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 Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada

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Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada Empty
PostSubject: Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada   Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 10, 2017 11:18 am

Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada

Published on Apr 10, 2017

A 14,000-year-old village, thought to be one of the oldest human settlements in North America, has been discovered by archaeologists

Artefacts including tools for lighting fires, fish hooks and spears bating back from the Ice Age, were found during an excavation of a remote island in British Columbia, Canada.

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Ancient 14,000-Year-Old City 'Older Than Egyptian Pyramids' Unearthed In Canada
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