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 WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready?

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PostSubject: WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready?   WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2016 11:00 am


January 18, 2016

East Coast May Get Pulverized Over Next Two Weeks! 'Weather Modified' Storms Could Shut Down Entire I-95 Corridor With Up To Or More Than 40" Of Snow Over Two Week Period!

Storms Being Compared To 2010's 'Snowmaggedon' Which Paralyzed DC Area

WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? CY_448qUEAALPbI

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
One of our favorite websites to look at for local weather is offering up a potential 'Big Kahuna' for huge parts of the East coast this coming weekend with a very large storm coming up from the south that may just put a mega-wallop upon the large metropolitan areas from Washington DC to New York and up into New England. If we look at a new GFS model posted by Joe Bastardi on Twitter for accumulated snowfall over the next two weeks, we see that the entire I-95 East coast corridor may get pulverized in a series of upcoming snowstorms with more than 30" of snow projected according to these models and up to 40" or more for many locations as seen in the graphicWEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? Icon1 above.  

With huge cities along the East coast potentially getting nailed this weekend and over the next two weeks with a series of storms that could shut down the I-95 corridor we have to ask, are we possibly witnessing weather modification taking place? As we can see if we look very closely at the screenshot of a gif image below, some kind of 'wave anomaly' is going on from the south pole to the north pole that happens to take place directly over the location where this storm is now developing. Is this weather modification caught in action? For those who don't believe weather modification is real we suggest you read Steve Quayle's book 'Weather Wars'. The 2nd videoWEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? Icon1 below takes a deep look at what weather modification really is; the 'elite' attempting to play God.

WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? Eastcoastwave

While Foot's Forecast has yet to commit to this forecast and the 1st video at the bottom of this story shows us there are still a few ways this storm could miss us, it's looking more and more likely the major metro areas along the East Coast could see 1.5 to 2.0 inches or more of 'liquid projection' over the next 5 to 7 days. Foot's also gave us this hint: "It's not going to be falling as a liquid." Foot's is also comparing the set up to this storm to 'Snowmageddon', which paralyzed the DC area in 2010 with 32" of snow.

As weather watchers know, 1.5 to 2.0 inches of 'liquid projection' could quite easily come down as a foot or more of snow according to The Weather Prediction which tells us the average snow to liquid ratio is 10 to 1. However, that rule doesn't always hold true and as NBC Philadelphia tells us, several years ago a snowstorm which expected 1.75 inches of 'liquid equivalent' ended up getting 23.2 inches of snow. We're also told that when it is warmer, that 1.75 inches of 'liquid' might only produce 5" of snow. However, at the current moment, models show the Washington DC area out into Western Maryland and parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania to have up to or more than 20" of snow accumulated by this weekend.

WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? DC_Crushed

Does the 'wave' that we see forming over South America, parts of the Gulf of Mexico and part of the Atlantic Ocean (also seen in the screenshot at the bottom of this story) signify upcoming devastation for the big cities along the US east coast? Is this HAARP caught in action? Might someone have a reason to want such devastating weather to strike the nations capital and the major population hubs along the East coast this coming weekend and over the next two weeks? 

So, what does all of this mean for ANP and much of the East coast for this weekend's coming storm? As of this moment, 5 days out, predictions range from 18" to 24" of snow for our region. Closer to the Washington DC area, Intellicast is predicting between 8 and 12" of snow on Friday and an additional 3 to 5" of snow on Saturday... possibly up to 18" or more as seen in the screenshot above. Will the Washington DC areas and many of the metro areas along the East coast get slaughtered this weekend? It sure looks like it now with the forecast numbers changing every moment and now parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania possibly seeing well over 20" as seen in the latest GFS screenshot below. 
WEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? Gfs_6hr_snow_acc_harrisburg_23
Also quite interestingly, Foot's Forecast is comparingWEATHER!!! EAST COAST, coming storm, ready? Icon1 what looks to be coming this weekend to the storms that blanketed the DC area in 2010, 'Snowmageddon'. The two major February snowstorms nailed the DC area with 32.1 total inches of snow. From Foot's Forecast.: 
SIGNIFICANT TO HIGH IMPACT COASTAL STORM BECOMING MORE  PROBABLE FOR FRIDAY INTO SATURDAY ACROSS THE MID-ATLANTIC  LAST TIME OUR TEAM SAW WHAT'S CURRENTLY ON THE COMPUTER  MODELS WAS ABOUT... 6 YEARS AGO. YOU DO THE MATH. 10:30 PM EST 1/17 - There's no denying what weather watchers suspect has been going on behind the scenes of those in the forecasting community. For several days now, a number of computer models ranging from the often-hailed European, to the newly enhanced U.S. Global Forecast System to the Canadian, are showing similar projections for a potentially large scale coastal event this weekend. That much is true. 

If you were not around in the Mid-Atlantic for the 2010 storms, it would be a good idea to talk with someone who was. We're sure they can provide some insight on what you'll need to do.

As the graphic below show, the mid-Atlantic appears to be in the bullseye for this upcoming storm.

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