The ACLJ, the American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow and staff, state their on-going war against evil, specifically at Obama:
"He is plotting to abandon Israel, take numerous unconstitutional Executive actions, and undermine the law."
"We have defeated his lawlessness before - including unanimously at the Supreme Court - but now, in his final days, he is preparing to ramp up his lawless actions.
We are prepared to defeat President Obama and stop him from crushing the Constitution.
We've filed 8 legal demands to stop the out-of-control corruption. We've filed 4 massive lawsuits in federal court confronting: 1) the Iran lie, 2) pay-to-play collusion, 3) genocide inaction, and 4) DOJ corruption. We're beating back the IRS. Now we're ready to go back to federal court."
Be vigilant. The big zerO has 73 days left to wreak havoc.
I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience