I saw the video. Every time I see this stellarium program come up I look at hydra, corvus, and crater right below virgo and wonder why no one is talking about the stuff below the ecliptic. The second part of Rev 12 is all right there below the ecliptic in Hydra, corvus, and crater. When Ophiuchus casts the dragon out of heaven to earth he is above the ecliptic, then when he is cast down to earth he is below the ecliptic as hydra.
Hydra - Multiheaded serpent (also the "chaos serpent" known as the serpent lion https://www.google.com/search?biw=1680&bih=910&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=lotan+ugaric&oq=lotan+ugaric&gs_l=psy-ab.3...5113.7419.0.7555.
Corvus - bird (two great wings)
Crater - cup filled with water being poured out toward virgo. (The dragon pours water out after the virgin.