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 Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case

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Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case Empty
PostSubject: Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case   Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 16, 2017 6:23 am

Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case

  A bizarre object dubbed the Roswell Rock has continued to spark conspiracy theories 13 years on from its discovery. The stone, found in the New Mexico desert in 2004, displays a bizarre pattern and allegedly otherworldly magnetic properties.

Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case Nintchdbpict000315686757
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Roswell UFO Conspiracy Theorists Claim Mystery ‘Magnetic’ Rock With Weird ‘Alien’ Carvings Could FINALLY Crack 70-Year-Old Case
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