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 SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 9:58 am


Kate Steinle verdict reignites political firestorm

The jury considered first-degree, second-degree, or involuntary manslaughter for Garcia Zarate, who also faces charges of assault with a semiautomatic firearm and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

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  • Bali volcano in CRITICAL PHASE: Mount Agung one-third full of red hot lava 

Last edited by spring2 on Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:27 pm; edited 3 times in total
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 10:09 am

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Bj
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Posts : 14788
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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 72
Location : San Diego

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 10:23 am

I used to like Ben & Jerry's, best ice cream in the world, but I gave it up years ago for their very 'in your face' and their very far leftist America destroying stance. Spring's photo reminded me that I did the right thing.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Satellite Photos Show North Korea Preparing Another Missile Launch   SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 10:51 am

Satellite Photos Show North Korea Preparing Another Missile Launch

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Picture-5
[size=10]by Tyler Durden
Nov 30, 2017 8:05 PM


North Korea carried out its first missile test in more than two months earlier this week, ending the longest stretch of calm since President Trump took office. But according to satellite images exclusively obtained by Fox News, the North Korean military is already constructing another launch pad at the Panghyon Airbase in North Pyongyang - the same site where it carried out its July 4 launch of an ICBM.
This suggests that the North is already preparing for its next missile test.
Analysts at Image Sat International spotted the construction just days after the rogue nation launched an ICBM that North Korea claimed was powerful enough to carry a “super-heavy nuclear warhead” that could strike the “mainland of the U.S."
SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  2017.11.30satellite_0
According to the ImageSat analysts, who are closely following North Korean military activity, this is “the first time that they have decided to rebuild a site that they have used before."
The photos, dated Nov. 23 and 24, appear to show the development of another launch pad just a few yards away from the one used during the July 4 Hwasong-14 ICBM launch, as well as a newly renovated access road.
SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  2017.11.30satellitetwo_0
Constructed in the 1980s, the Panghyon site is North Korea's primary aircraft production, repair, and research facility.
The satellite images also show the construction of an aircraft hangar, as well as airplanes being moved and stored in hangers on the tarmac.
With the recent launch of another ICBM and the construction of additional launching pads, North Korea continues to defy the US-led world outrage over its nuclear program and is determined to bring it to completion.
The Hwasong-15 rocket tested by the North Tuesday was themost powerful of the three ICBMs tested by the Kim regime so far. Furthermore, the mobile night launch appeared aimed at testing new capabilities and demonstrating that Pyongyang would be able to strike back to any attempt at a preventative strike against the regime. The missile's peak height and record flight time also helped confirm the Pentagon's worst fears: The North now possesses the capability to strike nearly any target on the continental US.
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: peak in economy is probably from mid-2018 on, and slow down into 2020.   SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 11:03 am

This Cycle: It's Not The Economy, It's China, Stupid!

by Tyler Durden
Nov 30, 2017 7:05 PM

Quote :
Felix: China I believe is in an interesting position right now. You heard President Xi’s speech last week, and in 2021 there is the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist party and it’s very clear that they want to have a strong economy at that time. If you want to have a strong economy in 2021, you stimulate in 2020. And they are central planners. So that’s means they have to take their foot off the pedal in 2018, 2019. I think in ‘18 and ‘19, they will address the imbalances in the financial sector and that will slow down the Chinese economy in ‘18 and ‘19, which will also slow down the rest of the world.
So we are entering a period where sometime in ‘18, I would say the peak of the market will be in the first half, the peak in the economy is probably from mid-2018 on, and then we slow down into 2020.
And 2022 is the next Chinese Congress, and President Xi is probably the first leader who tries to run for a third time. So he wants to have a very good economy in 2021 and 2022. That means he has to first slow things down, restructure some of the imbalances in the system because if he tries to carry through, it could backfire on him. It could be the worst of all worlds. Namely a completely overheated situation, with high inflation rates, etc…
That’s why I think the leader of this cycle, China, is going to slow down next year.
Barry: So the whole global economy is dependent on President Xi’s re-election desires in 2022?
Felix: As I said before, you always need to figure out what is the leading theme in the market cycle. In the last cycle, it was real estate, in this cycle it is China. And that’s why China is so important. China is the second largest economy, and in 10 or 15 years, it will be the largest economy of the world.
Longtime readers will instantly see why Felix’s theory appealed to me. I have long argued that China’s fiscal and monetary policy might be the most two important variables when it comes to forecasting the global economy. And here was Felix making the case that the entire global economic cycle is being driven by China. Felix - you had me at hello.
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 1:34 pm

researcher wrote:
I used to like Ben & Jerry's, best ice cream in the world, but I gave it up years ago for their very 'in your face' and their very far leftist America destroying stance. Spring's photo reminded me that I did the right thing.

yes we intelligent peeps do things for good reason!
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: first Restaurant of Human Meat in the World   SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:25 pm



They open the first Restaurant of Human Meat in the World

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  65a5cdf006989fdb16a658fc7caba73ead23d330
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Kushner Is "Senior Official" Who Ordered Flynn To Contact Russia   SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:29 pm

Kushner Is "Senior Official" Who Ordered Flynn To Contact Russia

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Kushner%20teaser_1

"If that's all there is, then the whispers of collusion will look foolish. Nonetheless, it may be enough to take out not only Flynn, but also the man who married the president's daughter."

  • DEC 1, 2017 1:45 PM

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Are We Going Overboard?    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:31 pm

Kunstler: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  20171201_guilty

"It’s gotten to the point where any man who ever made pass at someone is now defined as a sexual predator, feeding the delusional trope that all women are everywhere and always 'victims'..."????

Even the attempted kiss?? but I don't like you ???

  • DEC 1, 2017 3:55 PM

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:37 pm

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  70260
Ruger GP100 KGP161 357 Mag Alloy Steel 6" Heavy Barrel 6rd Black Hogue Monogrip
double action adjustable rear site... very accurate best family caliber, teen, women and men still enough for bear!
Go for a 5" for family!!!!
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:44 pm

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  31wN6v6RMlL._AC_US218_

KA1259-BRK Short Serrated Kydex

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:51 pm

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  41PT1aiEh9L._AC_US218_Augason FarmsAugason FarmsEmergency
Augason Farms 30 Day All-In-One Emergency Food Storage Pail 29 lbs 4.37 oz
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:53 pm

WaterBrick 1833-0003 Stackable Water and Food Storage Container, 3.5 gal, Tan
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In Stock.

Arrives before Christmas. Choose delivery option in checkout.
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 4:58 pm

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  81vrPqGZNAL._SX522_
MTM AC4C Ammo Crate (4-Can)
4.7 out of 5 stars    63 customer reviews

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form factor, fits deer cart, fits atv front rack! just try grabbing four at once with handles!!! will fit my atv trailers!!
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 6:35 pm

researcher wrote:
I used to like Ben & Jerry's, best ice cream in the world, but I gave it up years ago for their very 'in your face' and their very far leftist America destroying stance. Spring's photo reminded me that I did the right thing.

 Not that I buy ice cream like that ,but now I never will. The penzey's spice co sent a letter out to my sister saying she should be ashamed if she voted republican last Nov. The bil wrote them back  and told them where to put their spices. No more penzeys for us  ever again..
 It is ludicrous about the murderer getting off. That is beyond wrong.  I could go on and on but...  although I can't due to my beliefs, would like to btsooh and the releasers as well .. and then do it again the next day and the day after..

Last edited by bordercollie on Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added comment)
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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 6:59 pm

spring2 wrote:
researcher wrote:
I used to like Ben & Jerry's, best ice cream in the world, but I gave it up years ago for their very 'in your face' and their very far leftist America destroying stance. Spring's photo reminded me that I did the right thing.

yes we intelligent peeps do things for good reason!

i used to buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream (mostly Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia) and stopped buying it because it added weight overnight that wouldn't go away for a year.
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Posts : 14788
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Join date : 2011-08-13
Age : 72
Location : San Diego

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 7:00 pm

bordercollie wrote:
researcher wrote:
I used to like Ben & Jerry's, best ice cream in the world, but I gave it up years ago for their very 'in your face' and their very far leftist America destroying stance. Spring's photo reminded me that I did the right thing.

 Not that I buy ice cream like that ,but now I never will. The penzey's spice co sent a letter out to my sister saying she should be ashamed if she voted republican last Nov. The bil wrote them back  and told them where to put their spices. No more penzeys for us  ever again..
 It is ludicrous about the murderer getting off. That is beyond wrong.  I could go on and on but...  although I can't due to my beliefs, would like to btsooh and the releasers as well .. and then do it again the next day and the day after..

And no more B&J Cherry Garcia for me! It was my favorite. You know, I'm not opposed to those two liberal hippies making ice cream but when they got all "lefty-loony political" I quit them. If a company is going to make ice cream or spices or whatever then do that and shut the f--- up about politics. ANY POLITICS - left or right! Just do your product.

SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Cherry-garcia-detail

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Was Mandalay a Drill for Chaos Elsewhere.. Link To>Military Contractors Against Civilians? Link To>Trump Impeach/Takeoout????   SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 01, 2017 10:08 pm

The Art of the Deal-Trump’s Imminent Takedown of the Deep State’s Prime Operatives
SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  CSS-Offical-New-Logo2

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  Empty
PostSubject: Re: SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat    SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat  I_icon_minitime

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SPRING'S = 12-1-2017 @S.F. MAYOR & JERRY BROWN BLOOD ON HANDS! REMEMBER KATE! @ NORTH KOREA PREPARING ANOTHER MISSILE LAUNCH # This Cycle: Not Economy, China, Stupid! # first Restaurant of Human Meat
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