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 !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test

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PostSubject: !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 7:43 pm

BREAKING: Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test   Featured  

Post by  Newsroom    - Apr 13, 2017!!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    Screen13

The U.S. is ready to launch a strike against North Korea if Pyongyang goes through with a nuclear weapons test.
Multiple senior U.S. intelligence officials, confirmed to SuperStation95 Thursday that the U.S. is prepared to launch the strike against North Korea with conventional weapons.
Officials said a nuclear test could come as soon as this weekend.

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The U.S. has two destroyers that can shoot Tomahawk cruse missiles in the area, according to the network. One of the destroyers is located 300 miles from the North Korean nuclear test site.
There are also American heavy bombers located in Guam. Earlier this week, it was reported that the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group was headed to that area.
In a statement Thursday, North Korea issued a warning to the U.S. — should it take action — of a "merciless retaliatory strike."
"By relentlessly bringing in a number of strategic nuclear assets to the Korean peninsula, the US is gravely threatening the peace and safety and driving the situation to the brink of a nuclear war," North Korea's statement said.
South Korea foreign minister Yun Byung said U.S. officials have "repeatedly reaffirmed that" the U.S. "will closely discuss with South Korea its North Korea-related measures."
"In fact, the U.S. is working to reassure us that it will not, just in case that we might hold such concerns."
President Trump on Thursday tweeted that he has "great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea." 
"If they are unable to do so, the U.S., with its allies, will! USA," the president tweeted.
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PostSubject: Re: !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:00 pm

If I were South Korea, I'd tell the U.S. to back off on that first strike of North Korea.  A lot of South Koreans would probably die very quickly if that happened.
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PostSubject: there is now a "mad dash" to LEAVE Seoul,    !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:43 pm

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PostSubject: North Korea Broadcasts Additional Coded Messages to Sleeper Cells    !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:47 pm

North Korea Broadcasts Additional Coded Messages to Sleeper Cells Featured

Post by Newsroom - Apr 13, 2017 - 0

!!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    7becad0513fa168344c9f1efebd84e3f_XL
North Korea on Friday (they are twelve and one-half hours AHEAD of U.S. east coast) sent a radio broadcast of a new combination of mysterious random numbers believed to be coded orders to its spies/sleeper cells operating in South Korea, one day ahead of late state founder Kim Il-sung's 105th birthday, one of its key anniversaries.

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The North's propaganda station "Radio Pyongyang" began broadcasting the messages at 1:15 a.m. (Seoul time), calling out a series of pages and numbers, such as No. 69 on page 823, No. 92 on page 467 and No. 100 on page 957, before repeating them one more time.

The radio announcer said, "(I'm) giving review works in elementary information technology lessons of the remote education university for No. 27 expedition agents."
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PostSubject: China 'mobilizes 25,000 **extra*** troops to North Korea' & puts country on 'NATIONWIDE ALERT'   !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 13, 2017 8:50 pm

China 'mobilizes 25,000 **extra*** troops to North Korea' & puts country on 'NATIONWIDE ALERT' Featured

Post by Newsroom - Apr 13, 2017 - 0 !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    Screen14

!!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    301a9b2311a9acc4c285b55c666d6efc_XL
CHINA is scrambling another 25,000 troops to be militarized along the North Korean border as the country is put on ‘nationwide alert’ amid heightened tensions between the hermit state and the West, according to reports.
All five regions military regions from China have been ordered by Beijing to maintain readiness for the possibility of conflict along their border with Kim Jong-un’s kingdom, according to UPI.
China’s armoured and mechanised infantry brigades in the Shandong, Zhejiang and Yunnan provinces have been given the go-ahead.

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The troops being deployed from China to the Korean peninsula are from the 47th group army of the Ninth Armoured Brigade, the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy.
China has already sent 150,000 troops to the North Korean border on Sunday, Taiwan’s China Post has claimed and SuperStation95 reported earlier this week.
It comes after the US and South Korea conducted joint military exercises around the peninsula.
USS Carl Vinson’s strike group has been deployed to the Korean peninsula in a show of force towards Pyongyang after the hermit nation has carried out a series of provocative missile launches and nuclear tests.
Chinese president Xi Jinping begged Donald Trump to pursue a peaceful resolution to the meltdown in the crisis during a phone call between the pair.
Despite the pleas, North Korea looks to set to detonate a nuclear device this week, according to the Voice of America.
The device is expected to set off the device on Saturday.
A National Security Council official said: “We have no comment at this time but we will be watching closely.”
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PostSubject: Re: !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    !!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test    I_icon_minitime

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!!!!!!!!!!! ALERT !!!!!!!! Officials CONFIRM U.S. Intends to Strike North Korea over Nuclear Test
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