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 Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers

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Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers Empty
PostSubject: Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers   Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers I_icon_minitimeThu May 04, 2017 11:10 am

Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers

Published on May 4, 2017 PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! Dr. Michael Heiser joins Josh and Christina in the studio to discuss the truth of Enoch and the Watchers from his new book "Reversing Hermon". This is an episode you will not want to miss! What do you think? Leave a comment below!

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Dr. Michael Heiser on Enoch and the Watchers
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