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 Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion

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PostSubject: Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion   Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 27, 2016 5:40 pm

Making sense now, gun ban, Bergdahl here, Brown money, Oil, Indonesia, Attorney General Brown, Gov. Brown, how many dots does one need + La Razza?

The Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion

Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion CSS-Offical-New-Logo2
Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion Jerry-brown
The Benedict Arnold of his generation.
A clearer picture of what appears to be a trigger event for the eventual invasion of the United States is presently underway. This is a trigger event which will likely bring the Chinese directly into Mexico and forge a quick partnership which will stand in opposition to the United States.
From Economic Times (December 25, 2016):
Quote :

“Ten Mexican states hit by gasoline shortages, Pemex blames theft from pipelines

Mexico City: At least 10 Mexican states over the past few days have suffered serious gasoline shortages, which the state oil company Pemex attributes to the clandestine theft of fuel from the pipelines.
“We are currently taking various measures to re-establish the adequate and opportune supply of gasoline and diesel to the country,” Pemex tweeted.
As local media have reported over the past few hours, the lack of fuel at gas stations affects at least 10 states of the nation, Efe news agency reports.
The states hardest hit are Michoacan, which on Friday reported severe problems in several cities due to the lack of fuel, as well as Aguascalientes, Guanajuato and Zacatecas.
Other regions like Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala, San Luis Potosí and Durango are also experiencing gasoline shortages in a number of their cities.
On December 21, Pemex announced the suspension of operations on the Salamanca-Leon pipeline due to clandestine drainage, which interrupted the arrival of fuel to a number of regions around the country.”
Logically, there are only two legitimate suspects in this theft of Mexican energy: (1) Obama and the CIA working together, in a joint endeavor to establish a Chinese-Mexican energy alliance; (2) China is trying to get their hooks further into Mexico; and, (3) both China and the CIA are working together to make Mexico pivot away from the United States to China for its energy needs.

Chinese Investment Into Mexican Energy

The recent Mexican energy crisis, which has already been attributed to sabotage (see above), is not the first time that the Chinese have shown interest in marrying their energy interests with Mexico. As far back as April of 2016 we see indicators of this fact.
As reported in Mexico News Daily, China’s CITLA and the Mexican government inked a $200 million energy deal with the support of the UN funding arm, the World Bank. 
Quote :
“Mexico’s energy sector is attractive enough to the World Bank’s private-sector investment arm that it will participate in a US $200-million investment in a new oil company.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) will put up $60 million and the private equity firm China-Mexico Fund, which is managed by an IFC subsidiary, the remaining $140 million to fund oil exploration and production by Citla Energy.”
It is my position to not believe in coincidences. The present energy crisis in Mexico has been planned for at least 8 months with China ready to step in and pick up the slack in Mexican energy needs. The participation of the World Bank brings in the United Nations into the equation. Unless I start becoming a coincidence theorist, I can draw no other conclusion than the present state of affairs with regard to Mexican gas shortages is a well-orchestrated plot designed to bring Mexico and China closer together and further separate Mexico and the United States. Why?

 CALEXIT and the Chinese

California is leaving America, only with a twist. They are doing so with the help of the Communist Chinese AND the Mexican government. Governor Brown is financing Calexit with the Bank of China, HSBC Bank and with the independent help of George Soros.
Paul Preston has insider sources at the California state capital as well as a covert source who has been in the meetings regarding CALEXIT. The source must remain confiential because of the threat to his life. According to Preston’s sources, the Chinese energy groups (i.e. Chinese military), the Bank of China, three members of the Obama administration, the Mexican Consulate, LaRaza, many of the Mexican drug cartel’s leadership and key members of the California legislature are in league together.
This is a convoluted web of deceit and corruption and it is all sorted out in the following the video and this report serves to validate the claims made in the previous paragrpahs.  The following two interviews provide intimate details of the claims made in this article. The following interviews are not designed to present new information, but rather, to provide documentation for the claims made in this article. It is not necessary to listen to the two interviews to understand the plot against America.

Paul Preston has also uncovered evidence that in addition to the  Communist Chinese, Gov. Jerry Brown,  the drug cartels, the Bank of China, members of the California Legislature, and the Mexican Consulate are intimately involved in CALEXIT,  the UN, is also involved in helping California to become its own country under the control of the United Nations. Remember, the energy deal between China and Mexico was done with World Bank participation. Therefore, this brings the United Nations into the plot.
The following interview answers so many questions as to what was the real story behind the California drought. This interview is riveting and plays like a spy novel except this is real life and this event will push America into a state of famine.
Further, these groups have openly discussed that if they cannot peacefully leave the United States, then these groups will engage in widespread violence, namely, the random murder of white people at public events.  Here is the second interview which validates the claims made in the previous paragraphs.

Still Skeptical?

Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion Calexit-embassy-in-russia
Press conference announcing the formation of the CALEXIT embassy in Russia.  Courtesy of Russia Today
On December 15, 2016, Paul Preston told me that CALEXIT had opened an embassy in Russia. On December 18, 2016, Russia Today published the following:
Quote :
“A campaign calling for the independence of California from the United States has opened an “embassy” in Moscow.
Quote :
The movement, Yes California, is hoping for a “Calexit” break from the US. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Louis Marinelli, leader of the movement, said the embassy will not deal with diplomatic issues, but will act as more of a cultural center that will educate Russians about California’s history, boost trade ties and promote tourism.”
Quote :
Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion OPV1mGj3_normalCA Embassy Moscow @CAEmbRu
Today the Embassy of the Independent Repu“We’re not requesting military assistance from Russia,” Marinelli explained. “We’re certainly going to request recognition of our independence and recognition of our [2019] independence referendum result, as we’re going to request that the entire international community recognizes the results.blic of California opens in Moscow. Address: Г. Москва, ул. Клары Цеткин дом 4, Офис 324. #Calexit
12:28 AM – 18 Dec 2016
Quote :
We’re not requesting military assistance from Russia,” Marinelli (CALEXIT’s Representative) explained. “We’re certainly going to request recognition of our independence and recognition of our [2019] independence referendum result, as we’re going to request that the entire international community recognizes the results.”
Does it get any more official than this?

But There’s More…

All three states on the Pacific coast voted for Hillary Clinton. The election of Donald Trump has spurred discussion about all three states leaving the United States and being annexed by, believe it or not, Canada.
From the Seattle Times:Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion WEB-new-canada-780x735
Quote :
“The #calexit movement, formed in response to Donald Trump winning the presidential election, has enveloped California’s West Coast neighbors and spiritual counterparts, Washington and Oregon. The three Pacific Coast states overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton. She received 55 percent of the vote in Washington, 62 percent in California and 52 percent in Oregon.
Is this crazy talk? Probably. But residents of the Best Coast have a lot in common with our northern neighbors. The three states have long been working with British Columbia to combat climate change. All three new potential provinces have legalized cannabis, which Canada is moving toward. Don’t forget Canada’s universal health care…”
It appears that Calexit will take California out of this proposal and the Canadians have modified their proposal to include just Oregon and Washington. The Canadian government sent 150 maple trees to Oregon and California as an enticement to follow through.
As if this was not enough, please look at the following video which details how Canada is letting Chinese warships into Canadia harbors.


What Does It All Mean?

Mexican cooperation is needed  in order to launch a Red Dawn invasion of the United States. This has been secured through the creation of a fake Mexican energy crisis in which the Chinese come to the rescue. Mexico has demonstrated where their loyalties lie with regard to the United States through their explicit support of CALEXIT. Putin has shown his true colors through recognizing CALEXIT through the creation of an embassy in Russia. Therefore, Mexico will become the primary conduit from which a Red Dawn invasion will take place.
If the Canadians complete a West Coast sweep, The United States will be left without an ocean front to its Western half of the country. Can you imagine how much easier an invasion of the United States would be if there were no West coast? Further, the West coast will serve as a base of operations for the invasion of the rest of the United States. Operational details will be provided in Part Two of this series.

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PostSubject: Red Dawn Invasion’s Operational Details-The Dots Are All Connecting   Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 11:21 am

Red Dawn Invasion’s Operational Details-The Dots Are All Connecting

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Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion Red-dawn-c-1024x681
In yesterday’s related article, I established the fact that the entire West coast is under threat to leaving the United States. Washington and Oregon would go to Canada and California would become its own country under the control of the United Nations with the assistance of George Soros, the Mexican government, the Obama administration, the Mexican drug cartels, the Chinese government and the Bank of China. I also reported on the fake gas shortage in Mexico which is causing Mexico to pivot towards China. Mexico’s cooperation with China is essential to any Red Dawn invasion because Mexico would become one of  the pathway into the United States. Russia has allowed this CALEXIT movement to establish an embassy in Russia. Trump should tell Putin that is an act of war. Further, I revealed yesterday that our most trusted ally, Canada, is allowing Chinese warships to dock in Canadian ports. America could, very soon, be left standing alone.
California reminds me of America at the time of the Revolutionary War in which certain European nations assisted in our revolution against Great Britain. The treasonous Gov. Jerry Brown, is delusional enough to believe that he is the modern day version of George Washington.
This article will review and further reveal some of the expected operational details associated with a multinational invasion of the Western United States which would be led by China.

America Is Standing Alone, Except for Britain

Leaders from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Russia declared their intention to establish a means of continuous dialogue “to discuss and synchronize positions on international issues” CELAC includes thirty-three countries in the Americas, but the United States and Canada are excluded. This is the breeding ground of a “Red Dawn Scenario.

Embedded Chinese Soldiers in West Coast Ports

Since 1997, Chinese officials have bribed and bought off senior American government officials, particularly in the Clinton administration.

Part of the bribes included the selling of Long Beach port to the Chinese along with the loss of nearly 18,000 American jobs. Multiple military sources around the country have quietly warned about the growing menace posed by the buildup of Chinese Communist forces in many of our California ports now controlled by the Chinese.

The Bundy Affair Was Not Only About Uranium Sales to Russia by Hillary

The Bundy/BLM affair was also symbolic of this buildup. The solar energy deals that were put into place by Senator Harry Reid were done in conjunction with Chinese energy companies run by the Chinese military. All personnel manning these planned plants would be affiliated with the Chinese military. This includes the inland ports (e.g. Kansas City) which are controlled by the Chinese courtesy of the treasonous trade agreement we call NAFTA.
As former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave tacit approval and participated in these actions which had their origins prior to her tenure as Secretary of State.

The Bundy Ranch and Other BLM Land Seizures Are Being Done On Behalf of the Chinese

Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion Bundy-ranchThe Bundy Ranch confrontation, along with many other unreported BLM land grabs on behalf of the Chinese are being carried out in preparation for a total resource hand off to the Chinese. My military sources and researcher, Vicky Davis tell me that a series of international “inland ports” are being created in conjunction with known mineral rich areas and control of these areas will be handed off to the Chinese. Further, the Chinese military will be stationed around these inland ports to ensure safety and security of the Chinese investment and its mining and geological personnel. The Chinese are doing this under the guise of creating solar energy, which they are. However, their energy companies are owned by the Chinese military. This will be the foothold of their invasion force. Further, solar zones are near planned international corridor highways (e.g. Canamex and NAFTA Super Highways) for easy transport of these soon-to-be mined mineral resources for shipping back to China. When the three pronged attack occurs, the American economy will be in chaos and the Chinese will be in the midst of acquiring vast mineral resources for which they have prepositioned their covert military assets in this country.
Chinese troops will soon be a common occurrence on American soil. This will constitute only the beginning of the short-range take over the Chinese have planned for America.
These Solar Energy Zones are appearing in multiple locations in such places as Southwestern Arizona, Barstow, CA. and Victorville, CA., and now I am receiving on the ground reports from Colorado and Utah as well. These designated Solar Energy Zones have very similar variables in common. The following chart indicates that the debt compensation will consist of complete control of the solar industry and will be expanded to other energy sources (e.g. hydroelectric and nuclear power). This practice has been happening in Indian reservations as well.
In addition to Paul Preston’s revelations about CALEXIT, he has stated on a prio interview on The Common Sense Show that the inland ports of Stockton and Sacremento California are loaded with Chinese soldiers.  Take a look at the following chart, do you think this is a coincidence or a conspiracy?
Chinese Solar on Bundy’s Ranch              Arizona Solar Farm
Chinese money backing projectChinese money involved in project
Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone”Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone”
Located near a Canamex Highway (I-15)Located near a Canamex Highway (1-10)
Located near a major energy source (Hoover Dam)Located near a major energy source (Palo Verde Nuclear Plant)
Located near a major military base (Nellis AFB)Located near a major military base ancillary facilities (Luke AFB)
Please note that any invasion of America’s Southwest underbelly would have to negate American aircover. Please note that these solar energy foarms located adjacent or near American domestic airbases which could easily be negated.
And these planned facilities are always located near known mineral rich resources buried underground and waiting to be mined. And this strategy is not limited to these Chinese Solar Energy Zones.
The Farah article also makes mention of a series of Chinese incursions into the American energy domain as reported by the Wall Street Journal on March 6, 2012. The state-by-state list of the $17 billion in oil and natural gas equity interests CNOOC and Sinopec have acquired in the United States since 2010.

  • Quote :
    “Colorado: CNOOC gained a one-third stake in 800,000 acres in northeast Colorado and southwest Wyoming in a $1.27-billion pact with Chesapeake Energy Corporation.

  • Quote :
    Louisiana: Sinopec has a one-third interest in 265,000 acres in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale after a broader $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.

  • Quote :
    Michigan: Sinopec gained a one-third interest in 350,000 acres in a larger $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.

  • Quote :
    Ohio: Sinopec acquired a one-third interest in Devon Energy’s 235,000 Utica Shale acres in a larger $2.5-billion deal.

  • Quote :
    Oklahoma: Sinopec has a one-third interest in 215,000 acres in a broader $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.

  • Quote :
    Texas: CNOOC acquired a one-third interest in Chesapeake Energy’s 600,000 acres in the Eagle Ford Shale in a $2.16-billion deal.

  • Quote :
    Wyoming: CNOOC has a one-third stake in northeast Colorado and southeast Wyoming after a $1.27-billion pact with Chesapeake Energy. Sinopec gained a one-third interest in Devon Energy’s 320,000 acres as part of a larger $2.5-billion deal”.

Only when a nation has a traitor, like Obama and George W. Bush, as a President, could this be allowed to happen.

 Chinese Have International Help

The Fifth Column

The Fifth Column, designed to sabotage critical infrastructure and carry out key assassinations of resistance figures in the media as well as uncooperative politicians, was mostly put into place last summer during the “immigration crisis” which was used as a cover to embed these forces inside of the U.S.

Not Gangsters but Terrorists Armed with WMD’s

There is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas, have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel and the Barrio Azteca to enforce their will, but Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination (i.e. future Red List applications). In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism.
Paul Williams, a former FBI Consultant, wrote a book shortly after 9/11 and stated that reliable reports had reached United States officials that al Qaeda operatives were able to get at least two nuclear suitcase bombs into the United States. Williams went on to state that bin Laden had previously used his vast wealth, derived from control of Afghanistan’s poppy trade, to pay off high ranking MS-13 leaders. Williams further asserted that bin Laden paid as much as $50,ooo to smuggle sleeper agents into the United states. Williams is not alone in this belief as the author of Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, Brigitte Gabriel, stated that there are terrorists coming through our southern border due to the cooperation and joint efforts of MS-13  and Hezbollah and they are intent on introducing a Hiroshima event on American soil! A very disturbing and  recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47’s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that the MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13 is equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training. Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 is well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. If you think this is far-fetched, please keep reading. Add to this that FBI Director Comey stated, last July 4th, that ISIS had cells in all 50 states and we continue to import unscreened immigrants from the Middle East under the UN’s Refugee/Rsettlement Program. America is in grave danger.
Obama and Clinton began to actively ignore and, by neglect, gave approval to the following:
Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated with Hezbollah. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question. Further, as I reported last summer, the Border Patrol was not allowed to detain MS-13 gangsters despite how easy they are to identify because of their tattoos. This might be the best funded and supplied Fifth Column force in history.
Two years ago, I reported, from two Border Patrol sources that these 5th column forces, now wreaking havoc in Minnesota, were given permission to enter in groups of 8-12 after being detained.

The Chinese Will Have Help from Russia and Her Allies in Central and South America

While we slept, Obama alienated all of our allies in Latin America. Former Secretary of State Clinton took actions that led to the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The President of Bolivia’s plane was forced to land by American jets, because they thought Ed Snowden was on board (please note: This was an act of war). And of course, we know the fate of Hugo Chavez stemming from his defiance to this administration’s imperialism and his “El Diablo” comments directed at several American leaders, most notably, George Bush.
The 33 Central and South American nation organization known as CELAC are combining forces and will form the vanguard of an attacking Army moving north and entering the United States through Mexico.


According to a March 2014 report by the Strategic Culture Foundation, a progressive, pro-Russian think tank, Nicaragua’s quoted former Sandista leader, Daniel Ortega, who reinstalled himself in 2007 as the Nicaraguan leader stated that  “We are very grateful and very much appreciate the Russian people’s support of our country.” Ortega has accepted the arrival of two Russian strategic bombers and added that more will be on the way as Russia announced that Nicaragua has announced that it will accept routine Russian patrols in both its Caribbean and Pacific ports as well as participating in the joint training of military personnel. Russia and Nicaragua have moved in the direction of a strategic economic and military relationship. In October 2013, for example, Nicaragua and Russia signed a memorandum of international security cooperation. Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev noted during his visit to Nicaragua that “Nicaragua is an important partner and friend of Russia in Latin America,” pointing to the coincidence of views of the two countries’ authorities on many issues.”


Argentinean President, Cristina Fernández is determined to develop close economic relations with Russia as the left-wing liberal Argentinean leader has invited Russia to invest in fuel projects in an obvious attack upon the Petrodollar. Fernandez also cut a deal with Putin which previously supported Russia’s grab of Crimea in exchange for Russia’s support of Argentina’s quest to annex the Falkland Islands. If this is followed through with, this would be a direct act of war. Fernandez’s statement is most certainly a direct Russian slap in the face of our closest ally, England, and should be viewed as an attack upon NATO. Further, Cristina Fernández, added that the Crimean referendum was “one of the famous referendums of self-determination.”

Equador, Venezuela and Bolivia

Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa praised Russia as a “great nation”, while visiting Moscow in October of 2013. Putin was indeed praise-worthy because he promised to invest $1.5 billion into new domestic energy projects in Ecuador. Correa also stated that his country was planning on buying Russian military equipment. Russia has signed several billion dollars of contracts with Venezuela and supplies Bolivia, among other countries from the region with military weapons. The military package includes attack aircraft and helicopters.


Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim, stated that “More than buying military equipment, what we are seeking with Russia is a strategic partnership based on the joint development of technology.” Amorim’s statement is consistent with the fact that Brazil, South America’s most populous nation, has announced that it is planning to purchase short-to-medium-range surface-to-air Pantsir S1 missile batteries and Igla-S shoulder-held missiles from Russia. Previously, Brazil has purchased 12 Mi-35 attack helicopters. Russia and Brazil have also signed an agreement for Brazil to acquire 36 attack aircraft. Amorim said Russia and Brazil would also look at working together on space technology and on defense against cyber attacks, an area that has become a Brazilian priority since disclosures that the NSA  has spied on Brazilians, their president and the country’s largest oil company. If this means what I believe it means, with regard to the development of space technology, we are speaking about the possible intention of the Russian militarizing of near Earth orbit with space based weapons (killer satelllites?). Brazil is also one of the BRIC nations who is actively participating with Russia in the demise of the Petrodollar by purchasing oil for gold instead of the time-honored practice of the Petrodollar.

El Salvador and All of Latin America

El Salvadorian President, Sanchez Ceren, has signed an agreement with Putin entitled “Federal Law On Ratification of the Agreement on the Foundations of Relations” which pledges economic and military cooperation with Russia. Ceren, is a self-declared Marxist-Leninist and is considered to be very-anti American.

Turning out the Lights on the Western United States

The Genesis of This Plot

Red Dawn Invasion of the US Is Being Put Into Motion Grid-ex-ii
Grid EX II allowed Russians and Chinese military to participate in this simulated take down of the grid.
The genesis of this plot did not begin with what happened in the past two weeks in Tennessee. America’s vulnerability began with good-old fashioned treason and the source of that treason lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
In November of 2013, as GRID EX II practiced a “grid down” scenario, I wrote these words:
Quote :
“Obama is such a traitor that he previously allowed the Russians and the Chinese, our enemies who have threatened to nuke America, to participate in Grid Ex II. In other words, we gave our enemies the keys to our house and car by showing them how our infrastructure is organized.”
Obama has purposely compromised the national security of the United States by showing the Russians and the Chinese how to take down our grid. I said this in 2013, and I am repeating this today.
I firmly believe our grid will be taken down. It will be replaced with Chinese solar energy farms.


The dots are all connecting.
wn There is only one quesstion to be answered at this point: Can Trump do anything about this? If I were Trump, regardless of the prospects for victory, I would do two things: (1) Send the US military into California and arrest Gov. Brown and wage war on the cartels; and, (2) nationalize all Communist Chinese business interests.
Are you prepared. Do not stop prepping, your life could depend on it.

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