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 Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!

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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 2:32 pm

Maybe Steve Quayle is really onto something about these things being giant killers.

I was absolutely stunned . . . STUNNED I say! Video is six minutes of the best high velocity projectile performance you've ever seen. I want me some of these and the rifle to fire 'em with.

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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: copper loads   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 2:59 pm

It's copper for me but I have to find it in 357-44-45 loads.......never mind I have it already, I'll just have to use it to carry.....

Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Th?id=OIP.0bwCcBzCr4i0t_ihTm4AbgEsDM&pid=15
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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 4:14 pm

They both look like "One and Done" to meee. Cool

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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 4:54 pm

Dove wrote:
They both look like "One and Done" to meee. Cool

True that, with lead one bullet one kill, possibly two if it goes through and hits someone else after taking out the front guy.

Now, say you got yourself a big nasty angry rioting crowd of 50-100 or more rabid (fill in the blank) ________ heading down your street looking at you and yours aiming to rape, pillage, plunder, and kill. You might just get the upper hand if instead of your lead high velocity projectile taking the guy in front and maybe the one behind, your solid copper high velocity projectile takes the guy in front and 5-10-15 more bad-ass dudes standing behind him. Couple of rounds and you've put the fear of God into anyone else left lucky enough to still be standing.

About face bad guys! STAMPEDE RUN and get the hell out of Dodge fast!

Where did all the rest of the bad guys go? The military calls this kinda thing a "force multiplier".

Anyway, that's the difference, Dove. Pray that none of us ever have to face a situation like I described above, but should we ever have too . . .

That's the way I see it anyways.

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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 12, 2017 11:53 pm

O.I.C.  honor  Since you put it that way, I'll take a box of the pretty, shiny ones.    chuckle
I honestly would have no idea what to do.  Just be prepared to see Jesus, I guess.

            I want to know the thoughts of God. Everything else is just details.
            A Miracle is when God makes His Reality our Experience              
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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 8:09 pm

One should really have something for the wild things if you flee the city!
Bear and Mountain Lions here.
Stuff that loads quick without magazines is good for them.
But you will still need tactical semi-auto for the rest!
Nato uses 9mm hand weapons and .556 rifle so if you get a rifle that fires both .556 and .223 you have more variety to pick up. This is your best mid-range tacticle rifle.. but all magazine fed one should have a quick loader and lots of mags.
U.S. Mil started using .300 magnum rifle for a low end sniper because of good balistics and lower cost per round.
These typically used for Bear, Elk and Moose. Not recommended for Ladies because of kick, the scope may hit the brow so make sure it has rubber on it! This is a good one for unarmored vehicles as you can take out the engine block.
Penetration of 3/8 steel not to mention thicker cast iron.

notice the latest post i made?

I once read about a outfitter and 3 hunters... one of them used a Moose call in camp and they were overrun by a Mommy Bear and 2 cubs expecting dinner, they threw the hunters around and ran off, all had hand guns on at the time and no one could reach them. Lots of stitches in the head etc. not a shot fired!!!
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Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference!   Solid Copper Bullets vs Lead Bullets - I Was Absolutely STUNNED at the Difference! I_icon_minitime

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