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 Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA

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Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA Empty
PostSubject: Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA   Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 24, 2017 9:42 am

Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA;SQ:JUST LIKE DIMITRU DUDUMAN WAS SHOWN 21 YEARS AGO-AGO HERES THE LINK-----

News » News from the Kremlin
Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA
20.04.2017 | Source: Pravda.Ru

Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA. 60331.jpeg
AP photo

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that he would take part in international forum "One Belt - One Way" which is expected to take place in China on May 14-15 of this year.

At a meeting with chairman of the Committee of the National People's Congress of China, Zhang Dejiang in the Kremlin, Putin pointed out the importance of Russian-Chinese inter-parliamentary ties.

"You will be our guest of highest honor. The meeting of the leaders of Russia and China will be held within the framework of the forum. This is particularly important for strengthening friendship and cooperation between our countries," Zhang Dejiang told Putin.

During the G20 summit in September 2016, Russian and Chinese presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping led the column of world leaders and went together to the conference room.

Noteworthy, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, speaking on Hong Kong's Fenghuang TV channel, said that China was ready, if necessary, to provide Russia with all possible assistance - from economic to military spheres.

At the same time, growing friendship between Russia and China raises serious concerns in the West. Western leaders believe that the alliance of Russia and China has the ultimate goal to undermine the positions of the United States as their prime competitor. Western publications pay attention to the fact that Russia and China often side with each other at the UN Security Council to veto Washington's initiatives.


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
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News » News from the Kremlin
Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA
20.04.2017 | Source:


Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA 60331
AP photo
Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that he would take part in international forum "One Belt - One Way" which is expected to take place in China on May 14-15 of this year.
At a meeting with chairman of the Committee of the National People's Congress of China, Zhang Dejiang in the Kremlin, Putin pointed out the importance of Russian-Chinese inter-parliamentary ties.
"You will be our guest of highest honor. The meeting of the leaders of Russia and China will be held within the framework of the forum. This is particularly important for strengthening friendship and cooperation between our countries," Zhang Dejiang told Putin.
During the G20 summit in September 2016, Russian and Chinese presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping led the column of world leaders and went together to the conference room.
Noteworthy, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, speaking on Hong Kong's Fenghuang TV channel, said that China was ready, if necessary, to provide Russia with all possible assistance - from economic to military spheres.
At the same time, growing friendship between Russia and China raises serious concerns in the West. Western leaders believe that the alliance of Russia and China has the ultimate goal to undermine the positions of the United States as their prime competitor. Western publications pay attention to the fact that Russia and China often side with each other at the UN Security Council to veto Washington's initiatives.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
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News » News from the Kremlin
Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA
20.04.2017 | Source:


Putin to meet China's Xi Jinping to divide the world and punish USA 60331
AP photo
Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that he would take part in international forum "One Belt - One Way" which is expected to take place in China on May 14-15 of this year.
At a meeting with chairman of the Committee of the National People's Congress of China, Zhang Dejiang in the Kremlin, Putin pointed out the importance of Russian-Chinese inter-parliamentary ties.
"You will be our guest of highest honor. The meeting of the leaders of Russia and China will be held within the framework of the forum. This is particularly important for strengthening friendship and cooperation between our countries," Zhang Dejiang told Putin.
During the G20 summit in September 2016, Russian and Chinese presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping led the column of world leaders and went together to the conference room.
Noteworthy, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi, speaking on Hong Kong's Fenghuang TV channel, said that China was ready, if necessary, to provide Russia with all possible assistance - from economic to military spheres.
At the same time, growing friendship between Russia and China raises serious concerns in the West. Western leaders believe that the alliance of Russia and China has the ultimate goal to undermine the positions of the United States as their prime competitor. Western publications pay attention to the fact that Russia and China often side with each other at the UN Security Council to veto Washington's initiatives.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru
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