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 Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him

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Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him  Empty
PostSubject: Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him    Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him  I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2018 7:00 pm

  • DAILY MAIL:Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him 

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Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him
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