[size=30]Two Hurricanes, Two Earthquakes, Economic Collapse, and Dollar Devalued 50%[/size] SEPTEMBER 7, 2017 12:30 AM BY JAMES BAILEY 24 COMMENTS
John Fenn, founder of Church Without Walls International, shared a prophetic warning in a 10-minute video published yesterday, which is shown below. The following provides a transcript of excerpts from the video.
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“I think I released this to the public in about 2008. I think the Father told me about it 10 or 15 years ago. This is a prophetic word for the United States. I was asking Him about our nation and where we were going and everything. And He said there would be two hurricanes that would hit the United States… and the impression was they would be back to back. I wondered for a while if Katrina and Harvey, you know 12 years apart, were it, but nothing resonated with me. But with Harvey and then Irma about to hit perhaps Florida… anyway, He told me there would be two hurricanes that would hit the United States and the first one would be very expensive, as would the second one. And He said it would come at a time when the Congress had many decisions to make in determining the direction for this nation. And He said after those two hurricanes, we would see an earthquake in California and that would be interesting and devastating and expensive as well. And he said it would come at a time when the United States was already dealing with the expense of the hurricanes. But you know how it is with Katrina. There are areas 12 years later where they are still dealing with Katrina, so you don’t know the timeframe. Then he said, “Then will come another earthquake that will occur in an area not normally thought of as prone to earthquakes, not normally thought of as having earthquakes.” He didn’t specify the city. He just said there would be another earthquake that would come. He talked about the economy being affected by this and people being affected by this and that there would be many factors contributing.”
Economic Collapse by September 2018
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“I also want to share a little more detail about the what the Lord said in June 2017 when He appeared to me… He put his left hand on me and said, “You will live and not die.” Then He shared some other things about what would happen between that time and September 2018. A lot of it had to do with us and our ministry, things that were personal and not for public consumption, but one of the things He said about this fall in the U.S. was, ‘If the Congress does not make right decisions in accordance with what they should be doing, the investors will lose faith in their ability to enact policies and there will be an economic collapse similar to 2008, but larger in scope because the one in 2008 was just bad policy and failing companies, but this involves the president and the Congress and a lack of confidence in the ability of the Congress to get his agenda through. The effect will be worldwide.’ The context was to pray about these things that people would do the right things, so there is a lot of wisdom that is needed by the government.”
Bank Holiday and Dollar Devalued by 50%
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“About 15 years ago, I told the Father, ‘I would like to have a savings account. I would like to have some money.’ He responded and I didn’t expect this. He said, ‘Why do you want to put your money in there?’ Immediately, there was a vision before me, like a TV screen, and I saw a bank, like on a Thursday. I knew in the vision it was a Thursday afternoon and people were going about their business normally. Then on Friday, I saw the bank closing early. Then on Saturday, the scene just shifted like a movie shifts scenes. I saw people pounding at the doors glass doors. Banks were closed and people were screaming, ‘I want my money! I want my money!’ When the banks reopened Monday morning, the US dollar was worth 50% of its value before it had closed on Friday. There was a government move to devalue the dollar.”
My Comments: John Fenn’s prophetic words confirm what God has been showing me for the past several years. In a dream in November 2014, I was taken into the future of the United States where I knew we had already endured a series of great problems. I was not shown the specific details of what had happened, but I was shown the worst was still to come as our federal government was planning the mass murder of the American people. I was warned to leave the country before their plans were implemented or I would be killed along with millions of others. The deadline for a safe exit was revealed in cryptic format, which I interpreted to be 2020 or 2021. That timing seems to fit with the events now unfolding and the future events John Fenn saw. Two hurricanes, two earthquakes, an economic collapse, and a 50%-dollar devaluation are the kind of events that could cause the kind of severe trouble I saw. If Harvey is the first hurricane and Irma is the second, then we are well on our way to fulfilling what he saw. Completing the rest of it within the next three or four years seems possible. In a dream on July 7 2014, I saw an economic collapse coming. The first scene of the dream revealed a strengthening of the U.S. dollar, which was fulfilled in 2015 when the dollar index soared from 79 in the summer of 2014 to 101 in the spring of 2015. In the dream, I saw the strong dollar causing great problems for other nations of the world, which has also been fulfilled. Although it has lost some value in 2017, it has maintained over half of those gains with the dollar index currently at about 92. I am expecting it to begin a second wave higher soon, causing even greater problems for other nations because they’re required to conduct International trade in dollars. Then I saw it suddenly devalued, symbolically revealed in the dream by a sudden overturning of a table. I was not shown the amount of the devaluation, but I knew it was significant, so John Fenn’s 50% devaluation fits what I was expecting. When the table was turned over, I saw an inverse ETF called FAZ skyrocketing. FAZ is tied to the financial sector and moves in the opposite direction three times as fast. The only way it could skyrocket is if the financial sector was crashing, which fits with the banking holiday described by John Fenn. It appears the sudden devaluation of the dollar will cause a financial crisis as major institutions will be forced to implement capital controls to avoid bank runs. He saw the American public outraged because they did not have access to their bank deposits. They will likely be even more outraged when they realized Congress has already passed legislation to protect the banks at the expense of depositors. No wonder John Fenn saw the people losing confidence in our government’s ability to enact the right policies. While our people indulged in entertainment, sports, drugs, alcohol, and sexual immorality, most failed to notice the trap set by the shadow government. The few people who have tried to expose their evil schemes have been branded as lunatics and ignored. God asked John, “Why do you want to put your money in there?” That sounds like a strange question today because most of us believe our bank deposits are safe, but with this question, God revealed they are not safe. Many believe their deposits are protected by the government backed FDIC, but the FDIC only has $25 billion in assets, not even enough to cover 1% of total deposits. When bank holidays are declared, bank deposits will be in great danger. John was not shown the timing of the dollar devaluation, but I don’t expect it to happen this year because of other events that I believe must happen first. On March 10 2017, I published an update on what I called the final four seasons of the U.S. dollar, including the sequence of events I am expecting to see leading to the devaluation and eventual death of the dollar. Many well-known prophetic voices are proclaiming America has avoided judgment and our future is bright. I don’t believe their claims. Everything I am seeing today confirms we are right on track to fulfill what I saw, as confirmed by many prophetic warnings including these from John Fenn. Rather than avoiding judgment, it appears it has already begun. I believe the recent solar eclipse marked the beginning of it. I agree with John Fenn’s comments that God gives these warnings not as predictions, but as warnings that can be avoided if we take the right actions. Even if they have started, it is not too late for the fervent prayers of the righteous to make a difference in what happens next (James 5:16). Perhaps we can still avoid some of these events, or at least push back the dates. Thanks to Jemba for sharing this video with me.
Author: James Bailey
James Bailey is an author, business owner, husband and father of two children. His vision is to broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ through blog sites and other media outlets.