel, will move to the north of Israel and will continue inside of Israel. Thousands of people will die, God-forbid.” All Jewish people throughout the world are being urgently requested to unite, to pray together in groups, to fast and to give charity in order to avert this decree. Jews are being urged to direct the power of their prayer to beg God to have mercy on the Jewish nation.Read more at people sent this article to me yesterday. I find it very interesting and timely, as this morning there were rocket attacks from Hezbollah or perhaps ISIL, into Israel, from their base in Lebanon. Apart from personal prophecy and visions, or modern phenomenon like the Torah Codes for instance, the prophecy in our Bibles is 100% accurate and calls out, with great specificity, the beginning before the end and the end before the beginning. Prophecy told us Israel will be gathered back into her homeland and this has certainly happened.Prophecy tells us the temple will be rebuilt and that wars will come against Israel—see our Out of the Mouths of Two Witnesses offer.Prophecy is the sure word from the Most High God and I would posit that we will some of this prophecy—Psalm 83 war? Isaiah 17?—which has been collected dust in our Bibles, fulfilled in the coming days, perhaps, as Rabbi Vaknin warns us, this summer.We interviewed Dan Gordon for Watchers 9, and what he told us was chilling. He is back in Israel and he informed me that time was running out, meaning, to turn a Biblical phrase, the handwriting is on the wall, and Israel is expecting war.Our media is fixated on the latest distraction, Clinton and Bush, Bruce Jenner, and the new A-list nominee, Rachel Dolezal! Why are they force feeding this tripe down our throats. Then we have the predictable weasels in Washington—this time the Republicans—who want to pass the bill before we read the bill. Distraction and incompetence at every turn.Meanwhile, the winds of war are certainly blowing and HAMAS, Hezbollah and ISIL, as well as Iran, are liking their collective chops.In tandem with this may be the attack across our southern border by ISIL or some other terrorist group. (Go back and read my post about Jade Helm and the Dialectic.) Yesterday, on Drudge there was an article telling of an exorcism for the entire country of Mexico. is because over 50,000 people have died in the bloody drug-wars that continue unabated. There is, what I would call a demonic stronghold on the country and the fact that HAMAS is instructing the drug cartels in tunnel construction, like they did in Gaza, is telling. Keep a close look on your city, San Diego.In closing todays post. It’s heating up in the Middle East. Will Damascus finally fall and when it does, who will be in charge…ISIL? Will the Iranians launch a preemptive attack against Israel, with HAMAS and Hezbollah joining the fray? Will ISIL attack Jordan? Will Israel strike them all first? These are pressing issues and many of them tie in directly with the prophetic passages we find in our Bibles. However, our state controlled media is trying to focus our attention on Rachel Dolezal, which unfortunately is grabbing the attention of most Americans. The prophecy written is our Bibles is true and when we take these other warnings, like the vision from Rabbi Vaknin, and numerous Torah Codes telling of a war, what area we to think?What was written will come to pass. What was foretold will unfold. L. A. Marzulli |