I now use two different encrypted systems that both are not common, meaning they do not have
common file system folder naming and are somewhat obscure.
The encryption will not allow the boot loader to look for the system on the hard drive as it is the first step (encryption) which needs a password before anything can happen at all.
I leave the ethernet cable disconnected @ start up to prevent the password being taken from the buffer as the Spies can see every mouse click whether or not it is on anything or not!
After start up then my password to log into the system login window is signed into.
I only use cookies or javascript (the evilest of them) when watching a movie or signing into forum to post then javascript is shut off and same for cookies.
Yes it is some work.. but safer.
I have all sorts of linux tools and bsd tools to alert of file changes and port attacks.. most the time the attacks come in with javascript so no alarm is set off unless they get lucky.
Most of the time they prey on you if you have multiple windows open or open loading while the javascript is on SO don't have too many open at one time. They will do like a denial of service attack where they swamp the computer with data @ high band width and you sometimes hear the fan speed increase as the processor/s get hotter trying to handle all the data/hack, that will be the time they try to change a file to end your visits meaning demolish your system. The browser will sieze up so it is time to pull the wi-fi or ethernet cable and hit the power off button.
LEAVE the net off and restart if it will, start the browser and turn off the cookies and javascript and THEN DELET/CLEAR THE ALL BROWSER HISTORY and shut it off then restart again to make sure nothing is in buffer to affect the system.
You may be fine when it restarts.
I've been through more than 150 reinstalls of complete Linux systems and a small number of my favorite BSD which is too much trouble to re do.
I store 12 different alternate systems of Linux to reinstall at the blink of an eye... up in about 10-15 minutes with security without encryption.
I will not discuss my systems by name cause they already know me, there is nothing valuable on any of my puters including card #s or account info or even software as it is all free.
They hack me because they have the data that shows what knowledge I have and where I have been.
I post monkey wrenches that jam the machine and shine a light on the darkness of the evil lerking in the shadow .gov.
As I mentioned above about every meaningless click of the mouse cursor on the desktop is registered whether yes you only click a blank area or a folder. Everything in this window ... every letter before you hit enter and they collect before I hit send and have it all even if I erase or quit the window if I decide to not send this too you.
I have the software that monitors where this data is sent to and you can watch it in real time and collect the ip address on every server that collects it. I monitor it frequently and have proven to a number of others that this is possible to do.
THEY know it, and I know They know it.
On the BSD system because it is server system there are all sorts of tools for monitoring, I have one that can watch THEM in real time as They Hack with how much data and speed along with their ip address .. and I can type halt very fast and the whole thing ends right then! Unfortunately it's a more technical system to get a desktop on and accessories working. So I only keep as emergency. In fact there is no desktop for that reason and you have to type in the terminal the name of the program you wish to start... no icons to click and it only runs one browser that is not common to most users.
This by the way is the longest running system for a long time! Some times I get a little too comfortable and leave that javascript on too long and then they try as just this week was one of the first two attemps to swamp me.
Try to be safe