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 North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow

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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 12:17 am

North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow

Last update: February 12, 2013 at 5:05 am by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

A nuclear test (first described as earthquake) of very shallow depth has hit North Korea near to many different towns however up in the mountains. The magnitude of between 4.9 and 5.1 has been seen with depths ranging from 1km (USGS) to 10km from GEOFON. It is likely this is the 3rd nuclear test however, the Inchon, Korea seismogram is currently not visible online.
We will wait for more information but South Korea has possibly determined (there is always a lot of back chatter) that it is an artificial quake after looking at the seismograms.

This is most likely artificial it is likely that there will be no damage in the neighbouring towns.
This was between 6 and 7 kilotons.

Anjik-kol (16km), Chik-tong (5km), Komunjik (16km) are the closest towns.
4 km (34 miles) N of Kimchaek, North Korea (pop 179,000)
80 km (50 miles) SW of Chongjin, North Korea (pop 582,000)
182 km (113 miles) SSW of Yanji, Jilin, China
380 km (236 miles) NE of PYONGYANG, North Korea

Historically many earthquakes have hit North Korea causing damage, but no significant ones in the last few years. However, this is the 3rd nuclear test in the last few years.

Depending on the magnitude of the earthquake, and whether the Lg coda waves have been detected, it could be that this a nuclear test and not an earthquake as such. Nuclear tests are usually around M4.5-5.0 depending on the amount of explosives used. Lg coda waves are one of the ways to tell if in fact this is a tectonic earthquake or a non-natural event. – THIS HAS NOW BEEN ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO VARIOUS SOURCES (1 hr after)

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : M5.0

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-02-12 11:57:53

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-02-12 02:57:53

Depth (Hypocenter) : 1.5 km

Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below.

Share your earthquake experience (I Have Felt It) with our readers.
Click on the “I Felt It” button behind the corresponding earthquake. Your earthquake experience is not only important for science, but also for people in the area as well as our global readership.

SRC Location UTC Date/time M D INFORMATION
EMSC North Korea Feb 12 02:57 AM 5.0 2 MAP I Felt It
GEOFON North Korea Feb 12 02:57 AM 5.0 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
USGS North Korea Feb 12 02:57 AM 5.1 1 MAP I Felt It
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2013 12:47 pm

It's the year of the snake! affraid
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 5:20 pm

I gather we knew this was coming. Posted in the old forum that we were moving B-2's to Guam from Missouri. They fly virtually all missions non-stop from MO so moving billion dollar bombers to that rock in the pac is "news" to everyone but the idiotic sheeple that live here in the US. (Present company excluded obviously)
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Internet Pilgrim

Internet Pilgrim

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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 6:58 pm

John McTernan's blog post for today, February 13th is on the link between N. Korea and the judgment of America. He is doing an ongoing watch regarding O's treatment of Israel and his push of the homosexual issue and events in N. Korea:

The last post on this topic was on February 6th, and was titled, "God's Final Warning to America." We need to repent for our nation and be in earnest prayer that God will delay judgment on us, just as Abraham prayed that Sodom wouldn't be destroyed if 10 righteous were found there.
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 7:55 pm

Internet Pilgrim wrote:
John McTernan's blog post for today, February 13th is on the link between N. Korea and the judgment of America. He is doing an ongoing watch regarding O's treatment of Israel and his push of the homosexual issue and events in N. Korea:

The last post on this topic was on February 6th, and was titled, "God's Final Warning to America." We need to repent for our nation and be in earnest prayer that God will delay judgment on us, just as Abraham prayed that Sodom wouldn't be destroyed if 10 righteous were found there.

Not familiar with the blog but I'll check it out. Based on your abridged version I gather the gentleman is onto something. Our "commander in chief" is as queer as a 3 dollar bill, a lifetime member of "man country" in chicago, hiv-aids positive (hello sealed medical records), etc. etc. etc. No researcher I can't prove any of this but barry doesn't and cannot prove a damn thing!
How many "c" students (no extracurricular activity either unless you count thc accumulation) transfer, all expenses paid from occidental to columbia???
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 8:46 pm

Quote :
No researcher I can't prove any of this

Hey, it sounds completely plausible. Reminder to self. Steer clear of man's country if ever in Chicago.
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 9:34 pm

researcher wrote:
Quote :
No researcher I can't prove any of this

Hey, it sounds completely plausible. Reminder to self. Steer clear of man's country if ever in Chicago.
North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow 2802032491Police academy, what was it the "blue oyster bar?"......North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow 1188067528we need to get the helll outta here!!!! On a serious note wnd and a few others have done stories on his known man lovers. (All of whom are now deceased save the one who poses as something else and is flown in and out of d.c. on a whim forget his name, sonny the sodomizer or something of the sort)
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 9:50 pm

Quote :
sonny the sodomizer

Thanks for that! Just great, I'm going to have nightmares . . . .

But wait, we're not through! Order one Sonny the Sodomizer at only $19.99 and we'll double the offer. That's right, you'll get two Sonny the Sodomizer's for the same low price if you order in the next 20 minutes. Visa and MasterCard accepted and if you'll show us your Man's Country membership card we'll send you an extra set of batteries for your Sonny the Sodomizer absolutely free. Don't delay. Operators are standing by to take your order.

OK, your moderator has a wild imagination, but this was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw Sonny the Sodomizer.
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 10:11 pm

researcher wrote:
Quote :
sonny the sodomizer

Thanks for that! Just great, I'm going to have nightmares . . . .

But wait, we're not through! Order one Sonny the Sodomizer at only $19.99 and we'll double the offer. That's right, you'll get two Sonny the Sodomizer's for the same low price if you order in the next 20 minutes. Visa and MasterCard accepted and if you'll show us your Man's Country membership card we'll send you an extra set of batteries for your Sonny the Sodomizer absolutely free. Don't delay. Operators are standing by to take your order.

OK, your moderator has a wild imagination, but this was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw Sonny the Sodomizer.
Seriously, seriously, the infomercial guy (now deceased) lived up the street from me here in FL. I forget his name but he produced all of the well known infomercials until he passed a few years back. In fact, the Home Shopping Network global headquarters used to be on my way to work (when going to the "office"). Although the church of scientology was as well but I don't normally let that one slip....North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow 4181444827North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow 3443767021
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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 10:29 pm

Billy Mays, TV Pitchman. That the one?

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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 9:13 am

You were on that like white on rice.
The guy worked 24/7. Supposedly had a cocaine issue but probably was using the stuff to keep working 100 hours a week.
Proverbs 11:4
Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow Empty
PostSubject: Re: North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow   North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow I_icon_minitime

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North Korean nuclear test has occurred – M4.9-5.1 shallow
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