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 Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET

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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 9:02 am

I've been wondering what Lindsey Williams has been up to lately and then ran across this recent video. Outside of the first bit (maybe around a half hour - I don't know because I skipped over it) where he gives his history, it's all new, full of info, with no teasers. Good job Lindsey!

I might add that the interviewer is a pretty sharp fellow too. I'll have to find out what else he's done.
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Internet Pilgrim

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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 11:45 am

I have a theory about when it's going to happen, based on God's patterns as demonstrated through "The Harbinger." Check out this update to the original and listen to what he says about the financial judgments, what specific day they fall on (the last two fell on the exact same day on the Hebrew calendar in 2001 and 2008) and when the next one is due, according to the pattern.

That gives us a little over 2 years to prepare. Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET 2923029310
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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 12:09 pm

Internet Pilgrim wrote:
That gives us a little over 2 years to prepare.

Hey, I'm exactly at the half way point on the Lindsey Williams video and Lindsey was saying something about the real total collapse being between maybe six months but possibly out as far as a year and a half or better. After I'm done listening to Lindsey (listening in 10-15 minute dribs and drabs) I'll check out that harbinger video. I'm intrigued that this Rabbi and L. Williams might be somewhere close or maybe even on the same page. I'll be keeping in mind what "V" has been telling on those Hagmann shows since January too.
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Internet Pilgrim

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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 12:28 pm

researcher, Rabbi Cahn makes no prediction about when it will occur. However, the pattern is clear & is based on the Old Testament day of shmita which occurred every seven years on 29 Elul. And interestingly enough, the two greatest collapses to date in American history occurred 29 Elul 2001 and 29 Elul 2008. By implication, that makes Elul 29, 2015 the next logical date. I trust God's patterns more than any analyst, so whatever any of them say, I'm convinced that Sept 13, 2015 is the date. That fits with the numerological pattern of the elites also, since Sept. 13th is a perfect number for them - 13; 9+13=22, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 4:12 pm

Canadians, Aussies, New Zealanders . . . . y'all might want to listen to this. In hour two [start at 1:21:00 for Canadians] you guys are being singled out and talked about. I'll just leave it at that and encourage you take a listen. Japan might want to listen in also as there is some about y'all too.

Internet Pilgrim, I still haven't gotten to the rabbi yet but I'm getting there. Need more java juice more coffee and less time making fun of Skitters. chuckle
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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 5:45 pm

I was familiar with the harbinger from the 2009 article by Sue Bradly but the rabbi expanded on it and offered a lot more information that has become available since Ms. Bradly's article. Thanks, Internet Pilgrim. I'll keep Sept. 13, 2015 in memory and will be watching.

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 5:49 pm

The rabbi has done a lot of work expanding on what Sue Bradley started. And I guess the rabbi's wife helps him with the research? At any rate, I have read his book The Harbinger. It's pretty good, but it's in novel form. I wonder if his study guide might be better.
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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 7:27 pm

Oh wow... just connect these two videos together and you get the picture, we don't have much time left for the collapse of all currencies and the introduction of the direct debit-credit system using the physical mark. This insanely massive derivatives bomb is just the thing to bring the end time prophecy into reality.

Not date setting here just musing on the things I've heard so far, could Sept 13, 2015 possibly the collapse date, and the AC's rise to power? Then March 2016 on Passover is the Abomination of Desolation?
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Internet Pilgrim

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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 10:24 pm

I am date setting, as far as the collapse is concerned because that date is based on a clear biblical pattern. But as far as the AC goes, who knows? I won't even guess at that. Joseph Farah, editor of wnd has made "The Harbinger" into a film that's posted in 2 parts on youtube. I haven't read the book, but the film might be clearer than it is since it's done in a fictional format & the film isn't.

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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeMon May 27, 2013 11:40 pm

I thought folks already knew about the stone and other events.... haven't we talked about this all on the old forum.... the cedar and sycamore etc... the lightning hitting the white house trees etc.

I have been warning you recently about Japan... 3rd largest economy is about to go, watch

IT will directly affect us... so when does it all go... pretty soon and I would expect all the anvils from every episode of Road Runner to be falling on our heads at once. Keep Watch!


it's all in the Word... and so is Wormwood!

maybe it's the Barrie Towers and frequencies putting folks to sleep again... I don't know.
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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeTue May 28, 2013 2:23 am

Japan it is, they will bring down the World's 3rd largest economy.
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Internet Pilgrim

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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeTue May 28, 2013 10:01 am

It's really interesting that Japan should be the first to go since I can remember in the 70's, when it was the model for everyone else. They were touted as the ideal society, economically, when the first Japanese cars began to hit the market and they started building Honda plants, etc. in this country. So much for the wisdom of this world.

As to all of this being discussed earlier, I've been gone for a couple of years so I probably missed it. Judging from some of the comments though, I'm not the only one who did. But even if it was discussed before, as the rabbi says, the harbingers are continuing and that makes it relevant still. I don't believe the financial collapses were part of the original signs - I believe that's new and frighteningly clear for those who are listening/watching.

On a personal level, if it were to come in the next few months, I'd be dead in the water. But I don't believe that God will allow that since I've been praying for a long time for a way to repay the debt I've incurred before I leave this world & the doors for that are just now beginning to open. On the other hand, if I'm wrong, then I'll be with the Lord ahead of many others since I've refused through years of trials to turn to or depend on the government for assistance. I've repeatedly said I'd starve to death before I'd accept food stamps, for instance, and he's honored that in miraculous ways through the last few years, providing for me & for numerous animals he's brought to my door in ways I never could've imagined. And that resolve has done more than boost my pride; it's weeded some people out of my life who were so offended by that position that they no longer will speak to me. And others, who were almost as angry at first, now are coming around to seeing the wisdom of relying solely on God, regardless of the ease of getting government benefits. They're finding it isn't God's provision for them, no matter what it may look like at moments of crisis. If for no other reason than that it puts you in an identifiable, dependent class, it's a looming disaster for those who are taking that way out of the problems created by the current economic climate. When they suddenly shut it off, those people will be in even worse trouble, so I'm grateful that no matter how hard it's been & no matter how it has destroyed my pride & self-reliance, it has been a good thing. I can't believe God won't honor that faith by showing me when the final crash will come so that I can prepare & get everyone paid back, especially when I've prayed for that specifically for a long time. Otherwise, my witness to them about Christ is no witness at all, if I'd stick them for the money they loaned me.

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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeTue May 28, 2013 12:15 pm

Thanks for the video links, Internet Pilgrim. Very Happy
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Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET Empty
PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitimeTue May 28, 2013 2:01 pm

Internet Pilgrim wrote:
It's really interesting that Japan should be the first to go since I can remember in the 70's, when it was the model for everyone else. They were touted as the ideal society, economically, when the first Japanese cars began to hit the market and they started building Honda plants, etc. in this country. So much for the wisdom of this world.

As to all of this being discussed earlier, I've been gone for a couple of years so I probably missed it. Judging from some of the comments though, I'm not the only one who did. But even if it was discussed before, as the rabbi says, the harbingers are continuing and that makes it relevant still. I don't believe the financial collapses were part of the original signs - I believe that's new and frighteningly clear for those who are listening/watching.

On a personal level, if it were to come in the next few months, I'd be dead in the water. But I don't believe that God will allow that since I've been praying for a long time for a way to repay the debt I've incurred before I leave this world & the doors for that are just now beginning to open. On the other hand, if I'm wrong, then I'll be with the Lord ahead of many others since I've refused through years of trials to turn to or depend on the government for assistance. I've repeatedly said I'd starve to death before I'd accept food stamps, for instance, and he's honored that in miraculous ways through the last few years, providing for me & for numerous animals he's brought to my door in ways I never could've imagined. And that resolve has done more than boost my pride; it's weeded some people out of my life who were so offended by that position that they no longer will speak to me. And others, who were almost as angry at first, now are coming around to seeing the wisdom of relying solely on God, regardless of the ease of getting government benefits. They're finding it isn't God's provision for them, no matter what it may look like at moments of crisis. If for no other reason than that it puts you in an identifiable, dependent class, it's a looming disaster for those who are taking that way out of the problems created by the current economic climate. When they suddenly shut it off, those people will be in even worse trouble, so I'm grateful that no matter how hard it's been & no matter how it has destroyed my pride & self-reliance, it has been a good thing. I can't believe God won't honor that faith by showing me when the final crash will come so that I can prepare & get everyone paid back, especially when I've prayed for that specifically for a long time. Otherwise, my witness to them about Christ is no witness at all, if I'd stick them for the money they loaned me.

That's a great ideal/plan you have IP, God bless you!
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PostSubject: Re: Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET   Elite Not Ready To Collapse Economy YET I_icon_minitime

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