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 Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina?

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Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina? Empty
PostSubject: Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina?   Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina? I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 10:42 pm

“As asteroids move through space, they slowly turn dark-red.[B] This phenomenon, called ‘space weathering,’

Hopi say

“When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small [b]Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us.
Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings.

“This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens In this way we will know Creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt very strongly.
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Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina?   Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina? I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 10:49 pm

Actually I don't think DA14 is it but it will be very soon. April?
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Hopi prophecy and DA14 Astroid? the ?Red Kachina?
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