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 ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle

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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 6:33 am

This may be the first case of a "you tell me" News and Views in quite a while, because rather than talking about President-elect Trump, or Pizzagate, or any of that, we're going to be talking about Antarctica and the VERY strange goings on there, this time, with former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin:

‘Ailing’ Buzz Aldrin in Emergency Evacuation from South Pole

And here's the NBC version of the story:

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Medically Evacuated From South Pole

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Buzz-Aldrin-Antarctica-440x330

From Buzz Aldrin's Tweet: Note the Russian aircraft

Last edited by ColonelZ on Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:46 pm; edited 25 times in total
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2016 9:59 am



In last Thursday's News and Views from the Nefarium I spoke about the strangeness going on in Earth's polar continent, Antarctica, and the strange visitors there over the past few months. It began with the visit of Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow Kirill III, a visit followed by Secretary of State John Kerry, at the height of the American presidential election, which also occurred during an otherwise predominantly diplomatic tour. Then, as I noted in the News and Views, this was followed by the most recent visit of former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who had to be medically evacuated (so we're told), as his "condition" had "deteriorated."

We were not, of course, informed that Mr. Aldrin even had a "condition", much less from what it had "deteriorated." Aldrin does follow a string of such medical evacuations, which similarly we're told little about after the fact.

All of this only highlights the strangeness of the southernmost continent, and of the strange list of people associated with it. As I pointed out in last Thursday's News and Views, this list of "top people" associated with Antarctica now includes the following verybizarre list: Rudolf Hess, Nazi Party Reichsleiter; Hermann Goering, Reichsmarschal and founder of the Luftwaffe, both of whom played sponsoring roles for the Nazi expedition to the continent in 1938-1939; Admiral Richard Byrd, who, incidentally, had been flown to Nazi Germany to brief the expedition on conditions it could expect, and who led the Operation Highjump in 1947. The outcome of that expedition, and Admiral Byrd's strange remarks at the end of it to the Chilean newspaper El Mercuio, need not be rehearsed again here. Then, in the past few months, we've see added to this list Patriarch Kiril III, the only Christian bishop and hierarch ever to visit the continent, followed within a few months by John Kerry, the highest-ranking political figure ever to visit there short of a head of state, and now, Buzz Aldrin, moon astronaut.  Hess, Goering, Byrd, Kiril, Kerry, and Aldrin. The list could not be more bizarre.  All that's missing would seem to be visits of the Queen, the Japanese Emperor, the Pope, the Dalai and Panchen Lamas, a couple ayatollahs, a Grand Rabbi, a yoga or two, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Benito Mussolini's heirs. And at this stage, I wouldn't be surprised to find any of them making a sudden "tourist visit."

But there's been more to this odd story that has been brought to my attention since Thursday's News and Views, this time by Mr. J.H., who shared the following tweet from Mr. Aldrin himself:


Buzz Aldrin's Tweet prior to departure for Antarctica

The words themselves are simple, yet thought-provoking:

Quote :
We're ready to go to Antarctica! May be our last opportunity to tweet for a few days! We're go for departure to the launchpad!

Of course, these words can be read for what they are: nothing significant, just a retired astronaut using the rhetorical language of a thrilling departure for an exciting voyage in terms he's accustomed to.

But equally, in my penchant for high octane speculation, and given their wider context of "strange people associated with Antarctica," the words "go for departure to the launchpad" could be seen in a very different way, for they can be taken to imply that Antarctica is some sort of "launchpad." This of course conjures all the strange myths of UFOs(Nazi or otherwise), outlandish hollow earth theories, and other arcana associated with the southern continent. lest I be misunderstood, I'm not a subscriber to the Nazi-survival-and-secret-UFO-research-base-in-Antarctica theory, and certainly not a subscriber to the standard "hollow earth" theories, but the language is strange, in a continent associated with strangeness. Aldrin's choice of words only highlight, rather than diminish, the strangeness of the place, the events, and the people associated with it.

But there's more; according to this article shared by Ms. B.Z.,  it seems that early on in the Obama Administration, President Obama proposed extending current treaty agreements about tourism to Antarctica, and wanted to limit tourism to the continent, and hey, it's high on pretty much everyone's list as a tourist destination:

Obama Calls for Limits on Tourism to Antarctica

Host(ess) of the Arctic and Antarctic conferences? Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Apparently Mr. Aldrin and Secretary Kerry didn't get that email (perhaps Wikileaks did). But after all, they're not ordinary "tourists" by any stretch of the imagination. 

Neither are Admiral Byrd, or Patriarch Kiril(who also apparently didn't get that email).

This is another case of "you tell me," but it seems fairly clear that the high strangeness associated with the place at least since Herrn Hess and Goering set their eyes on it hasn't abated. Something is going on down there, and it's high time we're told what it is. After all, they have nothing to fear, for having lied about magic bullets, the U.S.S. Maineand a whole host of other things, who would believe them anyway?

See you on the flip side...
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2016 7:05 am

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Tierrahueca14_top1
by Mike Bara
from EnterpriseMission Website


"Frankly doctor, we’ve been receiving reports that a rather serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius. Is this in fact what has happened?

Dr. Floyd -- "I’m sorry. As I said, I’m not at liberty to discuss it."
-- Scene from 2001 - a Space Odyssey

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Tierrahueca14_05
In recent weeks, a series of disturbing and mysterious reports have been coming out of Antarctica, centered around a strange "anomaly" recently detected on that perpetually frozen Continent. The stories, covered extensively by internet news sources (like Kent Steadman’s Cyberspace Orbit site), draw eerie parallels to material as diverse as a French novel, the "X-Files" movie, and as we shall see, even Arthur C. Clarke’s "2001 - A Space Odyssey."

All the intrigue centers around a fairly recent, but potentially "breakthrough" discovery on that faraway Continent. In 1957, the Russians built a base in eastern Antarctica which they named "Vostok" (East), which also happens to be the name of the first series of manned Russian spacecraft.

In the 1970’s, via airborne radar surveys, they belatedly began to suspect that they had "inadvertently" (as the story goes) built their base at the tip of a large subglacial lake. In the years since, orbital radar mapping (shown below) combined with surface seismological measurements have confirmed that "Lake Vostok," under over two miles of solid ice, is the largest lake discovered in the last 100 years -- roughly the size of Lake Ontario but much deeper in places (more than 3000 feet! ~ 1000 meters), with about four times the volume.
ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Tierrahueca14_01
The Lake, which is still liquid and not frozen, has been isolated under the ice sheet since anywhere from 13,000 to 14 million years ago, depending on who you talk to (thus, who’s estimating precisely "when" the ice last completely covered the Continent). The water in the Lake (determined by surface thermal scans) ranges from 50 to 65 degrees F, clearly indicating a sub-terranean heat source. In addition, the whole Lake is covered by a sloping air "dome" several thousand feet high that has formed (from the "hot" water melting the overlying ice) just above the Lake’s surface.
Core samples taken by the Russians a couple years ago at their Vostok Base -- when they drilled down very close to the bottom of the ice sheet -- have revealed the presence of microbes, nutrients and various gases -- like methane -- embedded in the clear, refrozen Lake water just above the "dome."
Such items are typical signatures of biological processes. The Lake, therefore, has all the ingredients of an incredible scientific find: a completely "isolated" eco-system -- water, heat, respired gases and (judging from the unique microorganisms that scientists were actually able to culture in the United States and Russia, when retrieved from their icy prison) ... current biological activity.
As the actual scope and composition of the Lake became clearer from about 1998 on, NASA began to see it as an ideal test bed for its eventual plans to drill through the ice and search the oceans of Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Accordingly, JPL received NASA grants to develop unique "sterile" drilling technology, conduct actually drilling and probe experiments in other terrestrial environments, and to prepare a Plan to actually enter Lake Vostok by 2002.

But, coincident with a stunning new discovery, JPL has evidently now backed off these ambitious exploration plans. 

According to Scientific American, the National Science Foundation has now suddenly cancelled plans to penetrate the Lake with a robotic probe by that target date: 2002. The ostensible reason is "concern over environmental contamination." As noted earlier, core samples returned from the ice refrozen just 100 yards above the Lake’s "air dome," contained a plethora of microorganisms of various categories, including some never seen before.

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A new, uncategorized microbe from the Lake Vostok ice core samples.
These new, exotic life forms have raised concerns among the environmental lobby that exploration of Lake Vostok might "contaminate" an otherwise pristine eco-system. All this seems quite reasonable, until you factor in what happened in February, and the reaction to it.

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Tierrahueca14_03

A team of scientists from Columbia University, working under the auspices of the NSF, early in 2001 began a series of unprecedented low-altitude aerial surveys over Lake Vostok, designed to chart gravitational, magnetic and thermal activity under the ice. In the course of doing so, they made a stunning find.
A huge magnetic anomaly was discovered covering the entire Southeast portion of the shore of the Lake. This remarkable anomaly, which is discrepant from the background by over 1,000 nanoteslas (a significant variance, compared to daily variations in the Earth’s magnetic field), could of course be caused by "natural" processes.

One possibility, voiced by Columbia’s Michael Studinger, is that the Earth’s crust in the vicinity of the Lake is simply thinner under this section of Antarctica, having been stretched during the formation of the lake bed itself. This, according to Studinger, would result in a "local magnetic anomaly." Others, like Enterprise consulting geologist Ron Nicks, have serious difficulty with this theory. Nicks explains that such a thinning would heat the underlying rock and thus diminish (rather than increase -- as observed) the crust’s ability to locally amplify the Earth’s magnetic field.

There is, as always, an equally viable alternative explanation. An anomaly like this could also be caused by an accumulation of metals -- the kind you would get if you found the ruins of an ancient, buried city! 

An "ancient city under the ice?" Such a discovery would be absolutely dazzling, sending shockwaves through our world as profound as the discovery of "artifacts on Mars" or "ruins on the Moon." And the notion is not as improbable as you may think.

There is a growing trend toward the acceptance of the notion of "catastrophism" as a viable alternative to conventional geologic models. This is in opposition to the current (but retreating) geological model, called "gradualism" -- the concept that geologic changes only happen slowly, over eons. However, more and more evidence has mounted (from the Vostok ice cores, for example) that climatological changes can happen rapidly. Some attribute these "catastrophic" changes in the record to sudden polar shifts. Many researchers, from a variety of evidence, have put the last such sudden shift at around ~13,000 years ago.

Under this "catastrophic" model, Antarctica might well have been a temperate, even a jungle Continent, as recently as that 13KYA time frame. A sudden change in the Earth’s alignment relative to the sun would have plunged this once hospitable land into a perpetual freezing hell, as cold as Mars in some places. Indeed, it is easy to see Antarctica as Hitler did, as the source of worldwide "Atlantis" legends we have all heard and read. According toleast one source, Dr. Werner Von Braun of NASA was convinced that Hitler’s belief in an "Atlantis below the ice" was correct.

This admittedly far-fetched notion, however, begins to take on an air of viability when viewed in the extraordinary context of recent events.

Almost immediately after the discovery of the Columbia "Vostok magnetic anomaly," word began to leak out that JPL was inexplicably "pulling back from its Vostok exploration program." The reason given was the previously stated "environmental concerns." This was all well and good, until unconfirmed reports began to surface that a JPL spokesperson had admitted at a February press conference that the National Security Agency (NSA) had literally taken over the JPL polar research program at Lake Vostok. It was this report which created something of a firestorm on the Internet.

Several sources immediately pointed to the fact that the location of the "Vostok anomaly" is quite close to coordinates shown in the "X-Files" movie regarding the fictional location of a massive, "buried alien spacecraft." In fact, the Russian Vostok Base is the closest base of any kind to the coordinates given in the movie. (All this reminded us, of course, of our own previous suspicions about the true source of some of X-Files creator Chris Carter’s story ideas ....)

The discovery of the peculiar Vostok anomaly underneath the ice -- encompassing an area almost 3,000 miles in area -- was also eerily reminiscent of a French novel, "Subterranean," in which Antarctic scientists discover an inhabited "Lost City" under the ice.

And there were even stranger stories suddenly coming from the "bottom of the world" in this same time frame ....

A December 2000 report, carried on this Continent by NPR, stated that "someone at McMurdo had become disoriented" and began to spread the rumor of a "UFO landing" in Antarctica. There was even a poster circulating though the Base, depicting a giant spacecraft hovering directly over McMurdo!

The individual supposedly responsible was promptly "deported" from the Continent -- literally put on the next plane back to New Zealand (the official gateway to McMurdo)! Equally bizarre, at least three scientists -- including the Russian discoverer of a remarkable set of geometric "dunes," seen directly above the strongest region of the Vostok anomaly -- have died on the Continent in the past two years. Curiously, the causes of these deaths -- all of them young men in their thirties and forties -- have not been reported.
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McMurdo Station

Whether the story about the JPL press conference is, in fact, the truth (we have yet to substantiate the actual report), still stranger things began to happen down South.

Initially, it was reported that the doctor at the South Pole (the second replacement in two years at the Amundson-Scott Base) needed an unprecedented airlift extraction (this late in the season) -- because of "complications from a gall stone."

Then, coincident with that, other reports began to surface of the need for four more medical extractions, in an equally unprecedented fashion, from the coastal base at McMurdo Station, the largest US base on the entire Continent.
Again, as with the previously reported deaths, the reasons were somewhat mysterious as to the precise need for these "emergency medical extractions." Public speculation has hinged on the idea that someone coming into McMurdo from New Zealand brought "something" with them from home, some kind of infectious disease, that was subsequently spreading among the isolated population there.

However, this is extremely unlikely. Precisely because of the isolated population in Antarctica, immigrants are screened for a wide range of diseases before being allowed on the Continent. In fact, upon arrival, they are quarantined for a number of days -- to ensure they have not brought any "friends from home" with them. And, as is well known, the environmental conditions in Antarctica are so harsh that normal viruses and other microbial life cannot readily survive (even common colds are vanishingly rare), virtually guaranteeing that nobody in this instance caught a case of the "Antarctic flu."

So what’s happening? Two thoughts immediately spring to mind:

  • One is that some "Special Project" has, against all scientific and environmental prudence, indeed drilled through the ice into the Lake Vostok eco-system (clandestinely, of course). And, the participants have suddenly found themselves exposed to "something" for which their bodies literally have no immunity -- something not extant in the rest of Earth’s biosphere for between 13,000 and several million years!
    After the initial reports of "four emergency extractions," the number changed to five ... and now twelve McMurdo personnel are supposedly in need of a dangerous, "emergency medical evacuation" well into the Antarctic winter season. At one level, this has all the earmarks of "something" virulently spreading among the limited winter population at the Base, something that even the fairly complete medical facilities at McMurdo can no longer cope with.
    Complicating the picture is the fact that the "extractees" are not research scientists or long-term support personnel, but are all employees of Raytheon Corporation -- a high-tech firm that is deeply involved in a variety ofblack-ops programs for the U.S. government all around the world.

    This idea (that these two simultaneous "emergencies" are actually due to some kind of "black ops fiasco" in Antarctica) is reinforced by another little noticed story coming out of the Amundson-Scott Base -- that the doctor being brought in (to replace the ailing doctor) has been asked to also bring in "an emergency supply of salt." She’s even been asked to "stuff her own pockets full of salt packets," ostensibly because there is "no room on the rescue aircraft itself."

    This is obviously a silly, thinly-veiled "cover story" ... designed to tell someone "outside" ... "something." Salt is crucial to survival in outdoor conditions in Antarctica. The air is so dry, that unless someone exposed to the outdoors there has a good supply of salt, they are likely to face the possibility of death by mineral depletion and dehydration. Obviously the Base, after years of operation, would have a pretty good handle on just how much salt is needed until the next re-supply plane arrives. So how is it that they suddenly find themselves desperately without any of it left?!

    Maybe, because they suddenly had a unique situation. Maybe because a team of scientists and engineers from Raytheon spent a lot of unplanned days out on the windswept ice, frantically drilling against the clock, in an all-out effort to break through to the Lake below -- and in the process, used far more than the normal complement of salt to survive.

  • The other possibility for the sudden, simultaneous "evacuations" is even more extraordinary.

    What if these Raytheon black ops personnel did indeed find "something" in their secret drilling under Vostok -- and needed to get it back to civilization ASAP for in-depth study. Under this scenario, the whole idea of an "outbreak" is simply a ruse to cover the need for a large airplane (a New Zealand C-130 Hercules) dramatically visiting McMurdo at a time never attempted in all its years before: the only "way out" for something very important from the Continent. How do you cover such an operation?

    Put all the medical hints out there, and wait for the Internet conspiracists to "figure out" that there has been some kind of outbreak at McMurdo (there has been NO official confirmation of this theory, by the way), all the while covering your real agenda -- which is to get your hands on a genuine artifact from "Zep-Tepi" before the dead of the Antarctic winter makes any such attempt this year impossible!

This "conspiracy within a conspiracy" would seem a little far-fetched even to us were it not for one inescapable reality... It’s 2001

This whole weird scenario, the discovery of a magnetic anomaly at an isolated location, the secret digging to uncover an ancient artifact, the danger of shattering social consequences if the information is not properly contained, the concoction of an epidemic as a cover story for the secret activities around the extraction of the artifact -- is straight out of Clarke’s "2001" playbook!

The only real difference is the location of the artifact, Antarctica, instead of the Moon! Indeed, even the date -- 2001 -- is dead on. Anybody wonder if maybe Clarke knew something about "AMA-1" when he wrote his story more than three decades ago?

The parallels to us are striking. Remember, we have been warning all along that "2001" was Special, that a veil would begin to lift in this most crucial year .... All of us have been looking to Mars. Maybe, we should have been paying more attention to our own backyard.

Rest assured, we will be watching developments at the South Pole with great interest the rest of the year. After all, it is 2001.
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Buzz Aldrin Warns “We Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itself”   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 09, 2016 6:40 am

Buzz Aldrin Warns “We Are All In Danger. It Is Evil Itself”


ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle 000

Buzz Aldrin has tweeted an ominous warning on Twitter this week, claiming that “we are all in danger. It is evil itself,” accompanied by a picture of a pyramid at the South Pole. 

Source: ​
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PostSubject: One Of The World’s Greatest Mysteries May Be About To Be Revealed   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2016 1:58 pm

One Of The World’s Greatest Mysteries May Be About To Be Revealed - Is There An 'Empire Beneath The Ice?'

- In 2015, Yahoo News Reported 'Antarctica Holds Key To Mankind's Future'

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Antarctica_ice

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The new story from the UK's Daily Star is called "The Lost City Of Antarctica" within which we're told of a 'shock claim' being made that a massive civilization exists beneath the ice at the bottom of the world. The last of the Earth's continents to be 'officially' discovered back in 1820 according to Wikipedia, Antarctica has long been shrouded in great mystery. And as the Daily Star story asked after also exposing several mysterious 'pyramid-like structures' recently found on the icy continent, could all of this mean one of the world’s greatest mysteries is about to be unlocked?

The Antarctica stories linked on Steve Quayle's website over the past several years included a Yahoo News story from February of 2015 titled "Antarctica: Mystery Continent Holds Key To Mankind's Future" as well as a December 2015 story from the NY Times called"Countries Rush For Upper Hand In Antarctica". Were those stories simply 'fake news' from MSM outlets or were they more proof Antarctica indeed holds a position of great importance to the globalists and if so, what might that be? 

Back on December 7th we reported that something very strange was going on in the Antarctic with several recent visits made there by high profile globalists and claims made by some that a worldwide cover-up was going on after allegedly 'top secret' emails of John Podesta were found on Wikileaks that had a series of photographs of Antarctica attached. Podesta has been reported to have a great interest in UFO's and extra-terrestrials according to this story from NBC News. 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Wgm

Showing within the photos the amazing natural beauty of a world largely untouched by society, is all of the recent interest in Antarctica another sign we may soon get a 'crash course' in 'true world history'? The Daily Star story proceeds to tell us about an ancient map called the Piri Reis map, a world map compiled in 1513 according to Wikipedia from military intelligence of the Ottoman empire. And while the entire map didn't survive, what did may provide us with strong evidence of a very advanced prehistoric civilization. You can see that map at the bottom of this story.

Reporting that even experts claimed the map shows what is most likely the coastline of Antarctica (several hundred years before the continent was even officially discovered), experts were baffled because the Piri Reis map documented an Antarctica NOT covered by ice. As we see above in the 1960 letter sent to Keene, New Hampshire college professor Charles H. Hapgood from a Colonel within the United States Air Force, they had no idea how the data on the map could be reconciled with the supposed 'state of geographical knowledge' in 1513, the year the map was created.

At ANP we've long believed that much about our planet's 'true history' is either still unknown or being covered up by those who do know and in his book "Empire Beneath The Ice: How The Nazis Won World War II", Steve Quayle explores a controversial theory that demands being looked at considering what we DO know about US history. Claiming that there's much more going on in Antarctica than we know, considering that 'conspiracy theory' after 'conspiracy theory' recently have been proven true, can the mainstream media or anybody else reading this PROVE his theory wrong? 

Even today, the news Quayle warns us of the importance of in his new trailer for "Empire Beneath The Ice" (seen in the only video below) is being picked up by 'mainstream media outlets', a day after Quayle released his video. 

So, what really is going on in Antarctica? Interestingly, back on August 17th of 2016, the Express reported a mysterious 14-mile structure had been found buried in Antarctica by researchers using Google Earth. 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empire_under_ice

As Quayle shares with ANP readers in the note to us republished below and we hear in the trailer below it, every day we're moving closer and closer to what could be a 'monumental revealing'. Why are so many globalists going to Antarctica and might we soon find out? As Quayle tells us in his book "Empire Beneath The Ice", "the truth about history has long been hidden". A complete outline of "Empire Beneath The Ice" below his new trailer video as well as a deeper look at the mysterious Piri Reis map that researchers believe proves an advanced ancient civilization. 




A rather extensive outline of Quayle's book 'Empire Beneath the Ice' is detailed below. 

Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didn’t die before Germany surrendered during WWII, and how he eluded capture. 

How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research. 

Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, “The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.” 

How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military — long after WWII was supposedly over. 

Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the “UFOs” that started appearing around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots. 

How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after WWII. 

Why today’s world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed. 

How ancient stargates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes. 

Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible. 

Empire Beneath the Ice carefully documents these and many more astounding facts, divulging the truth about what is happening today. It gives you the insights to help prevent this diabolical takeover or, if it occurs, reveals the details and essential actions you and your loved ones must take. Empire Beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.

Does the Piri Reis map seen below prove an advanced prehistoric civilization? Created in 1513, long before the discovery of Antarctica, it showed an Antarctica coastline prior to the continent being covered by ice. From Old World Mysteries.:

The Controversy 

The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how Piri Reis managed to draw such an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. 

Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC. The official science has been saying all along that the ice-cap which covers the Antarctic is million years old. The Piri Reis map shows that the northern part of that continent has been mapped before the ice did cover it. 

That should make think it has been mapped million years ago, but that's impossible since mankind did not exist at that time. Further and more accurate studies have proven that the last period of ice-free condition in the Antarctic ended about 6000 years ago. There are still doubts about the beginning of this ice-free period, which has been put by different researchers everything between year 13000 and 9000 BC. 

The question is: Who mapped the Queen Maud Land of Antarctic 6000 years ago? Which unknown civilization had the technology or the need to do that? It is well-known that the first civilization, according to the traditional history, developed in the mid-east around year 3000 BC, soon to be followed within a millennium by the Indus valley and the Chinese ones. So, accordingly, none of the known civilizations could have done such a job. Who was here 4000 years BC, being able to do things that NOW are possible with the modern technologies?

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle PIRI_REIS_MAP
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PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2016 6:02 pm

Remember this? If the earth expansion theory is true and this is what happened in the days of Peleg when the earth was divided, then the south pole would have been right up next to Peru on its eastern side with China and Burma to its west. If that were the case, there really could have been quite a pre-Egyptian empire there. Which leaves me to wonder if Shinar may have been in Chinar or somewhere thereabouts?

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PostSubject: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: MORE STRANGE VISITORS…   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 13, 2016 6:18 am



In the wake of my blogs about the strange goings on in Antarctica lately, several people shared more information about the southern polar continent's list of visitors, and a very strange list it is indeed. And I thought I'd pass along their findings to the readership here, along with a few remarks and high octane speculations of my own.

 For example, Mr. D.A. sent along the following list; among the list of visitors to Antarctica, we may now add the fact that former President Bill Clinton visited the Christ Church, New Zealand "Deep Freeze" Base in that city:


Notably, according to this short article, President Clinton spoke via telephone to the American McMurdo base in Antarctica.

But wait... there's more.

The list also includes Great Britain's Prince Harry:

Prince Harry and the Royal Family in the South Pole

According to this article, the visit was a "charity function" for wounded soldiers:

Quote :
In November 2013, Prince Harry joined one of three teams of wounded servicemen and women to trek to the geographic South Pole for Walking With the Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge.
The three seven-man teams from the UK, Commonwealth and USA departed London for Cape Town on Sunday 17th November to acclimatise at Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica.
The expedition to the South Pole began from 87° south on 30th November, with the teams reaching the geographic South Pole on 13th December.
The teams of service personnel, all of whom have physical or cognitive injuries, represented and raised funds for military charities from the constituent nations: Soldier On (Canada); Soldier On (Australia); Soldiers to Summits (United States); and Walking With The Wounded (United Kingdom).
Due to the hostile conditions and the nature of the injuries involved, the expedition teams were followed by a support team, who were on hand in case of emergencies.
Trekking around 15km to 20km per day, the teams endured temperatures as low as -45°C and 50mph winds as they pull their pulks (custom built arctic sledges), each weighing in excess of 70kg, towards the southernmost point on the globe.
As with previous Walking With The Wounded expeditions, the South Pole Allied Challenge aims to highlight the extraordinary courage and determination of the men and women who have been wounded while serving their countries and to draw attention to the need to help in their career transition.

Stop and ponder that one for a moment: a trip to Antarctica to "highlight the extraordinary courage and determination of the men and women who have been wounded while serving their countries and to draw attention to the need to help in their career transition." Uh huh... I know that that event certainly stuck in my mind and made me think immediately of how hard career transitions are for wounded soldiers. Frankly, a parade down main street would have been more effective, and therefore I question the story, not that the expedition didn't happen, but rather, I question the explanation of why it happened.

Oh, and before he left with his entourage, Prince Harry of course spent a little time at the Palace meeting with his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II at a reception:

Quote :
Before they set off, The Walking With The Wounded teams and Prince Harry met The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh at a reception at Buckingham Palace as they made their final preparations for the 200 mile expedition.

Now, if you're like me, you will suspect that there was probably a bit more going on here than just a "reception" with grandmum and granddad.

And then finally, we have King Juan Carlos and his Queen making a little trek through the Straits of Magellan on a Chilean navy vessel, before the King "fulfilled an ambition" by visiting Antarctica in 2004:


Now, if you're keeping royal Antarctica score cards here, that marks the British Royal House, and the Spanish Royal House, as visitors to the continent, and (just for kicks) let's recall that the House of Windsor, or better put, the House of Saxe-Coburg und Gotha has its own multifaceted connections to the old houses of Hannover, Welf-Este, and of course, the house of Hohenzollern for all you Kaiser Wilhelm II fans.  And if we really want to poke around in the family archives a bit, we'd have to include at least historic connections with the House of Orange as well. And the Spanish royal house, similarly, has its own multifaceted historical and biological connections to the Bourbon-Poissons in France, and to the Hapsburgs. One has to wonder, therefore, what the Antarctica gossip was around the royal dinner tables in London and Madrid and in Germany, France, and Austria.

All we're missing here is a visit by the Romanovs, but given all the other high strangeness, perhaps we can figure that Patriarch Kiril's visit might have been that of a "representative."


So adding it all up, we have the following increasingly strange and bizarre list of people that have either visited, or have been connected to, Antarctica:

Quote :
1)  Rudolf Hess (sponsor of 1938-39 Nazi Expedition);
2) Herman Goering(sponsor of 1938-39 Nazi Expedition);
3) Admiral Richard Byrd, visitor, leader of Operation High Jump, 1947, who makes strange remarks for El Mercurio of Santiago de Chile about the USA preparing to defend against "enemy fighters that can fly from pole to pole with tremendous speed";
4) Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril III (visitor), to bless an Orthodox chapel;
5) US Secretary of State John Kerry, visitor, to learn about "climate change" (so we're told);
6) Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Moon astronaut, visitor, who tweets about getting ready to "go to the launchpad", who then has to be evacuated and quarantined;
7) Prince Harry of Great Britain, visitor on a "charity" junket to highlight wounded soldiers and difficult career transitions;
Cool King Juan Carlos of Spain, visitor, who wants to fulfill a "lifelong ambition" to see beautiful, scenic Antarctica.

And as if all this were not enough, Buzz Aldrin allegedly tweeted "We are all in danger. It is evil itself," (Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Tweets "We are all in Danger. It is evil itself") apparently in reference to the alleged pyramid-mountain found on the continent. I cannot help but to indulge in a little tangential high octane speculation here, since having proposed the most outlandish pyramid theory of them all, namely, that the Great Pyramid may have been built as a weapon of some sort.  So if that really is a pyramid down there, and if Aldrin really tweeted that, then one might perhaps be looking at either another such case, or at the original. But, as I said before, I have my doubts about this Antarctic pyramid story(See

See what do we have when one adds up this list? Very clearly, to draw this many people of high position - kings, a prince, a head diplomat, a couple of highly placed Nazis, an admiral, an astronaut and an Orthodox Patriarch - to the continent, something is clearly going on (not the least of which is that "word is getting around in high places"), something requiring the scrutiny, or at least, the presence, of such people. What might it be? Again, I suspect that someone, or something, or perhaps both, has been found. Aldrin's alleged statement about "evil" places Kiril's prior trip to the continent in an interesting perspective, for of course there were all those stories on the internet that the Saudis(!) had "found something" at the Grand Mosque of Mecca(!) and wanted the Russians(!) to take it to Antarctica and "get rid of it", which Kiril promptly did after performing "ancient rituals" over it. Of course, I don't buy that story for a moment. But Aldrin's comment - if true - does place Kiril's presence there into a suggestive context, one suggesting that perhaps there was some kernel of truth the in the wild Saudi-Grand Mosque-Russia story. If indeed there was some "unspeakable" evil there, than that would go a long way to explain why Herren Hess und Goering had an interest, though it would not explain how they learned of it; did they know something prior to the Nazi expedition? And if so, how? Or did they learn of it afterwards? Did their aircraft, as they were flying over the continent and making photographic surveys, snap a photo of the "pyramid" and work Hess, Himmler, and Goering into a lather?

While we're indulging in all these high octane speculative questions, let's throw all caution to the winds, and recall that first X Files movie, which had Agent Mulder trekking to Antarctica, with the Cigarette Smoking Man hot on his trail behind him, to rescue agent Scully. Lo and behold a massive UFO-flying saucer hidden beneath the ice suddenly activates (for reasons we're not really sure of) and flies off. Apparently, in this one instance, the "truth" was not "out there", but rather, "down there" for Agents Scully and Mulder. Silliness for a certainty. But as I pointed out in the very last section of my book Nazi International, amateur German seismologists were picking up extraordinarily large long waves literally crawling all over their seismographs of the continent, almost as if something or someone was using the planet itself to broadcast...something. And of course, I theorized in my speculations about the Great Pyramid that it utilizes precisely such longitudinal wave forms.

So what's my bottom line speculation here? It has not changed since I first posted about Secretary Kerry's visit, and about Aldrin's: something or someone - and my bet is on something - has been found down there, something probably very old, something perhaps very sophisticated, and something perhaps indicating a someone else, whether from here or just perhaps from elsewhere.
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Real Pyramids In Antarctica, Buzz Aldrin Disinfo Exposed!   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 13, 2016 9:44 pm

Real Pyramids In Antarctica, Buzz Aldrin Disinfo Exposed!

Published on Dec 13, 2016

United States Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Tweeted an ominous message to the world using his official, verified Twitter Account, then strangely deleted the tweet later?? His words: "We are all in danger. It is evil itself." and showed a photograph of a pyramid located at the South Pole as show In the Video. BUT ITS FAKE!

Superstation even reported that it was from Buzz's Official page, but it was not!!!! If that would have been checked, they would have known this. Or they knew and decided to push it anyway!

Bottom line, the Alleged Buzz Tweet was NOT from His Account.

Secondly, there are very real pyramid type structures int his area. The fact that the new Belgian Base is at the base of one, shows the importance to the research they are really doing there. They chose this specific spot for a reason. 

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PostSubject: Satellite Detects MASSIVE Object Under Antarctica 12/27/16   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2016 4:29 am

Satellite Detects MASSIVE Object Under Antarctica 12/27/16

Published on Dec 27, 2016

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PostSubject: The Pyramids Of Antarctica Conspiracy   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2017 10:37 am

The Pyramids Of Antarctica Conspiracy

Published on Dec 31, 2016

Could an ancient civilisation have existed in Antarctica thousands of years ago? Possibly even the legendary city of Atlantis? Alltime Conspiracy investigates.

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PostSubject: Antarctica is the Key   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2017 10:41 am

Antarctica is the Key

Published on Jan 2, 2017

Maps for the passage of the depths of the seas. Use only during maneuvers! Instructions to pass spaces and corridors for the voyage to Agartha.

​Did their U-boats go down through these secret passages of water under the south pole into the inner Earth?

Read here:

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PostSubject: Unveiling the Antarctic Mysteries and Exposing the Cover-up   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2017 7:20 am

Unveiling the Antarctic Mysteries and Exposing the Cover-up

By Joachim Hagopian

January 6, 2017

The great visionary Edgar Cayce once said, “The unseen forces are greater than the seen.” That esoteric statement extends to the cosmology of our physical universe as well, since scientists believe it’s comprised of 96% dark matter and dark energy, leaving just 4% of the universe seeable. And among the earth’s seven continents, no greater land mass has been more unseen, uninhabited and less known about than the mysterious frozen terrain that lies underneath the 2-4 mile deep polar ice shelf covering the Antarctic continent, a massive 5.4 million square mile (14 square million kilometer) archipelago that’s twice the size of Australia surrounding the south pole.

The story of Antarctica is the story of secrecy enshrouded in government nondisclosure and cover-up. Yet scientists from primarily the United States, Russia, United Kingdom and France, each largely working separately for decades, have guardedly unveiled layers of truth in small bits and pieces that reveal a mysterious, darkly hidden past. In fact up to 30 countries operate research stations on the continent. Despite the Antarctic Treaty signed by a dozen original nations in December 1959 promoting cooperation for shared scientific research that prohibits a military presence other than for adjunctive scientific purposes, more than a half dozen countries squabble over territorial claims – the UK, Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, France and Norway. The US supposedly ceased its naval operations on the continent in 1998. But aside from US hegemon’s presence, Russia’s vested interest announced a year ago includes a naval expedition operating in Antarctica, its first in three decades, and seemingly a violation of the Antarctic Treaty. China also set up its first air squadron in 2016, ostensibly to support its four research bases.  With increasing tensions between US and Eastern powers Russia and China, the geopolitics chessboard match on our southernmost continent appears to be gearing up like never before.

Apart from politics, a huge crack 80 miles long (130 km) and 300 feet deep is currently splitting  and spreading across the 2,400 mile continental expanse. From last March to August the massive crevice grew 14 miles. A chunk of ice almost the size of Delaware could break apart, separating as much as 10% of the ice shelf, and likely causing sea levels to significantly rise that could submerge coastlines the world over.

 Edgar Cayce predicted upheaval at the earth’s poles subsequently elevating water levels and plunging US cities along the Eastern Seaboard underwater. By the end of the century, sea levels are expected to rise up to 10 feet, submerging cities like Miami and New York and forcing evacuation of 150 million people living along low lying coastlines worldwide.

The ancient Hermetic adage “as above, so below” can easily be applied to ongoing changes in the earth’s Polar Regions as a microcosm to the profound widespread changes currently taking place at the macrocosm level throughout our solar system and beyond. Cayce also predicted strong earthquake activity in the Western US that includes California’s San Andreas Fault and the Nevada-Utah area. Three 5.5-5.7 quakes struck back to back last week at the California-Nevada border on December 28th, acting as a reminder of the recent influx of earthquake and volcanic activity that appear to be directly correlated with intense solar and galactic bursts of cosmic energy. The earth is getting bombarded now by intense radioactive waves of gamma and X-rays, heating up the earth’s core causing a spike in recent earthquakes – within 9 days in late December, 257 shakers of magnitude 5 and higher.

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PostSubject: Antarctic Mysteries Are Increasing - Antarctica Secret   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2017 5:44 pm

Antarctic Mysteries Are Increasing - Antarctica Secret

Published on Dec 29, 2016

No one has ever seen how earth looks like as a whole. Some so called astronots lie about this. It will remain a mystery for many people. 

What is going on in Antarctica, some people really know, but there are also many unanswered questions about this. 

This video shows some strange things that are going on in the antarctic region. And some things that are going on with the viewpoint of a hollow earth. Many things about the hollow earth also make sense on a flat earth, only flat earth makes more sense knowing that there is no curvature to be measured or observed on earth.

The first part is from the Outer Dark channel, the video is from 2outoflove channel. I recommend you to visit their channels also.

What is going on in Antarctica?

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PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2017 8:26 pm

something is going on down there....they have found something that they have hunted for years....what is it? idea, only, i am a guy that knows that all the bible "codes" are a load of crap, a guy that does not believe in ET's (fallen angles, aka "watchers" is a whole different game, though), nor do i believe in remote viewing, speaking in "tongues"(gibberish), and a whole more bulls**t stuff that passes for "faith" in todays laodician church age....ain't no such thing as a flat earth,either....i am as conservative as one can get in that i believe in a sovereign God, predestination, election and limited atonement....i am a dude that finds steve quayle annoying, although i respect his research work) and a sensationalist....all of for this: i do not go out on a tangent unless i have a reason antarctica the atlantis of ancient lore?....i never actually believed atlantis existed unless it existed in the pre-flood period of the nephilim....the only reference to it, that i can find, was by plato and none of the biblical manuscripts mention it, both canonical and non-canonical......i do not disbelieve it, either.....there is just no evidence...(forgive me for the way this is being typed, the bandage on my finger is hitting all kinds wrong keys and i am spending more time fixing typos than i am actually typing).....did they find the evidence....did the antarctic used to be along the equator and, due to the pole shift that occurred at some point in the past, get repositioned at the bottom of the planet?.....was it pre-adam, or was it pre-flood, or was it even at all?....all i know is that a lot of people are going down into -80 temperatures for something other than a vacation getaway.....i have seen the photos of the pyramid structures from down there that look like the one at giza...some much to know, so small of a brain to know it with, and so little time!...something is amiss and i want to know what it is
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PostSubject: WHAT? Giant "Staircase" Found On Antarctica! 1/9/17   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2017 6:34 am

WHAT? Giant "Staircase" Found On Antarctica! 1/9/17

Published on Jan 9, 2017

Coords: 68°54'57.42"S ,88° 1'49.92"E
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email us YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!

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PostSubject: Large Saucer UFO Found Buried In Antarctica! 1/13/17   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2017 6:49 am

Large Saucer UFO Found Buried In Antarctica! 1/13/17

Published on Jan 13, 2017
Disc coords: 74°38'18.53" S 164°31'48.53" E
Caves: 66°33'12.33"S, 99°50'20.37"E --- 66°36'12.69"S, 99°43'12.44"E

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PostSubject: ANTARCTIC STRANGENESS… AGAIN…   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 17, 2017 6:36 am



2016 closed in its final months and weeks with a series of very weird stories about Antarctica. First, we saw the Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill III, visit the continent, ostensibly to bless the Russian Orthodox chapel at the Russian bases there. As I pointed out at that time, that story just didn't sit entirely comfortably with me, as any Orthodox bishop could have done that. Why get the Patriarch involved? Following his visit, there were stories on the internet that the Saudis(!) had found something at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, which they turned over to Russia (for some not adequately explained reason) so that the Patriarch could take whatever it was to Antarctica and perform "ancient rituals" over it and remove it from endangering The Rest of Humanity.

Needless to say, I didn't buy the idea, for many reasons, not the least of which was that I can't imagine the (out)House of Saud turning anything over to the Russians for Christian rituals to be performed over it, especially if, as the story suggested, it was some sort of ancient high technology.

Following all that strangeness was the visit of U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry to the southern polar continent. The spin for that story was almost as ridiculous as the Saudis-found-something-and-gave-it-to-the-Russians story, for we were told that the Secretary had made his visit because of a personal interest in "climate change." Well, maybe, but the circumstances of the visit, during an otherwise exclusively diplomatic junket, seem odd. Why the side trip to satisfy personal interests in climate change?

 After all, he's the chief diplomat of the U.S.A., and a simple phone call at Foggy Bottom would have had piles of climate change data and analysis on his desk in Washington in a matter of minutes. As I noted last year about this story, this trip suggested a diplomatic purpose. After all, diplomats talk and negotiate, all of which raises the issue of who Mr. Kerry might have been talking to and negotiating with down there, especially since the U.S.A. maintains relationships with all the countries that have a presence in Antarctica.

But it quickly became even stranger when former Apollo 11 astronaut and "second man on the Moon" Buzz Aldrin went to Antarctica, after texting he was about to go to the launchpad. Those words were, as I noted at the time, capable of two possible interpretations, the more likely one being that, as a former astronaut, he was simply using astronaut-speak for boarding the airplane that would take him there. The other possibility was that he was referring to Antarctica itself as the "launchpad," and of course, that raises all sorts of sticky issues, especially in the context of Mr. Kerry's visit and its weird potentialities. Moreover, once in Antarctica, Mr. Aldrian promptly became sick (with exactly what we're not informed), and had to be emergency-evacuated to New Zealand.

Things became even stranger when regular readers here emailed me various articles about other famous or "connected" people visiting Antarctica, which included, among others, a British prince and the late King Juan Carlos of Spain.


As I began to conjecture what might be drawing all this recent attention, one possibility that I entertained was "they found something," something possibility of historical, cultural, or even technological importance, or all three. At that point, I received articles about the alleged pyramid, about which I remain skeptical in a 60-40 kind of way, 60 percent on the skeptical side, and 40 percent on the "it sure looks like a pyramidal structure" side.

Now, a new "thing" has appeared, according to this recent article shared by many readers here:

What is this fort doing in Antarctica? Motte and bailey castle remains emerge from icecap

OK. "Motte and bailey" may be a bit much, for there are lots of ifs here, and one of them is, of course, that photos can be photoshopped rather easily these days, and even put on Google earth. Nor is there any real evidence here that the article's conclusion is correct, namely, that this represents some ancient construction, rather than a modern one. After all, much going on in Antarctica is secret, and what we are told is subject to all the previously-mentioned caveats and hedges. But, I have to be honest, here my intuition leans to the genuineness of the photo, and to the artificiality of what it is showing; it's a "something artificial" in a region supposedly where such a thing shouldn't be present. The question really is, if this is the case, then what is it, and how old is it?

And that idea makes me move my pyramid skepticism marker to the 55-45 ratio, and not the 60-40 one. Add to this the new attention on the large underground gravitational anomaly that has recently been reported about Antarctica, and we have a very curious picture indeed. Take the "pyramid" and this "structure" together and I'm 55-45.

So why am I bothering you with an article and objects I'm 55 percent skeptical about, and 45 percent positive about?

And the answer is, when one views these stories in the context of visits by King Juan Carlos, John Kerry, Kiril III, and Buzz Aldrin, not to mention British Princes in recent years, and not to mention that strange relationship of Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering to the southern continent via the Nazi expedition there, then the scenario of "they've found something they're not talking about" gains more corroboration, and pyramids and structures might provide the clue: they've found something old, artificial, and therefore, the remains of a lost civilization.

And we all know what myth lies at the center of that conception, and for our purposes, it's wise and prudent to recall that that lost civilization was said to be warlike, and possessed of strange advanced technologies, by some people's lights.

See you on the flip side...
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PostSubject: Why Are World Leaders Visiting Antarctica?-Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2017 6:31 am

Why Are World Leaders Visiting Antarctica?-Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter On January 22, 2017 In Political Analysis 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Steve-Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

In the last few months, the world’s political and religious leaders have been making trips to the continent at the bottom of the world—Antarctica. Author of “Empire Beneath the Ice” (second edition December 2016).  Steve Quayle says people should take notice.  Quayle explains, “What really is going on down there?  Here is the billion dollar question, and probably the trillion dollar question:  Why are the world’s religious leaders and the world’s most powerful leaders going to Antarctica?  I don’t think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins, with no disrespect meant.  Someone or something has summoned the world’s leaders.”

Quayle also says, “Most people don’t understand, and this is critical, the United States, in 1947, sent a war flotilla to the Antarctic under Admiral Byrd and it was called “Operation Highjump.” It was to seek out and destroy the hidden Nazi bases that intelligence agencies provided them the documentation for.  It wasn’t a small thing.

  There were 13 ships and 4,700 men and state of the art U.S. weaponry.  The bad news is we got our rear ends kicked.  Russians were spying on us, and they had a video of our aircraft encountering flying saucers.”

Fast forward to today, and Quayle contends, “Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting’s of this fringe or that fringe.  Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical.  It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich . . . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient  beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away.  So, all this is a matter of record.  When you put all the records together, it points to this:  There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.”

The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be.  For the record, all of the world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Steve Quayle author of “Empire Beneath the Ice.”

(There is much more in the video interview.)

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PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2017 2:32 pm

Steve Quayle, I have a love/hate relationship with him as do many others here. Having said that the interview with Greg Hunter that ColonelZ posted directly above this posting is worth your taking the 42 minutes to hear. Link to the YouTube is below and is goes to the same as the video posted by Col-Z. Greg Hunter is an interesting guy and great interviewer.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2017 4:42 pm

strange goings on in the Arctic as well..

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle 2958853248
—Psalm 30:5
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PostSubject: Did Steve Quayle Find What Is In Antarctica? "Giants, Atlantis, UFO?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2017 9:54 am

Did Steve Quayle Find What Is In Antarctica? "Giants, Atlantis, UFO?

Published on Jan 23, 2017

World Leaders continue to go to Antarctica and Steve Quayle may know what it is they are looking at Also Help Us Spread The Word also also

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PostSubject: FOUND IT! Alien Ship Being Stored At South Pole 1/23/17   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2017 11:47 pm

 Discernment.....Photo shop?

FOUND IT! Alien Ship Being Stored At South Pole 1/23/17

Published on Jan 23, 2017

Disc Coords: -66.273354, 100.984661
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PostSubject: Watch: The Mysteries Of Antarctica Revealed: “Someone Or Something Has Summoned The World’s Political and Religious Leaders to Antarctica”   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2017 7:49 am

Watch: The Mysteries Of Antarctica Revealed: “Someone Or Something Has Summoned The World’s Political and Religious Leaders to Antarctica”

Mac Slavo
January 30th, 2017

Comments (4)
Read by 1,406 people

The mysteries surrounding the world’s largest but least explored land mass continue to be revealed.

From recent images showing what appear to be Pyramids similar to those of Giza to evidence of once-luscious rain forests, Antarctica seems to be giving up its secrets.

 Numerous political and religious leaders, including former Secretary of State John Kerry, have been taking secret trips to the remote continent, but as of yet, no one in any official capacity has explained why.

It would take an expert with a wide body of knowledge in fields including religion, science, politics and history to unravel the web that has been weaved by governments and secretive scientific organizations over the last seven decades to understand what’s really at play.

Recently, Steve Quayle, author of Empire Beneath the Ice, joined Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog to discuss the many facts and theories about what really lies  beneath the ice.

Quote :
What really is going on down there?  Here is the billion dollar question, and probably the trillion dollar question:  Why are the world’s religious leaders and the world’s most powerful leaders going to Antarctica?  I don’t think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins, with no disrespect meant.  Someone or something has summoned the world’s leaders.

Most people don’t understand, and this is critical, the United States, in 1947, sent a war flotilla to the Antarctic under Admiral Byrd and it was called “Operation Highjump.” It was to seek out and destroy the hidden Nazi bases that intelligence agencies provided them the documentation for.  It wasn’t a small thing.  There were 13 ships and 4,700 men and state of the art U.S. weaponry.

So, all this is a matter of record.  When you put all the records together, it points to this:  There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.

Covering everything from Byrd’s mission  and the possibility of secret Nazi bases to pyramids and the existence of advanced alien technology, Steve Quayle’s interview with Greg Hunter is filled with citations, historical evidence and explanations for what is really going on at the bottom of the world.


One thing’s for sure – the official history of mankind as we know it is incomplete, or wrong altogether.

For more interviews and important news visit Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog.

To learn more about the vast mysteries surrounding Antarctica and the history of the world visit You can view Steve’s extensive collection of books and DVD’s at

Watch the trailer for Empire Beneath the Ice


The Ice Is Cracking in Antarctica. “Pyramids” Have Been Spotted. Is a Secret Past Emerging?

The Big Thaw On Earth’s Hidden Mysteries? “Antarctica Ready To Give Up Secrets”

Team Plans Scientific Expedition to Antarctica to “Prove” the Earth is Flat

Secrecy and Mysteries Challenge the Official History of Antarctica
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PostSubject: Q-CAST: Antarctica Disclosure Coming!   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 9:45 pm

Q-CAST: Antarctica Disclosure Coming!

Published on Jan 31, 2017
This is the Q-CAST for January 31, 2017. Steve discusses the coming disclosure concerning Antarctica.

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PostSubject: Hideout Shrouded In Mystery Potentially Home To The New World Order   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2017 9:44 pm

Steve Quayle’s EMPIRE BENEATH THE ICE? Or Secret Illuminati Headquarters Discovered In Antarctica? Hideout Shrouded In Mystery Potentially Home To The New World Order

February 2, 2017 by SkyWatch Editor

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Bouvet-island

Bouvet Island, the uninhabited, volcanic, Antarctic island is to this day, according to the CIA uninhabited. However, the island is home to a top-level internet country domain code .bv and is shrouded in several recent unsolved mysteries. If the island is uninhabited, then why in the world are servers located on the island? According to the norse cyber warfare tracker, many of the massive attacks originate from this mysterious island, meaning that there is to a degree some form of infrastructure there. Reason being, you need both electricity and internet connectivity. Whether it be by satellite or by internet cable, this mysterious island is somehow connected to the world wide web. To add to the original mystery of how the island is connected, the norse website has given the island a mil/gov ip code. That means somehow this island is tied to the United States government – even though the CIA fact book states that this island is uninhabited and that it is a Norway territory […] Yet another mystery shrouds the island, why in the world is a row boat parked in a lagoon? And how in the world did it get there? Is this island a secret military base? Or is this a secret headquarters for the New World Order? 

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PostSubject: BREAKING: "Steve Quayle World Leaders Going To Antarctica" Why?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2017 10:08 pm

BREAKING: "Steve Quayle World Leaders Going To Antarctica" Why?

Streamed live 11 hours ago

Pastor Paul Begley "LIVE" also Help Us Spread the Word

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PostSubject: Q-CAST: Empire Beneath the Ice   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 04, 2017 3:42 am

Q-CAST: Empire Beneath the Ice

Published on Feb 3, 2017

Q-CAST February 3, 2017. Steve continues his discussion on the secret activities happening in Antarctica.

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PostSubject: Empire Beneath the Ice- Command and Control for the New World Order- Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2017 10:25 am

Empire Beneath the Ice- Command and Control for the New World Order- Steve Quayle and Dave Hodges

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle CSS-Offical-New-Logo2

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empireice3

It is a talk show host’s dream to cover breaking news which imparts a dramatic effect on society as a whole. In my most recent show, I experienced such a novelty when I interviewed Steve Quayle regarding his best-selling book, Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II.

Revisionist History

Steve Quayle joined Dave Hodges for the last two hours in what Dave called the fastest two hours in the history of the show. Steve discussed how his new book describes so many things that are going on today and they all owe their origin to the fact that the Nazis actually won World War II.

Steve Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is historically wrong.

Steve further  documented how the hidden evidence proves Adolf Hitler and many from his high command didn’t die before Germany surrendered following WW II and how he eluded capture. Hitler did not commit suicide and many notables such as Eisenhower and Stalin cast serious doubt on that particular assertion. Nazi SS members, top Nazi scientists, and top military leadership escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their Satanically inspired and very perverse reseach.

As an aside, did you know that in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by high-tech aircraft coming from the polar regions, adding, “The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.”

NASA Is a Fraud

The American pilots called them Foo Fighters. This Nazi-created advanced technology, the Nazi saucers, were able to easily defeat the US military, even after the end of World War II.

My father told me, based on his work with captured German scientists, that NASA was a cover for the secret space program which was militarized. Did you know that most of the observed UFO’s are piloted by Nazi pilots? Steve Quayle’s book validates this notion.

The Creation and the Perpetuation of the Nazi Empire

From Prescott Bush, President George H. W. Bush’s father, to IBM leadership, did you know that top-level government, corporate, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and politicians helped Hitler come to power? There was an decidedly international conspiracy that helped  the preservation of Nazi wealth and power following WW II.

Secrets Revealed

Today’s nations are covertly controlled by a satanic shadow government and entire populations are being brainwashed by the corporate controlled media.

Through devices, like CERN, ancient stargates have been duplicated and they serve to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes. This constitutes a major threat to humanity. It is Steve’s belief, that based upon the statements of others, that select members of humanity have traveled to the vast regions of the universe. It makes one wonder where the former TV series, Stargate SG-1, was able to obtain their story lines.  The show, which aired for nearly a decade, was abruptly cancelled following the season in which ancient alien technology was unearthed deep within the poles, beneath the ice, and it was use used to defeat an invading alien force. The  show was immensely powerful and revealing.

These events constitute the basis for the takeover of the planet by a dictator, who undoubtedly would be called the  Antichrist.
Steve Quayle’s book, Empire Beneath the Ice, fully exposes the dangers our world faces, and what you need to counter these satanic forces

Below is the two hour interview I conducted with Steve Quayle.  The interview is deep and penetrating. I strongly recommend listening to the interview followed by reading the book.

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PostSubject: Aliens Found in Antarctica Unknown DNA Discovered 2017   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2017 9:49 pm

Aliens Found in Antarctica Unknown DNA Discovered 2017

Published on Feb 8, 2017
L. A. Marzulli appears on LIVE LEAK!

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PostSubject: …Uhm… British Scientists are looking for WHAT in ...   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2017 6:57 am

…Uhm… British Scientists are looking for WHAT in ...

If you've been following the strangeness in Antarctica, you can add some more strangeness, and this ranges from a completely unsubstantiated rumor, which we'll get to in a moment, to something that is a little more than... well, creepy, which will be the subject of our trademark High Octane Speculation de jour.

So let's look at the unsubstantiated rumor. When Ms. K.F. sent this to me, I looked at the subject header, and said out loud to my empty office, "You've got to be kidding!" I clicked on the link and found this:

Now, I have no idea where this story is coming from, and in the limited time I've had to do various searches for it, I've not been able to find exactly where - if anywhere - this is coming from. So, I'm filing this in the "Unsubstantiated But Definitely Interesting Rumor" file. Normally I wouldn't even mention something like this, other than for the fact that of all the strange, and on occasion weird, people on the "People Associated with Antarctica List," Newt Gingrich would certainly fit right in there with Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goering, Richard Byrd, King Juan Carlos, Prince Harry, Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril III. (Our only advice to Mr. Gingrich is that if he really is intending to go look at penguins and study climate change, that he take Nancy Pelosi and John McCain with him, and leave them there.)  But seriously, even if this is unsubstantiated rumor, consider only what this very bizarre list adds up to:

1)  The Reichsleiter of the Nazi Party until 1941 (Hess);

2) The founder and head of the Luftwaffe and founder of the Gestapo (Goering);

3) An American admiral and arctic explorer;

4) The King of Spain;

5) A British Prince;

6) The chief diplomat of the USA in the final months of the Obama administration

7) A Christian hierarch and head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Add Mr. Gingrich and one has "Former Speaker of the American House of Representatives" and former candidate for President.

(And this is all supposed to be about climate change? Sorry, I'm not getting the connection between Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess and climate change, thank you very much.)

Boil that list down and you have representatives of (1) militaries (2) intelligence agencies (3) royalty (4) politics (5) International diplomacy (6) space programs and (7) religion. Hmmm...

Turning from the "Unsubstantiated But Definitely Interesting Rumor" file to something much more substantial (and shared by many here), we discover that scientists in Great Britain want to go there to.... well, read it for yourself:

FROZEN IN TIME British scientists to lead hunt for fragments of ‘dead planets’ hidden in Antarctica

After I picked my jaw up off the floor after having read this, my first thought was, "Gee, isn't it interesting what people will do once they vote to BREXIT and get out from underneath Mad Madame Merkel's thumb and are free to do their own thing?" 

Why, the first thing they want to do is go to Antarctica to look for "the remains of these ancient proto-planets (which) will allow us to understand conditions in the early years of our Solar System." Now, these are all perfectly respectable British scientists, and there is of course a perfectly respectable British and typically scientific  "low key" explanation for all this:

Quote :
Mathematician Dr Geoffrey Evatt will lead the expedition, which will set off in 2020.
He believes Antarctica could be hiding vast numbers of “missing iron meteorites”.
He said: “We now have the opportunity to commence on a truly exciting scientific adventure. If successful, our expeditions will help scientists to decode the origins of the Solar System and cement the UK as a leader in meteoritics and planetary science.”

Wot!?!? You mean the United Kingdom is not a leader in meteoritics?!?


Now the reader probably detected a heavy note of sarcasm in my remarks (unless of course, they're a recent product of the American educational system, where the word "sarcasm" will remain a deep, profound, and Inscrutable Mystery). And that brings me to my high octane speculation de jour, for it sounds an awfully lot like what these British scientists might be looking for is confirmation of the late 18th-early 19th century astronomical theory that the asteroid belt is the remains of an exploded planet that blew up aeons ago, a theory which was revived by the late US Naval astronomer Dr. Tom Van Flandern. Now the interesting thing about Dr. Van Flandern, if you've read his book(Dark Matter, Missing Planets, and New Comets), or if you've read my summary of it in my book (The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts), is that he proposed a number of models as to why that missing planet suddenly blew up. One of his proposals was that a sort of natural fission reactor in the core of the planet -and yes there are such things as natural fission reactors, or at least, scientists think there could be - suddenly went critical, and kablooey, the planet blew up. But in reading Dr. Van Flandern's book, you can tell that he isn't very taken with that idea. After all, that would require a very BIG natural fission reactor, and that's problematic for a whole host of reasons we don't have time to get into here.

 Then he proposed another natural model: suppose, he said, there was a great accumulation of anti-matter somehow in the core of the planet, that was contained, but that the containment broke down, the anti-matter came into contact with matter and, again, kablooey, it blew up. That too, you can tell he was not to thrilled with, because, as a scientist, he knew that the matter/anti-matter anisotropy phenomenon was hugely problematic, as was the idea that somehow, a natural containment was fashioned to contain enough anti-matter to cause a planet to blow up, not to mention the idea that, once having proposed such a natural containment mechanism, it then somehow broke down. The natural explanations had too many ifs, and he wasn't considering too carefully that idea of collisions with other celestial bodies, because that too had its problematic elements.

So then Dr. Van Flandern came - somewhat reluctantly - to the idea that it was caused by some sort of "technological accident", say, perhaps (though he does not say this) that they built their large hadron collider just a little too big, and slammed one too many God particles into one too many anti-God particles. And then, finally, he comes right out and says what I suspect he may have been thinking all along, or at least entertaining the idea for the sake of "completeness" in hypotheses, namely, that the planet was blown up  - in his words - by "deliberate action," in other words, in an act of war. And that, of course, implies a technology of weapons of mass destruction capable of doing so. And of course, if one is blowing up planets with such technologies in an act of war, then that implies that the planet itself may have been home to intelligent life, was a belligerent in that war, and at a similar pitch of technological and warmaking capability.

...and that implies that maybe, just maybe, by dint of some fluke of chance, or by dint of that very high pitch of technological development itself, that some sliver or slivers of that technology might have survived, to be recognizeable and recoverable in meteorites...

See you on the flip side...
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PostSubject: …AND THE NEXT VISITOR TO ANTARCTICA IS…   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2017 6:07 am



Ok folks, things just became even more bizarre regarding the Antarctica Strange Visitors Sweepstakes. May we have the envelope please... ?
And the next visitor to Antarctica is...
........... The Russian Baltic Fleet! (Applause):

Ships of Russian Baltic Fleet to make voyage to Antarctica this year

...uhm... er... really?  I mean... really!?

Now, as I recall, the last time the Russians sent their Baltic Fleet on this kind of half-way-round-the-world junket was in 1905 during the Russo-Japanese war, whereupon Japanese Admiral Togo promptly sank it in the Tsushima straits. Of course, when it comes to the modern Baltic Fleet, the TASS article reassures us that this is all "perfectly" normal and just part of the Baltic Fleet's usual schedule of voyages and drills and "showing the flag":

Quote :
Ships of Russia’s Baltic Fleet, one of the major regional divisions of the Navy, will make several long-distance voyages this year, including a voyage to Antarctica, the official spokesman for the Fleet, Roman Martov told TASS.
"The ships of the fleet are to make long-distance voyages to the North Sea, to the Mediterranean, to Antarctica, and to other areas of the world ocean this year," he said without specifying the ships that would take part in them, as the voyages were still in the phase of planning.
Martov recalled that the oceanic survey vessel of the Baltic Fleet, the Admiral Vladimirsky, did an Antarctic voyage from November 2015 through to April 2016, for the first time in thirty years.
He pointed out a constant expansion of the geography of voyages, saying that ships of the Baltic Fleet performed assignments in the Caribbean, North, Black, and Mediterranean Seas, as well as in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans in 2016.

Nothing to be concerned about or see here; just routine stuff... move along. Dosvuydanye.

Of course, we note that the "oceanic survey vessel", the Admiral Vladimirsky, was in the Antarctic doing oceanic surveys (presumably) just a few months before the Patriarch of Moscow's visit to bless the snow and penguins. And, let's be fair, I remember the days when "Russian survey vessels" meant big ships bristling like a porcupine with all manner of antennae and electronic equipment to eavesdrop on Western communications. So let's assume the Admiral Vladimirsky is one such vessel. 

Oh, look, why, it is just such a ship, and oh, look where it was before it sailed off for Antarctica:


Russian Ocean Research Ship Leaves Saudi Arabia Port for Antarctica

In the latter article we're informed that the Admiral Vladimirsky was conducting a "hydrographic campaign" in Antarctica waters.

A campaign? I can't help but think the military language here is deliberate, and suggestive. A campaign of what? Against, or about, whom? A glance at the Vladimirsky shows it is not a warship, but rather looks like what the Russians say it is: a "survey" ship, complete with bristling antennae and other equipment. Now I find it interesting because, of course, there was that internet story last year that maintained the the (out)House of Saud had found "something" near the Grand Mosque in Mecca, and that this had so scared the you-kn0w-what out of the Saudis that they contacted the Russians to take it to Antarctica, and bury it. The story has it that the Patriarch was supposed to have performed "ancient rituals" over the object.

Now, I'm not buying that story for a moment, not the least because its provenance was questionable, which it remains. But then who was the Admiral Vladimirsky listening to in Antarctica? Everyone else with stations there? Or "someone else"? Or was it listening to anyone at all? If not, what sort of "hydrographic campaign" was it on? and let us note, after the Vladimirsky's previous visit, we then had the visits of Kiril III, John Kerry, and Buzz Aldrin.

What's intriguing in the TASS article is the suggestion that the next visit to Antarctica will include ships - plural - of the Baltic Fleet, not just the Admiral Vladimirsky. Which prompts the question, what kind of ships and how many? And why such a move in a time of still-tense relationships between the West and Russia? And what is so important down in Antarctica that it requires the presence of elements of Russia's Baltic Fleet?

I don't know about you, but I hope the Russian expedition fares better than Admiral Rozhestvenski's did against Admiral Togo.
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PostSubject: Antarctica Disclosure to Save the World - Dr. Michael Salla   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 19, 2017 6:31 am

Antarctica Disclosure to Save the World - Dr. Michael Salla

Published on Feb 18, 2017

What is under the ice of Antarctica? Top Nazi war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering visited Antarctica. Admiral Byrd flew to the Inner Earth in Antarctica. The Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was there a year ago. Skull and Bones member and Secretary of State, John Kerry, made a surprise trip to Antarctica during Trump's election. And, Buzz Aldrin, the Freemason that established Tranquility Lodge 2000 on the moon, fell ill after his recent trip to Antarctica.

Leslie Stevens created the 1970's epic, Battlestar Galactica stating, "All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again." Will the release of classified DARPA technologies enslave or free humanity? Will Donald Trump cure cancer!? Could we have saved Richard Hatch? If you remember, pretending to be his character, Apollo, in my youth, revealed to me my father's secret connections to Freemasonry, submarines, and even, chasing flying saucers! You will be missed Richard.

Whistleblowers are exploding our concepts of history. Is there an ancient advanced civilization under the glaciers of the South Pole? Has extraterrestrial technology created a divide in the military branches? Who controls space?

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PostSubject: King Harald visits Antarctic namesake   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2017 8:22 am

 Let's not forget the Kings visit......

King Harald visits Antarctic namesake

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle F70c079db9d8e5a2f7759702a22d66e8a37ac26b33379408ccf075b072bf18c7

Norway's King Harald just after exiting his plane at Norway's Troll landing strip in Antarctica. Photo: Tore Meek/NTB scanpix

Norway’s King Harald on Tuesday stepped foot on Norway’s Antarctic territories for the first time in his 77 years, finally seeing the land of Prince Harald Coast, the rim of 20m high ice cliffs that bears his name.

King Harald stepped off 'Nanna', the Hercules plane Norway uses to service its Troll Antarctic research station, on Tuesday evening, following a nine hour flight south from Cape Town.
He plans to spend three days learning about Norway's ice and climate research on the inhospitable continent, in the company of climate minister Tine Sundtoft and justice minister Anders Anundsen. 
Norwegian aviation pioneer Viggo Widerøe named a portion of Antarctica’s coast in honour of the then newborn Prince Harald back in 1937, during a surveying expedition led by the Norwegian whaling magnate Lars Christensen. Two years later, Norway annexed a 2.7-million-square-kilometre slice of Antarctica, naming it Queen Maud Land. 
“This is the first time ever that a king has visited Antarctica,” Jan Gunnar Winther from the Norwegian Polar Institute told NRK ahead of the visit. “This is historic for us.” 
“Prince Harald’s coast is an example of a region which bears the name of the present king. It’s high time he came to see it himself,” Winther continued. 
Harald touched down on an ice runway at Norway’s Troll Research station at 18:30 Norwegian time, and he will stay in Antarctica until Thursday evening. 
His trip is timed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Troll’s conversion to a research station which can stay open even in the bitter Antarctic Winter in 2005
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PostSubject: Antartica A Nazi Base?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2017 7:16 am

News From Marrs
Antartica A Nazi Base? 
Jim Marrs
An Excerpt From 'Alien Agenda'

With the current mysterious happenings in Antartica concerning Lake Vostok, 
an old theory is being resurrected -- that German Nazis as early as the 1930s 
may have built a secret base at the South Pole.

While this idea undoubtedly will strike most people as absurb, there is 
tantalizing evidence to suggest that something along this line might have 
some truth to it.

Long-standing banking and business connections allowed high-ranking German 
leaders in 1944 to forge a formidable Nazi-controlled organization for 
postwar activities. Author Jim Keith wrote, " researching the shape of 
totalitarian controlduring this century, I saw that the plans of the Nazis 
manifestly did not die with the German loss of World War II. The ideology and 
many of the principal players survived and flourished after the war, and have 
had a profound impact on postwar history, and on events taking place today."

Orvis A. Schmidt, the U.S. Treasury Department’s director of Foreign Funds 
Control, in 1945 offered this description of a Nazi flight-capital program: 
"The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations has been 
streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally but also by what has 
been officially described as `personnel union.’ Legal authority to operate 
this organizational machinery has been vested in the concerns that have 
majority capacity in the key industries such as those producing iron and 
steel, coal and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately welded 
together by exchanges of
stock to the point where a handful of men can make policy and other decisions 
that affect us all." 

Could one of those "decisions" have been the creation of a Nazi base 
connected to the development of UFOs? While this notion may superficially 
appear to be sheer nonsense, the public record offers compelling --- if 
incomplete --- evidence to support this idea.

One theory is that Martin Bormann and other top Nazis escaped to South 
America and on to a secret base in Antarctica where they built UFOs so 
sophisticated that their secret Nazi empire has exerted significant control 
over world events and governments to this day. While there can be no question 
that the business and financial network created by Bormann wields a certain 
amount of power even today, evidence for the existence of a major Nazi base 
containing UFOs is virtually nonexistent, consisting primarily of the known 
exploration of Antarctica’s Queen Maude Land --- renamed Neuschwabenland by 
Germans --- in 1938 and some unverified statements. Reportedly, German Navy 
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz stated in 1943, "The German submarine fleet is 
proud of having built for the Fuehrer in another part of the world a 
Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress." And it has been reported that 
U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd, upon his return from an expedition to Antarctica 
in 1947, stated it was "necessary for the USA to take defensive actions 
against enemy air fighters which come from
the polar regions" and that America could be "attacked by fighters that are 
able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed."

Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and material to the 
South Pole throughout the war years, author R. A. Harbinson wrote, "Regarding 
the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient underground research 
factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be pointed out that the 
underground research centers of Nazi Germany were gigantic feats of 
construction, containing wind tunnels, machine shops, assembly plants, 
launching pads, supply dumps and accommodation for all who worked there, 
including adjoining camps for slaves --- and yet very few people knew that 
they existed."

But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear plausible to 
some, the idea that a warm water location at the South Pole has remained 
undiscovered and no one has escaped or deserted the place in more than 50 
years stretched belief to the breaking point in years past.

But with the new revelations of 60-70 degree temperature water, magnetic 
anomalies suggesting the possiblity of a hidden city or base and the obvious 
backout taking place concerning current events at the pole, the idea of a 
secret base is no longer so far fetched.
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PostSubject: THIS? WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! Anunnaki in the ANTARCTIC?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 02, 2017 9:55 pm


Published on Mar 17, 2014
Hitler seen 'alive' IN Argentina after the war? After watching this video you have to watch this one ---- 

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PostSubject: ANTARCTICA NAZI EMPIRE Steve Quayle Amazing Douglas Dietrich Interview   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2017 7:20 am

ANTARCTICA NAZI EMPIRE Steve Quayle Amazing Douglas Dietrich Interview

Published on Oct 14, 2016
ANTARCTICA NAZI EMPIRE Steve Quayle Amazing Douglas Dietrich Interview.

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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Th?id=OIP.bPuserupXMqvtrFufYnVegEiEs&pid=15


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PostSubject: David Wilcock - Atlantis And Antarctica Civilization - NEW UPDATE 2017   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 1:49 pm

David Wilcock - Atlantis And Antarctica Civilization - NEW UPDATE 2017

Published on Mar 3, 2017

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PostSubject: Hidden in Antartica a Naval Officer tells us Exactly What He Saw   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 10, 2017 7:04 am

Hidden in Antartica a Naval Officer tells us Exactly What He Saw

Published on Mar 2, 2017

A truly shocking and astonishing video on extremely strange events in the Antarctic. A naval officer tells us what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were crossing with a medical emergency on board. Then he ferried a group of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks, and has specifically been warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, "they looked scared." When they returned to McMurdo, their gear was isolated and they were flown back to Christchurch, New Zealand in a special plane.

He discusses what he saw and experienced in detail. This is the most provocative story about what is going on in Antarctica ever presented anywhere.

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PostSubject: Will 'Hidden History' Of The Planet Earth Soon Be Revealed?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 11, 2017 5:43 pm

Will 'Hidden History' Of The Planet Earth Soon Be Revealed? Amazing Secrets Beneath The Ice Most Surely Await Us!

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Secrets_beneath_the_ice

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In this recent story from Mac Slavo over at SHTFPlan he reports that "something enormous, epoch making, is happening in Antarctica". As we have previously reported on ANP, many recent visits by heads of state and other high profile figures to Antarctica remain shrouded in mystery. And while we know we'll never get the truth from those who've been continuing to hide it from us, nearly each day we learn something new.

As internet data mining expert Clif High told Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog in February, "2017 will likely bring a big revelation about Antarctica in terms of history, civilization, raw materials and ancient technology that have been kept secret for many, many years" by 'the powers that were' that have just been defeated in the 2016 presidential election. 

According to High, after 70+ years of 'controlling the global narrative', 2017 will be a deeply disturbing year for many after Donald Trump's election and what will surely follow, pushing many to an unwanted 'awakening' while pushing others off the deep end. 

As High stated then, "I think that everyone in the United States, at a core level, will be faced with an examination of what we think is true. . . . The faction that has won is not opposed to the general population learning the truth in terms of recent history and distant history. The Hillary Clinton group represented global warming, carbon credits, and the Trump group represents the part of the deep state that knows we have to get ready to deal with a new ice age. So, there are all sorts of levels that are going to be broken up that we thought were true.”

Will Americans and people across the world soon learn bombshell information hidden since most of us have been alive? We think it not a coincidence that High also warned "there has been push for centralization and a push for the control mechanism basically from Nazi infiltration into the United States at the end of WWII. Tens of thousands came in and infiltrated the infrastructure of the United States. So, we saw a push with the centralization of government, and if the Clinton faction had won, we would have seen a Hitler type of nexus where banking, political and military power would have been centrally joined. . . . That faction has been defeated". 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empire_under_ice

As Steve Quayle warns in his book "Empire Beneath The Ice", most of what we learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. If you haven't seen last night's Hagmann Report with Quayle discussing Antarctica among other things, it is embedded as the only video below. We also hear from Watchman Greg Evensen in that video, absolutely wonderful news as many ANP readers know, Greg had been very ill lately and ANP readers have responded in prayer for him. We hope that the prayers for Greg continue as he continues his fight.  

This March 1st of 2017 story from Yahoo about Antarctica not only PROVES but helps to explain why most people in the world are completely in the dark about what's now happening 'at the bottom of the world'. Reporting that the highest temperature on record for Antarctica had been hit, a balmy 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit, they then report that high had been hit way back on March 24th...of 2015! Why did it take Yahoo via Reuters almost 2 years to report the record high temperature in the Antarctic? In this day and age of nearly instant information at our fingertips, that fact alone speaks of a completely-controlled flow of information coming from that region. 

According to this recent story from, Antarctica is 'like the Earth's thermostat' with warnings that "what happens in Antarctica will determine the climate in other regions very far from this remote continent" according to scientist Edgardo Vega. As Bolivar Caceres, the head of the glacier program at Ecuador's National Weather Institute recently stated, "All the oceans are connected and so anything that happens on this continent can give rise to an intense drought or torrential rains in distant parts of the planet. It's like a butterfly effect."

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Antarctic_love ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Ice_bridge_ant 

So, what is now happening in Antarctica? Truly one of the most beautiful places on the planet Earth as seen in the amazing photographs in this Daily Mail story Quayle recently linked to, China has recently gone 'all in' on Antarctica, attempting to build two powerful telescopes at Dome A, the highest point in Antarctica. At over 13,000 feet above sea level, China hopes to solve numerous scientific problems, including discovering the origins of life and the universe. 

The latest story from the Daily Mail reports upon another mystery in Antarctica, mysterious green ice that "might make it seem like someone is playing a St. Patrick's day prank" the DM reports. Just another mystery from the bottom of the world, Science Alert recently reported "Antarctic Sea Ice Levels Crashed To A Record Low This Year, And Scientists Can't Figure It Out". Claiming that 'climate change' isn't likely to blame for this massive loss of sea ice levels, every day such stories give us more evidence that something truly huge is now happening in Antarctica that has leaders of the world paying attention. 

And while anybody who's been paying attention knows that 'climate change' has been happening upon our planet Earth since its creation, simply knowing of the occult history of the Third Reich and the Nazi's strong interest in Antarctica, followed by decades of official government silence and censorship should prove to us something is going on down there. 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Antarctic_pyramid

Has a 'flash frozen' ancient civilization been discovered as Dr. Michael Salla over at Exopolitics recently reported? As the Express recently reported, the discovery of what appears to be a pyramid there could change what we know about history. And as Slavo at SHTFPlan reports in his story warning of something 'enormous, epoch making' awaiting humanity in Antarctica, "how far does that hidden history go?" 

Does it involve science fiction stories turned fact? Is there advanced technology, or evidence of ancient alien life present and unfrozen from the ice? 

Because poles have historically shifted, Antarctica has not always been buried under a permanently-frozen wasteland, but if there was human civilization or alien contact at any point on the quiet continent, it was not during the current period of recorded human history… unless there is more to the underground world there than mankind has heretofore accepted.

There is no doubt in our minds that there is still much to be discovered about Antarctica and our planet Earth. 

Steve Quayle joins The Hagmann Report soon after the 1 hour and 1 minute mark, after Andrew Kerr from The Citizen's Audit joined the Hagmann's to talk about Wikileaks and Vault 7. Former Kansas State Trooper Greg Evensen joins in shortly after the 1 hour and 6 minute mark, great news for everyone who has missed and prayed for Greg. The conversation switches again to Antarctica shortly after the 1 hour 31 minute mark for a fascinating conversation about Antarctica, the mysterious visits to Antarctica by 'the elite', the coming 'great deception' and much, much more. 

Amazing photograph below of Antarctica shows what appear to be HAARP wave clouds in the skies above. 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Antarctic_wave_clouds
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PostSubject: Friedrich believes Hitler`s so-called "Last Battalion" will spring into action with a worldwide economic collapse. Then the saucer Nazis will invade strategic military areas and rule the world.   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 3:59 pm

Friedrich believes Hitler`s so-called "Last Battalion" will spring into action with a worldwide economic collapse. Then the saucer Nazis will invade strategic military areas and rule the world.

National Examiner, January 26, 1988

UFO mystery solved! 

They`re left over Nazis bent on establishing a bloody Fourth Reich

THE SOLUTION to the UFO mystery has been found at long last - the aliens are actually Nazis bent on establishing a bloody Fourth Reich!

And world governments have known about it all along, but they`re scared to death, says a leading researcher.

Nazi Germany had built a small fleet of UFO`s as early as 1940, according to Christof Friedrich, author of UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon? (Samisdat, Toronto, Canada).

Friedrich claims that German UFO scientists escaped from their war-torn homeland as the Allied armies were closing in.

Writes Friedrich: "That some key scientists were obviously missing became clear, and though some plants and their installations were located, the staff with their machinery and prototypes had disappeared. Even the test pilots had vanished."

And Friedrich contends Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, tricked the world into believing they committed suicide in a Berlin bunker during the last days of World War II.

Among the evidence Friedrich presents that Hitler is alive: 

1) The bodies of Hitler and Braun were never produced.

2) The items introduced as evidence are only circumstantial - two of Hitler`s hats, one pair of panties with the initials EB, and a few bones.

3) The bloodstains found on the furniture in Hitler`s quarters in the bunker were not of his blood type.

4) The most important witnesses and the men closest to Hitler have never been found.

5) There are too many reports and sightings, eyewitness reports, and even evidence that the suicide attempts was a brilliantly successful, carefully staged scenario.

The researcher says Hitler and Braun were flown to Norway in one of the world`s first jets. The pair then boarded a submarine and were delivered to a secret base in South America.

Friedrich claims Hitler`s U-boat convoy engaged in a fierce battle with the British Navy and the Germans destroyed a British blockade with secret hightech weaponry.

Wrote Friedrich: "It would seem that the secret weapons, which Goebbels had spoken of in such glowing terms only a few days previous, were now put to use for the first time in an actual battle situation.

"The result was one sole survivor from a British destroyer and it was from this, the captain, that the words were uttered, 'May God help me, may I never again encounter such a force.' The report of the captain was carried in El Mercurio, a Santiago, Chile, newspaper.

Friedrich contends that Hitler`s secret agents used counterfeit US dollars and British pounds to finance the construction of secret military bases in South America and UFO bases in Antarctica.

"Hitler had planned far ahead and at long range," according to Friedrich. "Obviously guided by the possible occupation and subsequent loss of Germany itself, he had cast around for land still available for colonization and found that Antarctica was at that time, the only continent still unclaimed."

Added Friedrich: "The secret Nazi expeditionary force was headed by Captain Ritscher and took place in 1938-1939.

The force landed in the area of Queen Maud Land and established bases there. Over 11,000 photographs were taken for mapping purposes."

Incredibly, the researchers says the US and Soviet governments have known about the secret Nazi UFO bases for more than 40 years, but have covered up the truth because they do not know how to deal with it.

Friedrich claims Nazi spacecraft could have become sophisticated thanks to extraterrestrials who befriended the Nazis while they were hiding in Antarctica.

Writes the researcher: "Did Hitler`s scientists perform their miracle alone, unaided, or did flying saucer people, perhaps visitors from other galaxies give them a helping hand because they had mastered the new technology and consequently spoke the same or at least similar technological language?"

Friedrich believes Hitler`s so-called "Last Battalion" will spring into action with a worldwide economic collapse. Then the saucer Nazis will invade strategic military areas and rule the world.

- George Glidden
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PostSubject: Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right.    ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 8:56 pm

'EMPIRE BENEATH THE ICE' -GERMAN VERIFICATION-PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ESPECIALLY MAP:Dear old comrade, This message will be a surprise to you.The submarine 209 has done the earth is HOLLOW ! Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right. 

ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Asgard

More @
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PostSubject: Ancient Technology in Antartica Joseph P. Farrell Special   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 9:09 am

Ancient Technology in Antartica Joseph P. Farrell Special

Published on Mar 8, 2017
Subscribe for 2017 daily updates

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PostSubject: Q-CAST: Hidden Entrance to the Empire Beneath the Ice in Antarctica DISCOVERED!   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 3:48 pm

Q-CAST: Hidden Entrance to the Empire Beneath the Ice in Antarctica DISCOVERED!

Published on Mar 14, 2017
Q-CAST: March 13, 2017. Steve discusses the hidden entrance to the empire beneath the Ice in Antarctica discovered, the antarctica nazis and their ufos, and mentions the upcoming GenSix Productions conference taking place in Branson, Missouri.

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PostSubject: The Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica and are still Alive!   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 5:33 pm

The Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica and are still Alive!

Published on Mar 14, 2017

The book of Enoch seems to reveal that the fallen Angels are still alive and may very well be in Antarctica. No wonder all that strange things that happen in this barren waist land. But what is more shocking is that Enoch reveals that the fallen Angels are still effecting events and men on the earth.

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PostSubject: Webbot -Cliff High starts about 28 minutes with discussing Antarctica   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 15, 2017 6:31 am

WEB BOTS: Cliff High starts about 28 minutes with discussing Antarctica. He mentions they are seeing large steps designed for 19 ft tall people, etc. The things he is discussing reminds me of the giants that you have been discussing.
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PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 15, 2017 11:46 am
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PostSubject: Strange goings-on in Antarctica..JOSEPH P. FARRELL   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 16, 2017 6:56 am



Mr. R.A., a regular reader here, share this story, and it's significant enough I need to talk about it. Australia's Foreign Minister, Ms. Julie Bishop, has recalled all Australian Ambassadors to that country - temporarily it is to be stressed - for a conference in Australia of all senior Australian diplomats for a foreign policy "reset", or, at least, that's what were being told according to this article by Amy Remeikis in The Sydney Morning Herald:

All Australian ambassadors to temporarily return home to help shape foreign policy reset

There's the usual "all is well" explanation, including, of course, the obligatory remarks about how all this is being brought about by the Trump Administration and Mr. Trump's prior remarks about NATO, redoing security and trade deals like TPP, and the growing China problem in the South China Sea. One hundred and thirteen high diplomatic officials will meet with Prime Minister Turnbull in Canberra:

Quote :
In an Australian-first step, 113 heads of mission - which includes the nation's ambassadors, high commissioners and consuls-general - will return for three days next month, as the government looks to reset how Australia navigates its foreign, trade and development policies on the global stage.
Every head of mission, with the exception of a few whose terms are about to expire, will meet in Canberra for a two-day meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Ms Bishop and Trade Minister Steven Ciobo, as well as a representative from Labor, to contribute to the long-awaited Foreign Policy White Paper, due to be delivered later this year.

Doubtless, all this is true: Australia will need to craft a security and trade strategy for the near-to-mid-term future. But then there's this little bit of additional "explanation":

Quote :
While other G20 nations, including the United States, Britain, China and Germany have established annual meetings of their diplomatic corps, Australia has traditionally held international meetings, flying Canberra-based staff to designated regional meeting points.
That approach has drawn criticism, most recently over a trip 23 DFAT staff made to Paris in September last year for a conference on saving money that subsequently cost taxpayers $215,000.
Meetings usually held overseas have now been cancelled, saving about $400,000, which has been reallocated to the heads of mission meeting.

In other words, we have a "nothing to see here, move along" explanation; it's all being done to save taxpayer money.

However, I cannot help but agree with the thoughts Mr. R.A. expressed in his email to me, and indulge and expand upon them in the high octane speculation of the day, for the implications of such a behind-closed-doors meeting of all Australian senior diplomats, face-to-face, means also that one is not subject to electronic communications, and to the prospects of penetration via hacking or other means of electronic eavesdropping. If one wants to communicate serious information in as secure a manner as possible, and formulate some sort of response to it, this would be the means of doing so.


Mr. R.A. speculates, and I agree with him, that during their meeting, Vice President Pence may have told Foreign Minister Bishop something truly significant, and highly secret (or, we may also speculate, vice versa), and that a large adjustment to Australian foreign policy is therefore necessary. And that means it has to be of significant magnitude. The question is, what is that significant?

Here I suspect there are two possibilities, and they may indeed overlap. The first, and more mundane matter, is the recent decision and discussion within the United Kingdom about revivifying the British Commonwealth, of which Australia is easily the most important Pacific member. Those discussions, you'll recall, also involve the idea of making the United States an associate member. If such were to occur, it would be a restructuring of the Anglo-sphere, "the Anglo-American Establishment", documented by American history and geopolitics professor Carroll Quigley in his book by the same name, in fulfillment of the dreams of Cecil Rhodes.  In this respect, Australian foreign policy would need a significant reset, especially in the wake of the BREXIT vote. These realignments will also dramatically impact the "China problem" and how the U.K., Australia, the wider Commonwealth, and the USA, deal with it.

The second possibility for such a meeting, and the necessity of communicating in complete security, would be the strange goings-on in Antarctica, and the clear indication that something of major significance is either occurring in the polar continent, or that something of major significance has been discovered there, perhaps impinging upon human history, perhaps involving ancient high technologies and civilizations, perhaps involving "ET," perhaps involving major climate data, or perhaps even some combination of all of them.

Time of course will tell, but for Australia to "break" with its standard foreign policy operating procedure and summon such a meeting means that something truly significant is afoot, and one may be certain that while the forthcoming "White Paper" may not completely disclose whatever it is, it is bound to give some hint.

See you on the flip side.
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PostSubject: ANTARCTIC ATLANTIS: HUMAN SETTLEMENTS UNDER ALL THAT ICE DOWN THERE?   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 19, 2017 6:36 am



Just when you thought that Antarctica could not possibly become any stranger, reality comes along and upsets things. And it certainly has been strange. For one thing, temperatures in the southern polar continent have been on average about 20 degrees warmer than normal, and I even read a report that certain places in Antarctica reached a balmy 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and that indeed was very convenient, because we were told that the strange visits of former Secretary of State John Kerry and Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin were all about "climate change." Well, indulge my high octane speculation for a moment: if one can manipulate weather systems, then boosting the temperature in Antarctica a bit to "help out the narrative" would not be all that farfetched, if one grants the assumption. And personally, I put nothing past these people. "See? it got up to 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit! So Kerry's visit was about climate change. Nothing to see here, move along."

Except that Kerry isn't the only one to have shown a sudden interest in Antarctica.

 Readers of this website and of my books will know that he's but the most recent famous visitor and world leader to take an interest in the continent, a list which includes Admiral Richard Byrd, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Prince What's-his-name from Great Britain, Kiril III Patriarch of Moscow, and oh yes, did we mention the Nazi expedition and its sponsors Rudolf Hess - who ended up in Great Britain in May of 1941 for reasons that are still difficult to fathom and then spent the rest of his life in Spandau prison, where his British physician discovered reasons to believe that "Hess" was not Hess, while Frau Hess adamantly maintained he was, &c. - and Hermann Goering. One made add to this list the planned visit of elements of Russia's Baltic Sea Fleet, which, as I pointed out a few weeks ago, was not known for the success of its half-way-round-the-world junkets (see the Russo-Japanese War, Admiral Rozhdestvenski, Admiral Togo, &c.). A strange mix indeed: Orthodox Patriarchs, US diplomats and astronauts, British and Spanish royalty, the Deputy Fuehrer of Nazi Germany (not as a visitor, but as an "interested party") and the founder and head of the Luftwaffe (again, not as a visitor but as an "interested party"), and an American admiral and a few U.S. Marines.

Nothing to see here, move along.

In my previous high octane speculations about all this Antarctimania I've suggested that there might be four basic reasons for all this interest (1) "they" had need to conduct secret negotiations with "someone" and where better to do it than balmy Antarctica, where access is strictly controlled; or (2) "they" had found something down there, of an extraterrestrial nature, either life or technology or both; or (3) "they" had found something relating to humanity's distant past and perhaps to the legend of Atlantis (after all, Antarctica is a continent submerged under lots of water in the form of ice); or (4) some combination of elements, or all, of the above.

With that in mind, consider this article shared by Mr. B.H. (and many others), for it looks like options (3) and (4) might now be the main contenders in our list of high octane speculative options:

Note the opening two paragraphs:

Quote :
WASHINGTON | Recently released remote sensing photography of NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission in Antarctica led to a fascinating discovery when images revealed what some experts believe could be the existence of a possible ancient human settlement lying beneath an impressive 2.3 kilometers of ice.
The intriguing discovery was made during aircraft tests trials of NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) lidar technology set to be launched on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) in 2017, that aims to monitor changes in polar ice.

I don't know about you, but assuming that these photos are genuine, the image on the right clearly looks artificial to me, and an Indian archaeologist, Ashoka Tripathi, as noted in the article, concurs:

Quote :
“These are clearly features of some sort of human-made structure, resembling some sort of pyramidal structure. The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering. The only problem is that these photographs were taken in Antarctica under 2 kilometers of ice. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment,” he admits.

The problem, as noted, is that this is buried under two kilometers - that's about 1.2 miles for those of you still using the more scientific imperial metrology - and that raises the problem of how such a habitation became encrusted with about a mile of ice. Predictably, the explanation runs to the Piri Reis map:

Quote :
“One of histories most puzzling maps is that of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD which successfully mapped the coastline of Antarctica over 500 years ago. What is most fascinating about this map is that it shows the coastline of Antarctica without any ice. How is this possible when images of the subglacial coastline of Antarctica were only seen for the first time after the development of ground-penetrating radar in 1958? Is it possible Antarctica has not always been covered under such an ice sheet? This could be evidence that it is a possibility” he acknowledges.
« A slight pole shift or displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth in historical times is possibly the only rational explanation that comes to mind but we definitely need more research done before we jump to any conclusion.”

What I find so incredible here is that the final two paragraphs are being advanced by Cambridge University cartographer Christopher Adam, who also appears to be accepting of the hypothesis that has been bandied about in alternative research for decades as an explanation for the 16th century Turkish admiral's map and its highly anomalous depiction of the coastline of Antarctica without ice. The topic of axial rotational shift and even crustal displacement was first advanced by science teacher Charles Hapgood who made an extensive study of the Piri Reis map in his classic study, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Hapgood subsequently wrote a book about his theory of crustal displacement, with a foreword by none other than Dr. Albert Einstein.

 Let it also be noted, as I pointed out in my book The Financial Vipers of Venice, that in the marginalia of the Piri Reis map, the Turkish admiral also states that Christopher Columbus had mediaeval maps of the new world, and undertook a secret journey to the New World prior to his famous "voyage of discovery" in 1492, but that's another story.

Did You Read:  ...Uhm... British Scientists are looking for WHAT in Antarctica!?!?!?

What's intriguing of course is to contemplate when such an event might have occurred, and my high octane intuition suggests that this might have been concurrent with some ancient catastrophe, such as blowing up a planet in a war, the shock waves of which might have concussed the Earth, tipping it slightly, and burying an entire continent under lots of water which froze. And let's remember, in Plato's accounting of the Atlantis myth, the "lost continent" was known for its warlike ways.

So if this is human habitation, it certainly would be a significant enough discovery to call forth the attentions of US Secretaries of State, Patriarchs of Moscow, Baltic Sea Fleets, and Apollo 11 moon astronauts, for it would be an attestation of the truthfulness - in some degree - of the Atlantis myth. Recall however, that in that myth, it is strongly suggested that Atlantis was possessed of "technologies of war" that would be of interest as well, which might rationalize the attentions of American Admirals, Nazi Party Reichsleiters and the founder of the Luftwaffe. The problem there of course, is whether they knew of such things, and if so, how, since it is buried under lots of ice, and radar tomography from satellites did not develop until after World War Two.

So if it's a human(or other) habitation, how does one investigate? Well, one way, of course, is to drill down through the ice and carefully excavate a subterranean chamber for conventional archaeological study.

And the other way, of course, is simply to melt the ice, while calling it "climate change."

See you on the flip side...
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Antarctica and Hitler-Dr Nagel, who believed that Hitler was in Antartica and could have been cloned.   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 21, 2017 9:41 pm

Antarctica and Hitler-Dr Nagel, who believed that Hitler was in Antartica and could have been cloned.

Steve, an old German Doctor, Dr. Nagel, told my sister and her (pastor) husband, before he died that Hitler never died in that bunker. Old Dr Nagel said that Hitler got on a submarine and left for Antartica and there he lived his life out- not in South America (where many of Hitlers High Ranking Military staff went). There are submarine "tunnels" or rivers under the ice that could take him close to the center of Antartica. Lastly, Antartica is not one large ICE-CUBE, as we are made to believe. You also need to look closer into the relationships that Germany, Japan and Israel has had for many years with the South African government. Recently Russia and China have been added to that trio. In South Africa they have many minerals that can be used for nuclear production. Just very recently a ship went from Saudi Arabia (where they picked up something) to Russia where they picked up more things, to Antarctica and then to South Africa. After that the ship left for South America. Why? The gentleman from The YouTube channel: Israeli News has a very interesting take on this. You should try and watch his channel on Antartica and fallen angels. He has different references than you, but TOGETHER his research and yours makes sense. Back to old Dr Nagel, who believed that Hitler was in Antartica and could have been cloned. I am now wondering if maybe his wife had children? Not from Hitler, but by some entity? Since I've listened to your YouTube...... Old Dr Nagel passed about 5 or 7 yrs ago. He lived his final years in Cape Town South Africa. That was where he got to know my sister. I have never shared Dr Nagel's story, since I never believed it before. I'm a mother of four who was on the PTA and have lived in the States now for 20 years. My husband is a scientist, my one daughter is an also my son is a specialist and my other two daughters are one an actress and one a medical worker I used to be a pre-school teacher. I ran into your site and YouTube by accident. Both my names--Yes, both are German/ Austrian and Danish of origin. I am a proud naturalized USA Citizen. If you doubt the contents of this e- mail, check out the writings of Brian Dunning on Skeptoid. He seems to know that Hitler lived his last days in Antartica. 

The above were told to me as the truth. After listening to you on YouTube, I agree the world governments knew that Hitler was in Antarctica. l enjoy reading up on conspiracies, and I usually view them as such. I am very concerned that History Channel and others are selling their ridiculous ideas to people that our Almighty God is an Alien. I think that it is their plan to deceive the elect and we should pray against their evil agenda. I'm telling you all of this, so you do not think I'm just some nut job. As you can see I am a pretty average USA citizen. 

Remember the truth will be shouted from the roof tops. Keep up the research and good work.

Mar 21, 2017
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ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle   ANTARCTICA UPDATE: …Disclosure: The Ties Between Antarctica and Mars: Steve Quayle I_icon_minitime

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