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 discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter

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discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter Empty
PostSubject: discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter   discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 10:04 am

This sounds like it would mess up the easter bunny stuff?

Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 13-Feb-2013 07:39:47


Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation
New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as "Easter Reclamation" plan continues
A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State


The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict's sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation's courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic church commencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global "Easter Reclamation Campaign" whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation's government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation Campaign" against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.

In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict's complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger's resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation's government on February 4, 2013.

We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.

Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.

Issued 13 February, 2013
12:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office
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discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter Empty
PostSubject: Re: discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter   discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 10:36 am

Think I'll take all this with a grain of salt. The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State Looks like it is a kind of watchdog organization. I'm not saying that they aren't "official" in some way but to me they look about as "official" as Federal Express' being a part the USA government.

I do not like terms like;

"was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government"
What government????
"our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation"
What European Nation????
"This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See"
Served by whom????
"The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation"
What nation????
"We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts"
If you are so dang "official" why do you need anyone's assist? Oh yeah, $$$$$$$

I believe this whole thing to be total bullocks!!!!

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discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter Empty
PostSubject: Re: discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter   discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 10:52 am

I also take issue with the phrase "historically unprecedented resignation". It hasn't happened in 600 years, but it isn't "historically unprecedented".

I don't know who this organization is, but it doesn't sound too plausible to me, either.
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discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter Empty
PostSubject: Re: discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter   discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 13, 2013 1:19 pm

As nutty as this sounds there may be something to this spring. I've been watching for this sort of thing. We are in the window of the 700 year anniversary of the knights templar asset seizure and executions set about by the catholic church. While not scriptual in nature they've held to the templar "prophecy" for centuries:
Every seven hundred years the laurel grows green
(Not verbatim but its along those lines.)
Various masonic and other practices are continuations of numerous templar activities.
Edit to fix subject verb agreement. Argh:study:
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PostSubject: Re: discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter   discern: Pope Benedict Resigned to Avoid Arrest, Seizure of Church Wealth by Easter I_icon_minitime

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