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 NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan

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NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan Empty
PostSubject: NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan   NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 25, 2017 10:43 pm

NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan

Published on Apr 25, 2017
NASA JUST released images taken by the Cassini space probe 
showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan. 

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has had its last close brush with Saturn's hazy moon Titan and is now beginning its final set of 22 orbits around the ringed planet. 

Cassini transmitted its images and other data to Earth following the encounter. 
The spacecraft made its 127th and final close approach to Titan on April 21 at 11:08 p.m. PDT (2:08 a.m. EDT on April 22), passing at an altitude of about 608 miles (979 kilometers) above the moon's surface.

The flyby also put Cassini on course for its dramatic last act, known as the Grand Finale. The mission will conclude with a science-rich plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on Sept. 15, 2017.
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Clips, images credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

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NASA JUST released images taken by Cassini, showing strange objects near Saturn's moon Titan
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