Thanks for the report, Lovisa. Glad to know somebody was watching. Last hour report below and it's a doozie! Worth seeing.
This part starts at exactly the 3 hour mark and it starts off with a BANG - UN training in USA ending 01 Oct. and they were to leave but now they are staying. He’s predicting that this isn’t over and something even worse is on the horizon with MARTIAL LAW probably to be implemented afterwards and UN troop enforced - Lots about ISIS (really, ISIS is our creation, they are our guys) involvement - mayhem false flags being implemented worldwide - Trump’s meetings lately with Henry Kissinger (Mr. new world order on steroids!) for ??? Binsack unleashes a barrage of f-bombs in Kissinger’s direction and that was so lovely to hear. My “like meter” just went up another point for that! He also unleashes a nasty barrage on Trump for the Kissinger meetings. Some mighty damning stuff on Trump if this goes where I think it might go. Heads up! Something ain’t right there people! (that’s MY comment)
We are now at 3hr 18min 30sec – 18½ minutes in to the fourth hour and he hit the deck running full speed from the start and hasn’t let up at all. He did say at the start of the video that the final part would be bombshell material and so far he’s made good on that promise.
More follows. If the picture from 2011 below makes you want to doo-doo your undies then you and I both are going to need a case of Charmin toilet paper.
C H E C K -T H E - P I C T U R E - L O C A T I O N ! ! ! ! Check this link out.
Lots about the MGM CEO shares sell off and tie-ins with George Soros.
Think the Patriot act(s) were bad after 9-11? Just wait! Look for new more draconian laws on the horizon because of Las Vegas. There may yet be more to come as Las Vegas was pretty much a NWO failure with only 58 kills . . . they were going for a thousand or more!
Later on (about 3h 40m) he gets into earth changes, earth axis tilting (we’ve talked about that here on this forum for a while) and says a pole shift has already started and gives examples and predictions.
This last hour is definitely worth watching. Abrupt cut-off ending. Guess he used up all his YouTube account.