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 Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced

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PostSubject: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 7:28 pm

(sorry ahead of time for the run-on sentences. I'm not really sure how to post this kind of stuff here yet..)

Did you guys see this? Just saw it on aol news. A new Boston victim who supposedly lost her leg. I have no idea - hopefully someone can trace when the pic was taken, who the woman is, if she really lost this limb now or in the past, etc.

She is fully dressed, sitting in a hospital bed with tight pants on (believe me, these are hard to get on - especially over a fresh, open wound) and she has it wrapped with an ace bandage - after just having it blown off!!! Really? Wouldn't she still be in extreme pain, maybe even still in a hospital gown? Talk about a FAST recovery!

Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced S-BOSTON-VICTIMS-MEDICAL-COSTS-large

Adrianne Haslet, a a professional ballroom dancer injured by one of the bombs that exploded near the Boston Marathon finish line, lifts her bandaged left leg in her bed at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, Wednesday, April 24, 2013. Haslet, who lost her left foot and part of her lower leg, vows that she will dance again. (AP Photo/Bizuayehu Tesfaye)
Cost of amputating a leg? At least $20,000. Cost of an artificial leg? More than $50,000 for the most high-tech models. Cost of an amputee's rehab? Often tens of thousands of dollars more.
These are just a fraction of the medical expenses victims of the Boston Marathon bombing will face.
The mammoth price tag is probably not what patients are focusing on as they begin the long healing process. But friends and strangers are already setting up fundraisers and online crowd-funding sites, and a huge Boston city fund has already collected more than $23 million in individual and corporate donations.
No one knows yet if those donations – plus health insurance, hospital charity funds and other sources – will be enough to cover the bills. Few will even hazard a guess as to what the total medical bill will be for a tragedy that killed three people and wounded more than 260. At least 15 people lost limbs, and other wounds include head injuries and tissue torn apart by shrapnel.
Health insurance, as practically anyone who has ever gotten hurt or sick knows, does not always cover all costs. In the case of artificial limbs, for example, some insurance companies pay for a basic model but not a computerized one with sophisticated, lifelike joints.
Rose Bissonnette, founder of the New England Amputee Association, said that the moment she heard about the bombings, she knew immediately that her organization's services would be needed. The advocacy group helps amputees navigate things such as insurance coverage for artificial limbs.
Bissonnette shared one group member's struggle to get coverage for artificial arms as an example of the red tape some bombing victims could face. The woman "got a call from the insurance company and the person on the other end said, `How long are you going to need the prosthetic hands?'" Bissonnette recalled.
Bissonnette herself was in a horrific car crash 16 years ago that left her with injuries similar to those facing the Boston victims. Her mangled lower left leg had to be amputated and her right ankle was partially severed. Her five-month hospital stay cost more than $250,000. Health insurance covered all her treatment, rehab and her prosthesis.
Health economist Ted Miller noted that treating just one traumatic brain injury can cost millions of dollars, and at least one survivor has that kind of injury. He also pointed out that the medical costs will include treating anxiety and post-traumatic stress – "an issue for a whole lot more people than just people who suffered physical injuries," he said.
Adding to the tragedy's toll will be lost wages for those unable to work, including two Massachusetts brothers who each lost a leg, Miller said. They had been roofers but may have to find a new line of work.
Many survivors will also need help with expenses beyond immediate health care, including things like modifying cars for those who lost limbs or remodeling homes to accommodate wheelchairs.
Many survivors live in Massachusetts, a state that requires residents to have health insurance, "which should cover most of their required treatment," said Amie Breton, spokeswoman for Massachusetts' consumer affairs office. "The total cost of that treatment is impossible to calculate at this early stage."
Amputees may face the steepest costs, and artificial legs are the costliest. They range from about $7,200 for a basic below-the-knee model to as much as $90,000 for a high-tech microprocessor-controlled full leg, said Dr. Terrence Sheehan, chief medical officer for Adventist Rehabilitation Hospital in Rockville, Md., and medical director of the Amputee Coalition, a national advocacy group.
Legs need to be replaced every few years, or more often for very active users or those who gain or lose weight. Limb sockets need to be replaced even more often and also cost thousands of dollars each, Sheehan said.
Massachusetts is among about 20 states that require health insurers to pay for prosthetic limbs, but many plans don't cover 100 percent of those costs, Sheehan said. "Most are skimpy beyond basic prosthetics and they have not caught up with current available technology," he said.
"The insurer will use terminology such as `not medically necessary'" to deny computerized feet or knees that can often make the patient better able to function and more comfortable and safe, Sheehan said.
Some insurers may be willing to make exceptions for the Boston blast survivors.
"We will work to ensure that financial issues/hardship will not pose a barrier to the care that affected members' need," said Sharon Torgerson, spokeswoman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, one of the state's largest health insurers.
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, another big insurer, is changing its policy and will pay for some of the more expensive bionic limbs when there is a demonstrated need, said Dr. Michael Sherman, chief medical officer. He said that 15 blast survivors admitted to hospitals are Harvard Pilgrim customers and that the insurance company is discussing "whether we might absorb some of the copays and deductibles."
"This is a terrorist act, and our only thought here is about providing support," he said.
The 26 hospitals that have treated bombing victims have charity funds that will cover some of the costs, said Tim Gens, executive vice president of the Massachusetts Hospital Association. Some injured residents may be eligible for Massachusetts' public health funds for the uninsured or underinsured. People with huge medical bills they can't afford are eligible, regardless of income.
Gens said hospitals are still focused on treating survivors, not on costs.
"It's an extraordinary shock to so many individuals. The hospitals are working very hard to make sure that each family gets the support they need. Billing is not an issue they're addressing right now," Gens said.
At Massachusetts General Hospital, where 31 victims have gotten treatment, chief financial officer Sally Mason Boemer said bills "create a lot of stress. Our assumption is there will be sources we can tap through fundraising." Boemer added: "Now is not the time to add additional stress to patients."
Bombings survivor Heather Abbott said Thursday she has already gotten offers of help to pay for an artificial leg. The 38-year-old Newport, R.I., woman was waiting in line to get into a crowded bar when the bombs went off.
"I felt like my foot was on fire. I knew I couldn't stand up," she recalled from her hospital bed. Surgeons amputated her left leg below the knee.
A big chunk of charity money for survivors will come from One Fund Boston, established by Boston's mayor and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.
The fund has gotten more than $20 million in donations. Determining who gets what is still being worked out, but victims' insurance status and place of residence won't be a factor, said Kenneth Feinberg, the fund administrator. He oversaw the 9/11 compensation fund during its first three years, distributing more than $7 billion to 5,300 families and victims.
Grass-roots fundraising efforts include online funds set up by friends and relatives of the victims.
Those victims include Roseann Sdoia, a Boston woman who was near the marathon finish line when the blasts occurred. Sdoia was hit by shrapnel, fire and a tree that became a projectile and injured her left leg, the funding site says. Her right leg had to be amputated above the knee. After several operations, Sdoia has started rehab.
"She is a fighter and her attitude is phenomenal," said her friend and former sorority sister, Christine Hart, who set up the site. More than $270,000 has been raised for Sdoia so far, money that may help pay for an artificial leg, transportation to and from rehab, and modifications to her car or home, Hart said.
The donations will help make sure "that finances are not part of the burden" she has to bear, Hart said.
Other funds have been set up in communities like Stoneham, a Boston suburb that counts at least five current or former residents among the victims. A Stoneham Strong fundraising event is set for Friday evening, with participants asked to circle the high school track to show support for the marathon victims. Hundreds are expected, said organizer Shelly MacNeill.
"The outpouring has been unbelievable," she said.
See HuffPost's list of ways to help Boston victims.
AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson contributed to this report.

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Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 11:57 pm

Well, now they're just throwing it in our faces. Can you believe this picture? The Boston Marathon was 11, count em, ELEVEN days ago, and we're supposed to believe she looks like THIS after losing her leg?

Arghhhh! I can't stand it all anymore! Come Lord Jesus!
Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced Adrianne-Haslet-Davis

Read the comments at the end of the article - a guy talks about how amputees usually can't even MOVE their legs until weeks after the loss.

Another site I read said she and hubby are in the military and she lost the leg in 2009 in a military drill.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 12:12 am

I just love the line under the picture below. Oh the pain, suffering, introspective reflection - all helping her to realize that she has come out of it stronger. In ELEVEN days. Wow. I'm so impressed. She's even gonna be on Dancing with the Stars so everyone can salute her bravery - 2 WEEKS after the tragedy.

I call Bull**** yet again.

Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced Adrianne-Haslet-Davis5
Since the tragic event, Haslet-Davis has experienced from "dark moments" coming to the realization that her life is changed forever, but she she said she has come out of it stronger.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 12:22 am

Maybe they're just thinking about how rich they will be when the donations start flooding in.

I ran across an interesting video today. Like the author, I thought the library was way across town.

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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 12:49 am

Excellent one Jem! Thanks for finding it. Pretty darned coincidental, that's for sure. I would imagine the elite will have to refine their trickery with the advent of Tweets and the like.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 1:07 am

wakeupcall1111 wrote:
I call Bull**** yet again.

No kidding! Just look at those pictures. Aren't we just so happy-wappy?

Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced Bovine11
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 1:11 am

Well researcher, that's what bein young does fer ya! If I was still a young whipper-snapper, I'd a bounced right back like she did. Ahh youth. Makes ya both happy and wappy!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 9:08 am

Jem said, I ran across an interesting video today. Like the author, I thought the library was way across town.

I think I can clear that up. Very shortly after the initial bombs, there
came a report of a bomb at the JFK library, Columbia Point,
(Dorchester sub-division of), Boston.
Then they said it was smoke from an electrical problem.
(another cover...probably for that particular tweet).

The library across from the bombing is the Boston Public Library.

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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:40 am

Oh my goodness guys, check out this story today - a "heartwarming" reuniting between the guy who supposedly lost both legs and the cowboy hat guy who helped him. I was so excited to see them together, but unfortunately they decided to have a "private" meeting because no-legs guy was in too much pain previously to be able to speak with him

UNLIKE the woman above, who's accident was the exact time and she's up and around like nothing happened.

Anyway, we don't get to see no-legs guy, but don't worry, cowboy hat guy will tell you all about their meeting in his heartwarming interview with the reporter.

Honestly, who would believe this drivel anymore??

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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Dr. Rita

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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:48 am

There were 2 Bombs, you can hear it in all the Videos, 10 seconds later. Why oh why is there not one picture of the second site? Not one. No one had a Iphone camera? Why do we only see the pictures across from the Library? And 170 people injured? Where were these people standing? I do not see 170 people at the typical video site. Where are all the pictures and follow up stories of the people who were injured? Where are the stories of the 3 who where killed. I only see the 8 year old boy story. Where are the others. Where are all the hospital visits to the alleged amputees?
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 10:51 am

Wow! dancing with the stars in two weeks? Not dancing I suppose, that would be "incredible". I've never lost a limb but I have lost some internal parts and it took me two months to recover enough to work. It took two weeks before I could even move slightly, comfortably. My whole body ached from the loss. I would think that her leg would be so sore she couldn't lift it like that so soon. Not without strain.

I am not always calling conspiracy over things as y'all know. But all the pics of that fella laying there in the street all alone with his legs blown off while people tend to other minor injuries right beside him is too unexplainable..... unless they knew he was a plant and not really injured.

This sets a precedent that we can have actual pictures, expose the inconsistencies, call a foul and the gubment just ignores it and carries on. That is very dangerous....
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 11:01 am

Delfi wrote:
This sets a precedent that we can have actual pictures, expose the inconsistencies, call a foul

Pictures??? Not for much longer. You do know that certain types of cameras have been banned at the Kentucky Derby don't-cha? Don't want any hi-rez proof now do we?

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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 11:52 am

THAT! Is scary Sad hide Are they going to start bombing everything? ob
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 6:11 am

Dr.Rita wrote:

There were 2 Bombs, you can hear it in all the Videos, 10 seconds later. Why oh why is there not one picture of the second site? Not one. No one had a Iphone camera? Why do we only see the pictures across from the Library? And 170 people injured? Where were these people standing? I do not see 170 people at the typical video site. Where are all the pictures and follow up stories of the people who were injured? Where are the stories of the 3 who where killed. I only see the 8 year old boy story. Where are the others. Where are all the hospital visits to the alleged amputees?

I've been thinking those very same questions myself, and even after a LOT of searching, I still have found NO answers to them. stupid computer

"Jesus is the high priest & fulfilled all the law a long time ago. I confess what the Spirit lays on my heart and rejoice for my days are growing less and less until I meet Him face to face." -Newton2012
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 10:32 am

researcher, that meter is hilarious, got me chuckling this morning.

In the scene picture of the red head... how come she is not looking at supposed wound..... oh heck this is all crap anyway, why I continue to question a lie is beyond blah blah.....

Thanks for posting the pictures!

Oh and where is that one I posted with the doctor and the double amputee sitting up in a hospital bed? You would be laying down not sitting up! Major surgery there and would be critical?

I'm looking for it to post over here.
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 3:25 pm

Thanks Wakeupcall. This girl reminds me of the wife of (I think) the 911 "Let's Roll" guy who was all smiles and dancing on a cloud after her husband died. You get the feeling that something's just not right.

Dove, that is exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for clearing it up. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 4:12 pm

I think this is a test case to see how people will accept Martial Law and Boston passed with flying colors! I shudder to think what's coming next when they will implement it nationwide.
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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 4:51 pm

Just in case anyone has been away from the forum a while and needs catching up on this controversial topic the two links below should get yu up to speed. This amputee thing has to be one of the saddest things I've ever had to view and/or comment on on this forum and I can tell y'all that the implications presented in these threads really hurts my soul deeply.

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PostSubject: Re: Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced   Another amputee from Boston Bombing has surfaced I_icon_minitime

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