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 FORUM BOREALIS: Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization - A Conversation With Robert Schoch

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FORUM BOREALIS: Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization - A Conversation With Robert Schoch  Empty
PostSubject: FORUM BOREALIS: Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization - A Conversation With Robert Schoch    FORUM BOREALIS: Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization - A Conversation With Robert Schoch  I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2017 12:34 pm

Forum Borealis shows are always interesting. It's been a while since they've posted a new one and the ones posted on the forum have always gotten good thumbs up reviews. Here's the latest. Be sure you have a good block of time set aside because this one is 3 hours long. Hehehe, or I suppose you could listen in dribs and drabs.

Check the Forum Borealis channel for more really good interviews.

Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization (Part 1 & 2) - A conversation with Robert Schoch

Show Notes wrote:
Published on Feb 13, 2017
Is it true that an advanced Civilization existed prior to the end of the Ice-Age? If so, what do we KNOW about it, why did it collapse, what does the hard science say, & is the academic cover-up finally diminishing? Dr. Schoch visits the Forum, with a full account about such matters as worldwide Pyramids, the Sphinx' real age, how remnants in Gobekli Tepe, Easter Islands, & elsewhere were prehistoric sacred sites. But we go much deeper. You will also hear the most likely cause to the climate change sweeping every planet of our solar system - including the most crucial fact for our civilization to heed, if we are to avoid our ancestors demise ...

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FORUM BOREALIS: Demise Of The Ice-Age Civilization - A Conversation With Robert Schoch
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