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 It's not over until IT'S OVER!

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It's not over until IT'S OVER!  Empty
PostSubject: It's not over until IT'S OVER!    It's not over until IT'S OVER!  I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 04, 2017 10:38 pm

Yes we are on the hacking subject again... but first, I do have the new puter on line, very secure, and two backup systems.. one of which is very secure.

Before finishing the new one two old ones were hacked in a new and different way... 1 fairly secure one had the browser hacked in a fashion that removed all history and book marked sites as if it were a new browsers first time use.... hmm I thought, what is going on.... mean time I discover the volume does not work to play video / audio files.
I had already had the second unit on... I go to it's keyboard and check video link with no audio to find that this puter also has audio problem internally... oh crap what ever hit.. got both as before with the laptop and main one I used.
So New puter arrives in nick of time as I'm now battling one puter system that I  cannot repair the system as it is older than the last system destroyed on the 2 drives that cannot have it reinstalled on anymore!! (Damaged beyond repair)
I was so tired of this happening now... the one is all I had and I had detected something going on with it and a few small things not right already, so replaced that system as a precautionary measure.
Very slow on the viewing and reposting of news and no video capabilities at all. Very frustrating!

So much joy as the new one is completely up to date now and I will be using external systems to protect it.
You all have probably noticed the increase in posts already? 

How ever I will not buy any more puters to do this work as I don't believe there is much time left most know enough.. that my work should be done by that time
and I will be done!... I would let you all know via some other source for sure if there is electricity and net.
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It's not over until IT'S OVER!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's not over until IT'S OVER!    It's not over until IT'S OVER!  I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 04, 2017 10:42 pm

I see in one of Dave Hodges videos He also mentions having files removed from his computer recently!

Watch out you traitors!
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It's not over until IT'S OVER!
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