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 6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region

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6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region Empty
PostSubject: 6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region   6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 9:30 pm

Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region

AUG 12, 2018 5:26 PM EDT U.S.

6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region 180812-aec-map-epicenterA look at the epicenter (red marker) of Sunday's quake in Alaska.Alaska Earthquake Center
[size=13]KAVIK RIVER CAMP, Alaska -- Alaska's North Slope was hit Sunday by the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the region, the state's seismologist said. At 6:58 a.m. Sunday, the magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck an area 42 miles east of Kavik River Camp and 343 miles northeast of Fairbanks, the state's second-biggest city. The agency says the earthquake had a depth of about 6 miles.

State seismologist Mike West told the Anchorage Daily News that the quake was the biggest recorded in the North Slope by a substantial amount. "This is a very significant event that will take us some time to understand," he told the Daily News.[/size]
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6.4Strongest-ever earthquake strikes Alaska's North Slope region
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