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 Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform

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PostSubject: Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform   Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform I_icon_minitimeTue May 14, 2013 8:32 am

Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform

Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform NationalID

While his son, Senator Rand Paul, has taken most of the national spotlight away from his father, Ron Paul has not stopped advancing his “Campaign for Liberty.” Ron Paul and his supporters have built up a massive database of “liberty loving” supporters since the organization launched in 2008, following his second unsuccessful campaign for the Presidency. And today, he is robo-calling his supporters to sign a petition against the inclusion of a National ID card in immigration reform negotiations. From the petition: Right now, freedom-stealing Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with other statists from both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new “immigration reform” bill. If passed, it would require every American to obtain a National ID card to work legally in the U.S. – and you can bet it will be only a matter of time until they’re required even for simple purchases. Ron Paul calls the current proposals “by far the worst national ID card the statists have come up with yet.”
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Ron Paul: Yes, The Gang Of 8 Is Hiding A Massive And Mandatory National ID Scheme In Immigration Reform
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