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 North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS.....

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North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... Empty
PostSubject: North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS.....   North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2017 9:47 am

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS The Doomsday Explosive! FOR POSSIBLE N KOREA STRIKE- Prophecy: 

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... North-korea-bomb

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS The Doomsday Explosive! FOR POSSIBLE N KOREA STRIKE- Prophecy: There Will Be an ‘Imploding’ of the North Korean Government after 70 years is God setting them free Brutal North Korean government about to be decapitated

on July 5, 2017

Posted In: america, Donald Trump, DONALD TRUMP, Putin, RUSSIA, usa, wars and rumors of war

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... ?

While the fake news media concentrate on a twitter post from President Trump the fake Russia Narrative which has blown up in their own faces real world events are moving us towards a huge military conflict with North Korea.

President Trump is it seems on a level playing field with Russia and also it seems China. Trump  has re-asserted America as the leading country of the  free world . He is leading in the fight against ISIS in Syria and actually working with Russia.

He is pushing back on China within the last week a US ship provoked China, Taiwan and Vietnam sailing into disputed waters in an operation meant to challenge the competing claims of all three nations, a US Defense  Department official said.   This was also a deliberate act to show under a strong leader President Trump the US was back in reasserting its role as the dominant military power in Asia.

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North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS.....   North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2017 11:31 am

New article late yesterday over at All News Pipeline covers this topic as well. I'm over there reading it now and it covers this pretty well from another point of view. Headline and link below.

All News Pipeline wrote:

July 4, 2017

Experts Warn 'Alarming Trajectory' We're On May Result In Inevitable Nuclear War At World's 'Most Dangerous Time' 

- Will 'Cooler Heads' Prevail? President Trump To Meet Putin At G-20 Meetings While 'Liberals Worst Nightmares' Come True

[see link for article]

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North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS.....   North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2017 6:20 pm

ColonelZ wrote:
North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS The Doomsday Explosive! FOR POSSIBLE N KOREA STRIKE- Prophecy: 

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... North-korea-bomb

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS The Doomsday Explosive! FOR POSSIBLE N KOREA STRIKE- Prophecy: There Will Be an ‘Imploding’ of the North Korean Government after 70 years is God setting them free Brutal North Korean government about to be decapitated

on July 5, 2017

Posted In: america, Donald Trump, DONALD TRUMP, Putin, RUSSIA, usa, wars and rumors of war

North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... ?

While the fake news media concentrate on a twitter post from President Trump the fake Russia Narrative which has blown up in their own faces real world events are moving us towards a huge military conflict with North Korea.

President Trump is it seems on a level playing field with Russia and also it seems China. Trump  has re-asserted America as the leading country of the  free world . He is leading in the fight against ISIS in Syria and actually working with Russia.

He is pushing back on China within the last week a US ship provoked China, Taiwan and Vietnam sailing into disputed waters in an operation meant to challenge the competing claims of all three nations, a US Defense  Department official said.   This was also a deliberate act to show under a strong leader President Trump the US was back in reasserting its role as the dominant military power in Asia.

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n01 with a half-life of 10 minutes....would look lovely split just above their next test launch attended by all the dignitaries de jour.
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North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS.....   North Korea isolated & desperate US, RUSSIA AND CHINA PREPARE NEUTRON BOMBS..... I_icon_minitime

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