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 Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border

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Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border Empty
PostSubject: Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border   Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 30, 2017 8:21 am

Vladimir Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border after Kim Jong-un's latest missile launch

  • Vladimir Putin ordered 1,500 citizens to leave the area on North Korea's border
  • Russia and the hermit state share a 24-mile long international frontier by a river
  • The Russian Ministry of Emergencies warned citizens to leave the area 
  • Dictator Kim Jong-un ordered a missile fired over Japan in a provocative move  

By Will Stewart In Moscow for MailOnline
Published: 16:26 EDT, 29 August 2017 | Updated: 20:58 EDT, 29 August 2017

  • [email=?subject=Read%20this:%20Vladimir%20Putin%20orders%201,500%20Russians%20to%20move%20away%20from%20North%20Korean%20border%20after%20Kim%20Jong-un%27s%20latest%20missile%20launch%C2%A0&body=Vladimir%20Putin%20orders%201%2C500%20Russians%20to%20move%20away%20from%20North%20Korean%20border%20after%20Kim%20Jong-un%27s%20latest%20missile%20launch%C2%A0%0A%0AThe%20civil%2***]e-mail [/email]



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Russia dramatically relocated 1,500 people from its border with North Korea after Kim Jong-un's latest missile launch, it was reported today.
The surprise move instructed civil defence officials to shift residents to 'safe areas' in the country's far east, according to pro-Kremlin media outlets.
'A verbal order was given to relocate 1,500 people to safe areas,' reported Mash, a social media outlet linked to major news service which has close links to the Russian security services.
Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border 43A7E81500000578-0-image-a-27_1504037777275
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian citizens to leave the country's 24-mile international frontier with North Korea because of increasing tensions in the region 
Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border 43B052CF00000578-4834546-image-a-7_1504041010289
Russian citizens have been ordered to leave a 24-mile stretch of the frontier with North Korea
Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border 43A8831A00000578-0-image-a-26_1504037647077
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un fired a missile over Japanese territory on Monday night 
Putin orders 1,500 Russians to move away from North Korean border 43A9149C00000578-0-image-a-28_1504037870370
Japan's Air Self Defence Forces have been holding drills using Patriot Missiles in response to North Korea's provocative actions on Monday night
'The order came from the regional department of the Russian Ministry of Emergencies.'
Russia shares a 24 mile land border with reclusive North Korea.
It was unclear where the 1,500 were moved.
The civil protection department in Vladivostok was instructed to relocate residents living in the border area with North Korea.

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