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| Subject: WILL THE REAL PETRUS ROMANUS PLEASE STEP UP? Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:17 pm | |
October 5, 2017 by SkyWatch Editor
by Dr. Thomas HornAs stated in our bestselling book, Petrus Romanus, the idea by some Catholics that the final pope from St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with. This could give rise to the False Prophet, who, according to the book of Revelation, leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as the Antichrist. This marriage of Church and secular government would give unprecedented global influence to the Man of Sin during the period known as the Great Tribulation.In recent history, several Catholic priests—some deceased now—have been surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as the inevitable danger of the False Prophet rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences. These priests used the term “Illuminati” not strictly as a reference to the Bavarian movement founded May 1, 1776, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt, but as indicative of a modern multinational power elite, the occult hierarchy operating behind current supranatural and global political machinations, such as Donald Trump is now learning about. According to Catholic priests such as Father John F. O’Connor, Father Alfred Kunz, Father Malachi Martin, and others, among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all professing Christians, it is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state.In Petrus, we especially featured retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, eminent Catholic theologian, and former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin, who was a close personal friend of Pope Paul VI and worked within the Holy See doing research on the Dead Sea Scrolls, publishing articles in journals on Semitic paleography, and teaching Aramaic, Hebrew, and Sacred Scripture. In 1965, Paul VI granted Martin a dispensation from his Jesuit and priestly duties, and Martin moved to New York, where he dedicated himself to writing about—and sometimes speaking out on—a variety of issues stemming from the Second Vatican Council, to detailed insider accounts of papal history, Catholic dogma, and geopolitics. As a member of the Vatican Advisory Council and personal secretary to renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea, Martin had privileged information pertaining to secretive Church and world issues, including the Third Secret of Fátima, which many believe has never been released and that Martin hinted spelled out parts of a plan to formally install the dreaded False Prophet during a “Final Conclave.” In light of Pope Benedict’s resignation, which Cris Putnam and I accurately predicted to the month and year in our influential work, and the election of the first Jesuit to the pontificate, Martin’s book, Windswept House—in which he depicted how a pope would be secretly forced from office (Benedict?) and replaced by a Jesuit-backed leader who would help them establish a New World Order (Francis?)—comes vividly into view. Martin’s claim that this Illuminati-empowered group had infiltrated the highest levels of Vatican administration and was working to bring about this New World Order may also have led to involvement by operatives of the same group concerning his untimely—some say “suspicious”—death in 1999. Was he murdered by the Masonic “Superforce” he had warned about as working behind the scenes, secretly acting to use the Vatican to bring about a global Antichrist system?We investigated this conspiracy extensively in Petrus Romanus, and if you have not read that book, you should do so as soon as you can.Why?Because a growing number of Catholic theologians, priests, and laity are increasingly concerned that Pope Francis may not only be the man from Malachy’s ancient “Prophecy of the Popes,” but the one Malachi Martin feared. [i]And it isn’t just conspiracy fruit-loops thinking this way. In fact, the pope’s personal secretary, emeritus Pope Benedict, and even Pope Francis himself may agree.In a shocking 2014 interview titled Is Francis the last Pope? published by the two largest Catholic News agencies in the world (CAN and EWTN News), the personal secretary to Pope Benedict and Prefect of the Papal Household for Pope Francis, Archbishop George Gänswein was specifically asked about the “Prophesy of Malachy,” the retirement of Benedict, and whether Francis believes he is the last pontiff.The interview began by making direct reference to questions I (Tom Horn) had raised regarding the dual lightning strikes atop St. Peter’s Basilica on the evening of February 11, 2013, on the same day of Benedict’s resignation. I followed that with commentary about the inauguration of Francis and how, “for a few adepts of history and secret orders,” this sign from Heaven was deliciously staged. The term “inaugurate” is from the Latin inauguratio, and refers to the archaic ceremony by which the Roman augurs(“soothsayers”) approved a king or ruler through lightning omens as being “sanctioned by the gods.” As for Petrus Romanus, his “inauguration” was sealed by the same omen the ancient augurs used in determining the will of the gods for a king in that part of Rome—thunder and lightning as the most important auspice and sign that Jupiter—the father of Apollo—was watching.It turns out that I was not alone in my ponderings, as “many observers chose to interpret this as a divine reaction to the historical announcement of Pope Benedict’s resignation, made that very morning” the Catholic news agencies confirmed. “As his personal secretary, Archbishop Gänswein, reminisced about how both he and Benedict only found out about the lightning strike after the event. ‘The impression was one of a sign from above, a reaction,’ he told Badde [who conducted the interview]. When he showed Benedict images of the spectacular incident a few days later, the pope asked whether this was some kind of digital montage, Gänswein said, adding: “however, nature had spoken,’”[ii] he said, echoing what I had published online in 2013.The astonishing report continued:During the interview, Paul Badde referenced… The “Prophecy of the Popes”—according to which, Pope Francis may be considered to be the last pope. “Indeed, when looking at the prophecy, and considering how there was always a sound reference to popes mentioned in its history—that gives me the shivers,” Archbishop Gänswein admitted… “speaking from historical experience, one has to say: Yes, it is a wake-up call.”[iii]Given that both current popes and their closest advisors at the Vatican have considered whether Pope Francis is Petrus Romanus, that the reality “gives them the shivers,” and that it is perceived as “a wake-up call,” is it any wonder that conservative scholars within the Church have taken an increasingly careful view of the new pope? And is the subsequent question of whether Pope Francis is the “False Prophet” the reason Canon Lawyers and Theologians for the Vatican hosted a Conference in Paris in March of 2017 to discuss “how to depose a heretical pope”?[iv]Before you doubt, consider how accusations of apostasy are stacking up against Francis elsewhere, too, with numerous top Catholic websites, blogs, and discussion forums deliberating how he is leading the Church toward schism, ironically a fulfillment of the pope’s namesake, Francis of Assisi, who famously predicted about the final pope:At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death.… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.[v]A respected Italian monsignor and former consultor to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has even gone on record saying that Pope Francis needs to stop the “confusion and apostasy” he is sowing among priests and bishops by “correcting” his “ambiguous and erroneous words and acts.”[vi]But Francis has been quick to expunge those from leadership who oppose him and to replace them with allies including Jesuits like himself, another Malichi Martin warning.As I was sending Saboteurs to the editor, Reuters News Agency reported a “major shake-up of the Vatican’s administration” in which Pope Francis replaced Catholicism’s top theologian, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, who was the head of the department charged with defending Catholic doctrine—the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.The position is the most important one that a pope fills in the Vatican hierarchy after the Secretary of State. Most incumbents keep it until they retire, which in Mueller’s case would have been in six years.[vii]Mueller, 69, was appointed by emeritus Pope Benedict in 2012 and is replaced by Pope Francis’ confederate, Jesuit Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.A few weeks ago Francis ramped up this war on conservative Catholics and prophecy believers by placing the American Religious Right in the crosshairs including Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon, [viii] a disquiting trend that has influential Catholic television network director Jose Galat publicly claiming that Pope Francis is the “false prophet” who, he says, is “paving the way for the Antichrist.” Galat also argues the “real pope” is Benedict XVI, who was somehow forced to resign in 2013. Francis “was elected by a mafia of cardinals,” he said, agreeing with other Catholics already mentioned who see a conspiracy behind this first ever Jesuit pope.[ix]And then there is Benedict himself who recently said the Catholic Church is “on the verge of capsizing.”[x]Given these sentiments and more, I predicted in my new book Saboteurs as well as on television and in one large conference attended by thousands of people September, 2017 in Branson, Missouri that Pope Francis would soon be charged with “heresy” by leading churchmen, a first salvo toward stronger charges to be filed in 2018. One week after I discussed my concerns publicly, Pope Francis was in fact accused of heresy by more than 60 priests, theologians and academics that published a 25-page letter in which the signatories issued a ‘filial correction’ (brotherly correction) to the pope, a measure last employed in the 14th century. The document accuses Francis of propagating numerous heretical positions.Perhaps strangest of all is a current inquiry in which the Vatican has launched an investigation into a Catholic group of exorcists (the Heralds) who, after having discussions with Satan, have determined that Pope Francis “is the Devil’s man.”[xi]But what if Francis is not Petrus Romanus, the final pope of Malachy’s prophecy? What if that dark Superforce (Catholic Freemasons) that Malachi Martin warned about is using Francis and his left-leaning theology to play a complex end-times game aimed at manipulating and reconfiguring Rome into a Socialist-Marxist instrument for the real Final Pope’s arrival? What if the same George Soros-globalist one-worlders who have teamed up against Trump are working with Francis to lay the groundwork for Antichrist’s global order ala the book of Revelation?Too crazy to believe?Here is what popular Catholic website LIFE SITE recently said:Most astonishingly, the Vatican itself seems involved as Pope Francis, the German bishops and others around him have openly developed close relationships with many leading One-Worlders, inviting them to the Vatican to give talks and advice. This has been a radical change from all past popes. Reports suggest George Soros favored Bergoglio [Pope Francis] during the Conclave that elected him pope. For the first time ever, the New World Order movement has gained powerful public backing for many of their agendas from the head of the Roman Catholic Church, who has aggressively insisted that climate change, open borders, anti-capitalism and more are now issues of moral and religious obligation for a new, worldly Catholic Church. It also appears that some in the Vatican may be laying the groundwork for a moral and religious case in favor of population control…. Many signs point to this.[xii]And what if I told you the rabbit hole of evidence to support this global conspiracy doesn’t stop there, and actually ties the resignation of Pope Benedict, the election of Pope Francis, George Soros, Obama, Hillary, John Podesta, the possible arrival of the False Prophet, Antichrist, Final Pope, discussions of a Messiah, and the years 2012 and 2016 to the Saboteurs now at work to overthrow the Trump administration’s agenda?(ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER)MUST WATCH “SABOTEURS” TRAILER WITH MUST-HAVE GIVEAWAY!Are you aware that a group of respected Catholic leaders recently sent a letter to President Trump asking him to launch an official investigation into activities connected to the people mentioned above? It appears that Team Obama was involved in a different coup similar to the one currently focused on Trump, but this time against the Vatican and which the authors of the letter believe forced the aging Pope Benedict to step down for sinister reasons.In a top-notch piece of investigative journalism, William F. Jasper at the New Americanasks:Did billionaire speculator George Soros, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, and Obama/Clinton adviser John Podesta conspire to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict XVI and replace him with a radical, Pope Francis? Did they use America’s intelligence agencies, and our nation’s diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church?Far from being some wild conspiracy theory, there is sound prima facie evidence to indicate that this is a serious effort to expose a political scandal of the highest order, involving flagrant, criminal abuse of power at the top levels of the U.S. government.[xiii]Here is the letter that Jasper refers to in its entirety that was written and sent by Catholic leaders from The Remnant newspaper:Dear President Trump:The campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” resonated with millions of common Americans and your tenacity in pushing back against many of the most harmful recent trends has been most inspiring. We all look forward to seeing a continued reversal of the collectivist trends of recent decades.Reversing recent collectivist trends will, by necessity, require a reversal of many of the actions taken by the previous administration. Among those actions we believe that there is one that remains cloaked in secrecy. Specifically, we have reason to believe that a Vatican “regime change” was engineered by the Obama administration.We were alarmed to discover that, during the third year of the first term of the Obama administration your previous opponent, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials with whom she associated proposed a Catholic “revolution” in which the final demise of what was left of the Catholic Church in America would be realized. Approximately a year after this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left. The Pontificate of Pope Francis has subsequently called into question its own legitimacy on a multitude of occasions.During the 2016 presidential campaign we were astonished to witness Pope Francis actively campaigning against your proposed policies concerning the securing of our borders, and even going so far as to suggest that you are not a Christian. We appreciated your prompt and pointed response to this disgraceful accusation.We remain puzzled by the behavior of this ideologically charged Pope, whose mission seems to be one of advancing secular agendas of the left rather than guiding the Catholic Church in Her sacred mission. It is simply not the proper role of a Pope to be involved in politics to the point that he is considered to be the leader of the international left.While we share your stated goal for America, we believe that the path to “greatness” is for America to be “good” again, to paraphrase de Tocqueville. We understand that good character cannot be forced on people, but the opportunity to live our lives as good Catholics has been made increasingly difficult by what appears to be a collusion between a hostile United States government and a pope who seems to hold as much ill will towards followers of perennial Catholic teachings as he seems to hold toward yourself.With all of this in mind, and wishing the best for our country as well as for Catholics worldwide, we believe it to be the responsibility of loyal and informed United States Catholics to petition you to authorize an investigation into the following questions:– To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis?– What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?– Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”?– International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this?– Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence?– What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?– What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?– What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory?We believe that the very existence of these unanswered questions provides sufficient evidence to warrant this request for an investigation.Should such an investigation reveal that the U.S. government interfered inappropriately into the affairs of the Catholic Church, we further request the release of the results so that Catholics may request appropriate action from those elements of our hierarchy who remain loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church.Please understand that we are not requesting an investigation into the Catholic Church; we are simply asking for an investigation into recent activities of the U.S. Government, of which you are now the chief executive.Thank you again, and be assured of our most sincere prayers.Respectfully,David L. Sonnier, LTC US ARMY (Retired)Michael J. Matt, Editor of The RemnantChristopher A. Ferrara (President of The American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.)Chris Jackson, Catholics4Trump.comElizabeth Yore, Esq., Founder of YoreChildrenAt the end of the letter above on the Remnant’s official website,[xiv] they provide links to documents and articles that support their charges, including some released by WikiLeaks, which caught Soros, Clinton, and Podesta conferring on how to bring the “middle ages dictatorship” at the Vatican to an end.In another New American report from last October, the e-mails in question were investigated involving the Clinton campaign’s secret anti-Catholic agenda. They noted:Podesta, a longtime Clinton adviser/confidante and hand-picked top activist for left-wing funder George Soros, revealed in a 2011 e-mail that he and other activists were working to effect a “Catholic Spring” revolution within the Catholic Church, an obvious reference to the disastrous “Arab Spring” coups organized that same year by the Obama-Clinton-Soros team that destabilized the Middle East and brought radical Islamist regimes and terrorist groups to power in the region. The Podesta e-mail is a response to another Soros-funded radical—Sandy Newman, founder of the “progressive” Voices for Progress. Newman had written to Podesta seeking advice on the best way to “plant the seeds of the revolution” in the Catholic Church, which he described as a “middle ages [sic] dictatorship.”[xv]Of special interest to me in the letter to Trump from the concerned Catholics is where they specifically note: “Approximately a year after this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left” and that they “remain puzzled by the behavior of this ideologically charged Pope, whose mission seems to be one of advancing secular agendas of the left rather than guiding the Catholic Church in Her sacred mission.… It is simply not the proper role of a Pope to be involved in politics to the point that he is considered to be the leader of the international left.”It’s not hard to read between the lines above to find the insinuation that Pope Francis is—or is paving the way—for the False Prophet that guides the world’s religious faithful into supporting a political figure called Antichrist.With all this in mind, and given mine and Cris Putnam’s personal exhaustive investigation into the Vatican, our extensive research into the Prophecy of the Popes, the correct predictions we made regarding the resignation of Benedict before the fact, and our follow-up probe into the conclave that elected Francis, I have a bombshell announcement to make. I am reaching out to those concealed friends in Rome that assisted me in the past to confirm my belief that Pope Francis will either retire soon or be taken out of the way, and that this really is tied to something strange that unfolded in bringing him temporarily to the pontificate. I believe, as they suggested, Francis was not “canonically elected,” as his namesake originally predicted. And the church members that helped me before and the ones already cited above are only the tip of the iceberg of those who will eventually voice how “illegitimate” activity went on behind closed doors during the last papal election,[xvi] and that, for reasons we do not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary “placeholder” until the real Pope #112 (Petrus Romanus) could be installed. The mysterious reasons surrounding this “placeholder” false pope may never fully be known, but was foreseen by such mystics as Father Herman Bernard Kramer in his work, The Book of Destiny. During an unusual interpretation he made of the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation concerning “the great wonder” mentioned in verse 1, Father Kramer wrote:The “sign” in heaven is that of a woman with child crying out in her travail and anguish of delivery. In that travail, she gives birth to some definite “person” who is to RULE the Church with a rod of iron (verse 5). It then points to a conflict waged within the Church to elect one who was to “rule all nations” in the manner clearly stated. In accord with the text this is unmistakably a PAPAL ELECTION, for only Christ and his Vicar have the divine right to rule ALL NATIONS.… But at this time the great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate by threats of a general apostasy, assassination or imprisonment of this candidate if elected. (capitalized emphasis in original)[xvii]Although I disagree with Kramer’s interpretation of the book of Revelation, his fear that “great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected candidate” echoes the sentiment of priests mentioned elsewhere in Petrus Romanus, who saw a crisis for the Church coming, and the False Prophet and Antichrist rising as a result.This, too, was in the news recently when a report was published by Sébastien Maillard, Vatican correspondent for La Croix, in Rome. He noted how a large array of conservative bishops fear that Francis is bypassing critical Church doctrine and fear he has already gone too far. Even those cardinals who voted for Francis now want him to step down so that the Holy See’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, can be elected the real pope.[xviii] And these electors understand something else, too. Parolin’s name means “Peter the Roman” from the final line of the Prophecy of the Popes.OVER $130.00 IN FREE GIFTS INCLUDING THE DELUXE OVERSIZED HARDBACK COLLECTOR’S 2-VOLUME DEMONOLOGY SET WHEN YOUR PRE-ORDER SABOTEURS! (SHIPS IN 2 WEEKS FROM NOW!) [i][ii][iii] Ibid[iv][v][vi][vii][viii][ix][x][xi][xii][xiii][xiv][xv][xvi][xvii] Rev. Herman Bernard Kramer, The Book of Destiny (Belleville, IL: Buechler Publishing Company, 1955), 277.[xviii] |