I'm sure you know this info. but I'll include some detail just because.
There is another 'last trump', known to the Jew; not well-known to us who historically have not followed practice of the 7 Feasts. Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets, Day of Shouting, etc. is fifth in line and has not yet been fulfilled.
The day is now also known as Rosh Hashanah-the head of the year, or New Years.
This is an incorporation from Babylon, and their New Year's celebration called "Akitu".
The first New Moon following the ripening of the Abib of 2016 (SIGHTED IN ISRAEL) was Saturday, April 9. That would be the first day of the first month, according to the Torah.
Sat. May 7th=2nd month
Mon.June 6th=3rd month
Tues.July 5th=4th month
Thrs.Aug 4th=5th month
Fri. Sept 2nd=6th month presumed
Sun. Oct 2nd=7th month presumed
This establishes Yom Teruah as Monday, October 3.
But because it is dependent on the actual sighting of the new moon IN Israel, it's given a 2 day
window. And this is why 'no man knows the day or hour'.
Yom Teruah translates to 'make a loud noise'. It can be by the blowing of trumpets, but more often in scripture describes the shouts of the people gathered together calling out to God in unison.
The final or Last Trumpet of Yom Teruah is called the Teki'ah Gedolah, the Great Blowing-one
last, long, sustained blast, and not the short staccato blasts before it during the observance.
It signals victory and good news! (Missler)
On a quick read it looks to me like Missler is blending secular months with Biblical (Abib) months.
My list up top is Torah accurate to the Biblical Prophetic day/month count.
Unlike the other Feasts, this one is not given a reason or purpose in the Torah. It does not commemorate anything to remembrance.
We have every reason to expect them to be fulfilled in order, so Trumpets is next.
It works well for a pre-tribulation believer.
ref also: Karaite-korner.org