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 1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed

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1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed Empty
PostSubject: 1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed   1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 3:12 pm

If we complete the triangle formed by the other two legs of the phenomenal 2012, 1776, Prime Meridian, Temple Mount measurement, we find 1776 encoded even in that distance, albeit this time in yards, in that the number of yards from 0n, 0w to the Temple Mount (Dome of the Rock specifically), divided by PI yields the following, suggesting there may be more to this whole thing than initially meets the eye:

1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed 4201636832_56a9b60341

It's also VERY interesting that if you fractalate (move the decimal, IOW) the exact decimal extension of this measurement to equal the year that seems to be the inherent sync-wink here, 1776, you get DECEMBER 7, 1776, which is exactly 33 x 5 years before PEARL HARBOR (no idea what, if any, ultimate significance this has - it seems like one of those "there's got to be more to this" kinda things. Anyway, that's why a forum is great for this stuff - gets everyone's mind thinking on the same thing, making heretofore undiscovered connections). In other words, since it looks like a year, make 1,776,934 into 1776.934 -- where the .934 of a year brings one to DECEMBER 7. Again, not saying there has to be connection somehow with PEARL HARBOR, but interesting nonetheless....

But we have a second 1776 measurement pop out in this triangle of synchronistic America / 1776 / Illuminati / 2012 / Time-Distance wonderment.
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1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed   1776, 2012, Temple Mount Triangle Completed I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2013 2:05 pm

Kinda interesting that Pearl Harbor was mentioned in the news recently. The report said that the U.S. knew about a possibility of an attack but chose to ignore it.

Also this ...
Quote :
... President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim December 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy".
from wikipedia

Hmmmmm.... I guess it does live in infamy.
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