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 Corrupt Government Use Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us

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Corrupt Government Use Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us Empty
PostSubject: Corrupt Government Use Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us   Corrupt Government Use Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us I_icon_minitimeSun May 05, 2013 10:53 am

Corrupt Government Officials Use the Most Extreme Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us

Washington’s Blog
May 5, 2013

Preface: Fundamentalist Christians, Jews and Muslims all think they are in a “holy war” against the other guy. As shown below, fundamentalists are being manipulated by the powers-that-be – many of whom are actually atheists – as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to disempower people.

The 2,000 Year Old Strategy

The strategy of dividing and conquering one’s foes is ancient.

Ancient Roman emperor Julius Cesar successfully used it thousands of years ago.

The application of the strategy in controlling one’s own people – divide and rule – has been used for just as long. As
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