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 Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion?

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Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion? Empty
PostSubject: Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion?   Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion? I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 20, 2017 9:45 pm

Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion?

Published on Apr 20, 2017

I suppose the answers has more to do with what Aliens really are rather than what we think they are. Jesus (Yeshua) defines the events that happened pre-flood would repeat again however those events seem to be water downed by most clergy. Eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage just is too simple. That is until you know what the food and drink were and who were involved in the marriages. This video will shock you to the core and prove what we are soon to face.

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Did Jesus Prophesy of an Alien Invasion?
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