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 Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds

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PostSubject: Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds   Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:48 am

Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds

Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds Picture-5
by Tyler Durden
Apr 13, 2017 8:47 AM
Update 2:  The Pentgaon has admitted to the airstrikes but no details on what was targeted...


Update 1: Russia has reportedly dispatched drones to the area to confirm Syria's reports. The Russian military said that it has no information confirming the reports of death as a result of the US-led coalition's strike.
Quote :
"The Russian Defense Ministry does not possess information confirming reports of deaths and the type of the destriction as a result of the US-led coalition's bombing near Deir ez-Zor."
"Unmanned aerial vehicles have been sent to the area to monuitor the situation," the ministry added.
*  *  *
As we detailed earlier, the Syrian General Staff said that the US-led coalition struck an ISIS depot storing chemical weapons in Deir ez-Zor on Wednesday, poisoning and killing several hundred people, including civilians.
Related Video U.N. urges inquiry to identify those behind Syria gas attacks

Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds 20170413_syriua_0
As SputnikNews reports, the Syrian military said that this fact proves that terrorists possess chemical weapons.
Quote :
"The jets of the so-called US-led coalition launched a strike at about 17:30-17:50 [local time, 14:30-14:50 GMT] on a Daesh warehouse where many foreign fighters were present. First a white cloud and then a yellow one appeared at the site of the strike, which points at the presence of a large number of poisonous substances. A fire at the site continued until 22:30 [19:30 GMT],"
The Syrian army yet again denied possessing chemical weapons. According to the Syrian General Staff, the US-led coalition's strike killed several hundred people, including civilians. Hundreds were poisoned as a result of the strike on Daesh's headquarters and depot with chemical weapons.
Quote :
"This confirms that Daesh and al-Nusra terrorists possess chemical weapons and are capable of using, obtaining and transporting it," the document said.
Furthermore, if true, the US coalition just did exactly what Russia has claimed occurred in the initial chemical attack (that prompted President Trump's "Tomahawk" torrent). The Russian Defense Ministry said the day after the initial chemical weapons release that an airstrike near Khan Shaykhun was carried out by Syrian aircraft, struck a terrorist warehouse that stored chemical weapons slated for delivery to Iraq.
Of course, the propaganda battle is not over so what we need now is some YouTube clip to 'prove' what the US coalition did.
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PostSubject: we are change report   Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:50 am

REPORT: Israeli War Planes Bomb North West Damascus
Posted by Aaron Kesel | Apr 12, 2017 |
Russia Sends Drones To Confirm Syria Claims US Strike On ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killed Hundreds Israel-bombing-thumb

Explosions have been reported in North West Damascus, Syria, near the Lebanese border located in an area with a high presence of Hezbollah.
Al-Masdar is reporting that Israeli jets have bombed the Falita Barrens, in North West Damascus.
Initial reports suggested that a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) base was targeted.
The Syrian Air Defense has said that SAA troops are not in the area.
Local sources suggest Hezbollah fighters were struck.

Hezbollah and Israel have not yet commented on the strike.
If confirmed this would constitute a violation of a war crime according to international law.
Jerusalem Post reported the attack was by the IDF against Hezbollah targeting a weapons shipment citing Lebanese media.
This comes after a senior Syrian official vowed to back Hezbollah in any future conflict that the Lebanese terror group may have with Israel, in an interview with Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai a few months ago.
(This Is A Developing Situation Check Back For Updates)
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