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 N. Korea 'Day of the Sun' as Trump's armada moves in

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N. Korea 'Day of the Sun' as Trump's armada moves in Empty
PostSubject: N. Korea 'Day of the Sun' as Trump's armada moves in   N. Korea 'Day of the Sun' as Trump's armada moves in I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 9:04 am

Do these satellite images prove North Korea is preparing to detonate a new nuclear bomb to mark sinister 'Day of the Sun' as Trump's armada moves in

  • US officials fear that North Korea is planning to detonate another nuclear device in a tunnel on Saturday
  • Satellite images taken yesterday show continued activity at Kim Jong-un's Punggye-ri Nuclear facility
  • Reporters were told to prepare for a 'big' event today - which turned out to be unveiling of a housing complex 
  • Pyongyang is preparing to mark its biggest national day called 'Day of the Sun' on Saturday
  • Tensions are high with North Korea warning of a nuclear attack on the US at any sign of American aggression

By Emily Crane For and Reuters
Published: 19:08 EDT, 12 April 2017 | Updated: 08:56 EDT, 13 April 2017

  • [email=?subject=Read%20this:%20Do%20these%20satellite%20images%20prove%20North%20Korea%20is%20preparing%20%20%20to%20detonate%20a%20new%20nuclear%20bomb%20to%20%20mark%20sinister%20%27Day%20of%20the%20Sun%27%20as%20Trump%27s%20armada%20moves%20in&body=Do%20these%20satellite%20images%20prove%20North%20Korea%20is%20preparing%20%20%20to%20detonate%20a%20new%20nuclear%20bomb%20to%20%20mark%20sinister%20%27Day%20of%20the%20Sun%27%20as%20Trump%27s%20armada%20moves%20in%0A%**]e-mail [/email]



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New satellite images have emerged purportedly showing how North Korea is preparing to detonate a nuclear bomb to coincide with its 'Day of the Sun' national day on Saturday.
Aerial photos taken yesterday show continued activity at the Punggye-ri Nuclear site where US officials fear a nuclear device has been installed in a tunnel ahead of another test.  
It comes as the regime today warned foreign journalists to prepare for a 'big event' on Thursday and as tensions remained high after President Donald Trump sent a US Navy strike group steaming toward the Korean Peninsula.
North Korea's most important national day is on Saturday April 15 when North Korea commemorates the birth anniversary of its founding president Kim Il Sung. However, the big event may have been the grand unveiling of a sprawling housing project in Pyongyang.
Ahead of the event, Kim Jong-un yesterday oversaw a commando operation in which special forces dropped from light transport planes 'like hail' and 'mercilessly blew up enemy targets'.  
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today underscored fears about possible threats from North Korea, telling parliament in Tokyo that Pyongyang could have the capacity to deliver missiles equipped with sarin nerve gas.  
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