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 Don't Take Fool's Gold - Holiday Counterfeits

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Join date : 2013-02-05

Don't Take Fool's Gold - Holiday Counterfeits Empty
PostSubject: Don't Take Fool's Gold - Holiday Counterfeits   Don't Take Fool's Gold - Holiday Counterfeits I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 5:35 pm

Whatever's important, God repeats. The more important, the more repeated.
And the Holy Ghost covers such from different viewpoints.
Christ fulfills the holy days of God.
The rebel angels try to sneak in counterfeits.

Jesus / Yeshua is working His plan to fulfill the Father's will.

# Holy Day Tent Armor Ministry Practice 7 Spirits Anointings
1 Passover Altar Helm Evangel Repent Glory Proclaim Good News
2 Unleavened Laver Sword Prophet Baptized Prophecy Restore Sight
3 First Fruits Table Boots Pastor Communion Life Heal Brokenhearts
4 Pentecost Lamp Belt Teacher Holy Ghost Truth Deliver Captives
5 Trumpets Censer Shield Apostle Pray Praise Free the Abused
6 Atonement Ark Vest Deacon Charity Meekness Forgive Debts
7 Tabernacles Seat Cloak Elder Witness Revelation Exact Justice

note: Isa. 59:17 for Cloak of Zeal and Isaiah 61 for Day of Vengeance (re: Exact Justice)

And of course, the rebels are working with those devoid of the Holy Spirit who have turned from Christ (Jesus / Yeshua ... Son of God / Savior).

So it's no great surprise when they use counterfeit secular, pagan, occult, cultural, or multi-faith holidays in place of those that Christ fulfills. Such as:

1 valentines (vs. Passover)
2 easter (vs. Unleavened Bread)
3 independence day (vs. First Fruits)
4 halloween (vs. Pentecost)
5 thanksgiving (vs. Trumpets)
6 xmas (vs. Atonement)
7 new years (vs. Tabernacles)

This is not about Jewish holidays. They made their own mess. Or even Messianic holidays.

It's about Christ -- and His plan. God's Holy Days point to Christ's Plan.

1 As our Passover Lamb -- He brought redemption at the Cross.
2 As our Unleavened (sinless) -- His body was put in the grave and Spirit overcame hell
3 As our First Fruits -- He resurrected as the First Begotten of the dead
4 As our Pentecost -- He ascended and sent His Spirit to equip His Church
5 As our Trumpets -- He will return for those watching 1st before coming with armies
6 As our Atonement -- He will reign 1000 years in this world
7 As our Tabernacles -- He will renew Creation to dwell in with His beloved, New Jerusalem

Whatever you do on the secular holidays, if you can bring Christ into them you do well.

If you turn thanksgiving into a day of gluttony, football, and sloth ... there's a consequence.
If your christmas results in packing on fat and going more into debt ... that's woe aplenty.
If valentine's is about lust, the day of the wolf instead of the Lamb ... that's apostasy.

Why be experts in worldly celebrations and ignorant of Christ's?
Of course if such become practices devoid of Christ and His Spirit, that's also counterfeit.

I believe they celebrate God's Holidays in Heaven because they're about Christ.
That doesn't have to line up with Hebrew, Messianic, or any other calendar.

They're about what Jesus has done and will do soon.

ps. I also believe they celebrate "conception days" instead of birthdays in Heaven. Especially when we're born again spiritually.

Don't take no fool's gold nor wooden nickels.

Whatever you do -- do so as unto the Lord!

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