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 Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea

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Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea Empty
PostSubject: Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea   Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 20, 2017 6:10 am

Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea

Published on Apr 20, 2017

Russia speaks louder in actions than words and rarely ever gives away their secrets of what they intend to do. Larenzo with Already Happened has reported a massive military movement by Russia to the border of North Korea. The Tor-1 the first air def system in the world designed from the start to shoot down precision guided weapons like AGM-86. This is the latest train loads of defense system headed to North Korea's border to help defend the Communist nation from the US.

CIA is on a massive man hunt for on of its own for leaking the Vault 7 files. So much for Russian agent hacking the US elections.


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Breaking News: Russia Will Defend North Korea
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